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Posts posted by alangr4


    In my travels across the internet I came across, what prima facie appears to be a wonderful addition to Model Ship World Library in the form of a beautifully designed book on the bone ships produced by prisoners of war during the Napoleonic Wars.


    The author Manfred Stein appears to have brought together under one cover a comprehensive examination of how the prisoners did it coupled with numerous coloured illustrations.


    We speak of scratch building as the dark arts, this to me is the pinnacle of the dark arts. How the prisoners managed to produce these beautiful models in the conditions they were under and the tools they had available is beyond my comprehension. No Byrnes Tools for them. I am looking at chicken legs in a new light!


    Anyhow, one for the Christmas stocking. I just scattered half a dozen copies of the site around the house for the Admiral to find.


    The site is www.koehler-books.de


    And apparently it is in English.






  2. I am delighted to report that the Royal Navy's Fireship Comet safely negotiated the Pacific (sans pyrotechnics) and docked in Canberra.


    Should keep me occupied for weeks and as others have reported:


    (a) complements nicely the four volumes of sloops by the same author and Greg Herbert; and


    ( B) provides additional valuable insights into the dark arts of this craft).


    It is wonderful to track the progression and evolution of David Antscherl's various builds over the years from Polyphemus, through Resolution and now Comet.


    One wonders what comes next?


    It will be well thumbed before the year is out and a great addition to the library.


    One small gripe (from one located in the Antipodes) mine is not signed. Sigh!   ;)


    Great stuff nonetheless.















    Well that was more of a break from Echo than I had been expecting!


    However back in the workshop and underway again.


    My last pic shows an early version of the deadflat frame. When I went to fit it to the keel,  I had a nasty 1/16-1/32 gap which in real scale would have sunk Echo the first time she entered the water.






    You can see the gap in the second pic, if you look real hard.


    Suffice to say went back and had another go, and another.  Won't say how many but .......


    Running with the attached version, which I am sort of comfortable with. May revisit later.




    I should also add that the Admiral took pity on me and bought a Byrne's disc sander. Up to Jim's usual high standard and will be a great addition.


    Impressed by the photos of the NRG conference and in particular the Echo cross section(s?). I hope the Echo community will turn out in force at the Mystic Harbour event next year?


    Sorry for the break in transmission folks but normal service is resuming.







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