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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. The result of this journey was my fully documenting the process in a paper and continues to evolve as more data gets discovered. I am now on the journey of looking for the plans of her sister ship the St Patrick. I came across a model that was in the science Museum in london and is now in Prison in a warehouse. This model could not have been built without access to the original ship plans. So far i have been unable to find the plans but the journey continues. I am in touch with the curator of the science museum but she has not been able to find the plans. The journey continues.
  2. this came up in my memories today. Its an excellent history of the research that went into the building of this scratch built model of the steam ship Naparima.
  3. So envious. Well done. Ill catch up some time later this year. The stern looks great.
  4. Brides are wonderful people.i used this video to make the shooting board. i should have made it 6” longer.
  5. Gregs comment “Maybe an optical illusion but the first gunport (not the bridle port) looks a bit short.” i have checked all the gun ports. the forward gunport is 27” high and 18” wide, aft is 27” high and 24” wide and all others are 27” high and 28” wide. So unless i have my measurements off the plan they are all ok.
  6. Hi Toni when i buy a tool i usually buy all the accessories, so i have had the fence since i purchased the original saw.
  7. I have the Preac fence. Ill be checking all the ports this week. I hope not because i checked and corrected them before i started the planking.anyway if its too small thats an easy fix, if it too large thats a pain in the butt.
  8. Large soldering pad/board arrived along with ceramic pins for holding stuff that will not provide a heat sink. The silver soldering station is now complete.
  9. I am just putting mine in through the outer planking and it was a bit of a struggle.
  10. I am a fan of Tom Lauria
  11. I have written to Jim to see if he has any suggestipns
  12. This is the type of jig i make when i do not want the part to move left or right
  13. Not sure if this is what Maury had in mind. I use to have various jigs for the Preac sander and most of the time had to remove the cover to keep the piece from flying off. Also the paper roll would turn the piece when i pushed it through. I would love to see what you guys do. Now that i am using this it would have been great if the aluminum base extended back another 6 inches, to make sure i push the sled in flat. It has a tendency to lift at the front.
  14. All hooked up to the vacuum system. I don't know why i can find this adaptor to fit my system.
  15. Hi Maury you are absolutely correct that if there is a lot of pressure when pulling the stock through the draw plate that mounting it in a table top vice helps greatly with the stress of pulling it through the plate. I found this particularly true with hard wood stock where it is difficult to get the raw stock small enough. But with Bamboo i found it quite easy to reduce the size of the stock down to say .030 which means that you can literally pull the treenail stock through the plate without using the thong puller to get down to .020. Most of the time i was able to get to .020 without any pulling device at all, just with my fingers. The technique was getting to split the bamboo and the hammer was the tool that did that so effectively. Also if for some reason i was having difficulty getting it into the next hole, simply backtracking to the previous hole easily solved the problem. I any case my wife would not allow a bench top vice to be located on our porch in Tobago while i sat on the chair in our porch , on the golf course. Haha.
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