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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. You have been given a lot of great advice Mango. I have just completed a series of 10 videos that you might find useful if you have the time. They run about 20 minutes each. I have just completed planking a swan class ship . This is the first one in the series. best regards kevin
  2. Greg, Ill try that method on the other side and see how it goes thanks k
  3. I have a Cameron drill press which is the best in class. I got it years ago from Charley files who developed and sold the Preac table saw. Its the second most used tool in my shop after the Byrnes table saw. I also have a beautiful XY vice. It is expensive.
  4. Not sure if it can be done now that you have rigged the ship. But the material of choice is Silk span. Here is my video on it there is another excellent video by Tom Lauria
  5. Strange you should ask. It was only yesterday i found some in the supermarket and purchased three packs. I am now experimenting with them.
  6. I do not find they quarter very well. Is there a special technique or blade to get it to strip all the way down?
  7. Well, look what i found in the duper market this morning.
  8. This round of treenails is actually 6840. Just to be correct.
  9. Thats exactly what we needed Mark. I have added it to the description of the video.
  10. Ordered the sharpening stones on Lee Valley. Started the treenails, now only 9200 to go.
  11. Greg right now I am using the draw plate with Juniper but experimenting with the needles. I just ordered some 18 gauge needles and have some 20 gauge needles but they quickly clogged up. I will be using the draw plate for this exercise. kevin
  12. I will get my vet to locate them in due course. The ones he gave me produce a treenail size .040 which is just under 2” with a size that says 16 G. The smaller ones i got are 20G so i am hoping to get 17,18,19 and see what size they produce. Ill keep you in the loop. best kevin
  13. I hate using pseudonym, any way. “no idea” have you figured out the various needle sizes that would produce the correct size treenails. in 1/4” scale i am looking for 1”, 1.5” and 1.75”, in imperial measurement that would be .021, .03 & .036 and in metric it would be .56, .78 & .94. once i can confirm these numbers and find a good supplier i would post this data in the video description with the appropriate link. Also, have you figured out the best speed for the drill press. Its quite clear to me that if the speed get above 1000 RPM the needle get to jot. I started lubricating with silicon and it works great. I even sprayed the wood and all the burning stopped. kevin
  14. Stuglo, i assume you are asking about the needles used to make the tree nails. The sharpened point was cut off and the blunt end sharpened evenly. This was used to drill the wood and i was able to fill the blank with 65 holes each having a treenail in it. This took about 2 minutes. Its still early days as these needles cut 2” treenails. I need to get smaller needles before i sign off on this method. In the mean time i am using treenails made on the jim Byrnes draw plate.
  15. It has started. I am using the same wood as I used to plank the model so you should have to look carefully to actually see the tree nails. Just putting these few in i now realize that i am going to be making lots more treenail stock. .
  16. got dome small needles and they were too small,

    I just got some bigger needles and will try again to make some treenails using your method.

    A question,

    1. do i need to remove the angled point as the smaller ones bent.

    2. what RPM do i need to drill with

  17. The layout has started. 3 hours in and i had to take a break. Just over half laid out. Another 3 hours to complete the pencil location of the treenails. Then to use a point to set the starter hole. Then drill and place the treenails.
  18. My rough calculation is its about 9000 individual tree nails.
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