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About Hank

  • Birthday 11/05/1946

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    Mocksville, NC
  • Interests
    U.S.N. history, early USN Sailing Warships, 1960's era USN Combatants

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  1. Gregory, The difference between the Mk. 28 and Mk. 32 has to do with the front/angled face of the mount body. Here is a cut sheet of the Mk. 32 (I should have provided this in my orig. post) - Comparing the side elevation on this view with the earlier one of the Mk. 28 mount, you'll see that the Mk. 28 mount has an angled front face of 45 If you compare this to the Mk. 28 you will see that on the side elevation, the angled front face on the Mk. 28 is 45 deg. and somewhat higher from the bottom of the mount floor than the similar face on the Mk. 32. But, it's important in building models (esp. EXPENSIVE ones) to get these small details correct. At least IMHO that's a no-brainer!
  2. Well, not to throw a wrench in the works, but from the info (photos) provided on the dual 5"/38 gun mounts, I'm wondering if these are the correct version. The 5"/38 dual mounts that were installed in all the newer U.S. battleships (NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA, IOWA class ships) were Mk. 28 mounts, not what appears to be the Mk. 32 - but I could be wrong. Suffice it to say, here is a cut sheet of the Mk. 28, Mod. 2 5"/38 dual gun mount that would be correct for this class of ship - The Mk. 32 dual 5"/38-gun mounts were primarily used in cruisers/destroyers. I ran into this problem as well, in building my model of BB-62 which is a kit-bashed 1/200 scale Trumpeter USS MISSOURI kit - those 5" mounts were incorrect and I replaced them with 3rd party parts at the time. Here is a photo of the 3D design/printed 5"/38 dual gun mounts that I've made for my model due to paint issues I've had with those earlier 3D printed (commercial) parts that I originally used when I built this model - This is the 3D rendering of the mount body only - barrels are separate. Perhaps Kevin can confirm whether or not these gun mounts are in fact, the correct models, etc. Hope this helps!
  3. Glad to see that others are finding Anycubic as being a good printer for both detailed and large parts. I've been 3D printing now for 4 years beginning with a Phrozen Mini and now into the 2nd year with an Anycubic Mono X 6K printer. What could be bought on Shapeways I now make for myself and use the freeware software Design Spark Mechanical for my 3D CAD designs and Chitubox (free version) for my slicing software. I will advise other modelers to make sure they do maintenance on their printers on a regular basis - this includes greasing and lubricating the sliders and vertical rails on their SLA printer with the proper grease, etc. Some AC models (mine included) have mini grease fittings on the underside of the sliders and finding a tip for a grease gun to fit is rather difficult. But, those fittings need to be greased or you will suddenly come to a screeching halt when the sliders freeze up. Proper grease needs also to be applied to the vertical (Lead Z) threaded shaft. The owner's manual and instructions generally don't mention these little tidbits - but are VERY important in the printing operation. Here is one of my latest large scale (1/48) projects - a 6"/47 D.P. 2-Gun Turret which was designed for the WORCHESTER class CA's in late WWII - I designed/printed all the parts for this display model using Phrozen Rapid Black Resin on my Anycubic printer.
  4. Those ARE the twin 5" Practice Loading Machines. These are shown on both the BB-63 1950 BoGP and the BB-62 1955 BoGP (Booklet of General Plans). As for the question regarding the existence of a flag bag abaft the after stack, the answer is "yes" as there were signal halyards employed from the after stack mast and were tied off on this single, centrally located flag bag. Here is a snip of the plan view from the BB-62 (1955) BoGP of that area - it shows the loading machines & flag bag being discussed - These items were unchanged from the 1940's and we still had the flag bag intact aboard USS NEW JERSEY when I was serving in her in 1968-69. I scanned this copy of the 1955 BoGP when I was at NARA in 2016 and the hand written note indicates changes made for her 1967 refit for Vietnam using this set of general plans. I have a set of the 1967 BoGP for NEW JERSEY, but haven't had it scanned as yet. This copy was in "fair" condition as evidenced by the quality of the scan. Additionally, this overhead shot of IOWA in 1944 should be conclusive although the flag bag can't be seen - Hope this answers your questions.
  5. Thanks for posting - a most interesting discussion. I tend to agree with her that CUMBERLAND, along with other U.S. ships thru our history, has never gotten the recognition they deserve.
  6. After reviewing the current status of books on the market (online), I've further revised my pricing as well as making a correction to one of the titles. Here is the revised List #1: Again, I have many more for sale, but this is a good start. Many of these titles are now hard to find or are out of print. Conditions of sale - Money Order Only - No checks, No Cash, Credit Cards, PayPal, or other forms of payment, etc. Postage (within CONUS) in addition to price of book - books will be mailed from my local U.S.P.S. (Mocksville, NC) either 1st class Media Rate or lowest rate they offer. If interested, please send me an email to hms@triad.rr.com (do NOT reply to this posting on this website as I may not see your reply) and let me know: 1) what books you wish to purchase. 2) Your mailing address and email address. 3) any other instructions prior to me mailing the books out. All sales final - no returns! I've listed the condition of the books and noted which ones have wear or other defects or alterations. Hank Strub
  7. After receiving some feedback from other members of the forum, I've revised again the pricing on several of the books listed - I have many more for sale, but this is a good start. Many of these titles are now hard to find. Conditions of sale - Money Order Only - No checks, No Cash, Credit Cards, PayPal, or other forms of payment, etc. Postage (within CONUS) in addition to price of book - books will be mailed from my local U.S.P.S. (Mocksville, NC) either 1st class Media Rate or lowest rate they offer. If interested, please send me an email to hms@triad.rr.com (do NOT reply to this posting on this website as I may not see your reply) and let me know: 1) what books you wish to purchase. 2) Your mailing address and email address. 3) any other instructions prior to me mailing the books out. All sales final - no returns! I've listed the condition of the books and noted which ones have wear or other defects or alterations. Hank Strub
  8. I've revised the pricing on List #1 - see below - I have many more for sale, but this is a good start. Many of these titles are now hard to find. Conditions of sale - Money Order Only - No checks, No Cash, Credit Cards, PayPal, or other forms of payment, etc. Postage (within CONUS) in addition to price of book - books will be mailed from my local U.S.P.S. (Mocksville, NC) either 1st class Media Rate or lowest rate they offer. If interested, please send me an email to hms@triad.rr.com (do NOT reply to this posting on this website as I may not see your reply) and let me know: 1) what books you wish to purchase. 2) Your mailing address and email address. 3) any other instructions prior to me mailing the books out. All sales final - no returns! I've listed the condition of the books and noted which ones have wear or other defects or alterations. Hank Strub
  9. I am beginning to clear out my shipmodeling bookshelves - I will post lists of books I have as I can get them categorized, etc. If and when these are sold, I will update the list. Here is list #1: I have many more for sale, but this is a good start. Many of these titles are now hard to find. Conditions of sale - Money Order Only - No checks, No Cash, Credit Cards, PayPal, or other forms of payment, etc. Postage (within CONUS) in addition to price of book - books will be mailed from my local U.S.P.S. (Mocksville, NC) either 1st class Media Rate or lowest rate they offer. If interested, please send me an email to hms@triad.rr.com (do NOT reply to this posting on this website as I may not see your reply) and let me know: 1) what books you wish to purchase. 2) Your mailing address and email address. 3) any other instructions prior to me mailing the books out. All sales final - no returns! I've listed the condition of the books and noted which ones have wear or other defects or alterations. Hank Strub
  10. Dennis, Sorry to chime in after the fact, but I know Model Monkey personally, we are both North Carolinians and both U. S. Military vets. I have purchased parts from him and his quality and accuracy are excellent. I'm glad you were able to find his products suitable for your use.
  11. I just listed under the Traders/Dealers/etc. forum boxwood sheets for sale. If interested, check it out! Hank
  12. Trying to pare down things in my shop that I more than likely won't need. The following items are for sale: (5) Sheets of Boxwood - 1/4" thk x 3" wide x 24" long (+/-) - this works out to be 72 sq. in. per sheet (LxW). These sheets have been packed away in the box they were shipped to me in 2009 and have been flat on a shelf for the entire time. Totally dry, etc. Here is a photo of this wood: Price is $30.00/sheet if purchased separately. If sold together (5 sheets) - $25.00/sheet or $125.00 - shipping is additional in either case. I will only accept a money order in U.S. Dollars - no checks, cash, credit cards, etc. This photo shows 8 sheets - I am only selling 5 of these at this time. If interested, please PM me and let me know what you're interested in and we can go from there. Shipping is from Mocksville, NC. Hank
  13. Scottie, Welcome to Model Ship World - we've made email contact so I'll be in touch again soon. This is the right "spot on the dial" for wooden sailing ship models and I'm sure you'll find lots of commentary - all you have to do is ask!! Hank
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