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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. Sorry, but I could not resist ascit was such a gorgeous day
  2. Arter all these wonderful words of support I guess you now know how Messi feels.
  3. Sheer Strake #29 installed. I have some friends coming to visit so put on her Christmas cloths.
  4. This is how i get the bamboo squares split. The dowels in the draw were made in half an hour watching the world cup. IMG_9210.MOV
  5. I actually wrote him and he confirmed that he was pulling the dowel through the plate the wrong way. I was glad that i was not the only person to film things the wrong way.
  6. You will find that after you’ve recovered you can get those down to .020, you’ll just have increased breakage. I now have another draw where I keep the .020
  7. Repairs to the stern inner counter timbers a result of turning the model over and being careless. Thank goodness for PVA glue and alcohol
  8. I have 4 drill presses in the inside shop and the same number of vices. I have two vices that can clamp onto the table top of the pendant table making sure that the table top is clear of perminant clutter. My rolling tables have allowed me the luxury of keeping all the parts and accessories with the main power tool. In the past i could never find them when i needed them. My main work bench draws only keep the tool needed for the project o am working on. Its a constant fight and i am always looking for ways to make the shop more efficient.
  9. Just the Jim Byrnes thickness sander to add and we are basically up to date with my power tools wish list. In planning my retirement i had been trying to get my shop to the point where i dreamt of adding no new toys. Its taken me 12 years to get the shop complete. Of course there will always be some temptation.
  10. It has arrived and its now installed. Thanks for all the advice. In time ill let you know how i feel about this purchase
  11. Hi Greg sweating solder joints seems to be a very common way jewlers add parts when building up a piece. Unfortunately i don't get the pins until December when my daughter comes to visit. By then i should be much better. I was able to epoxy the top gudgeon in place and it should stay firmly in place. Just completed the new rudder and the table joint came out fantastic. I used a perminant Sharpie to darken the joint and there was no running.
  12. Alan i have since found out that once the Borax is stated 100% on the label, it is the same.
  13. Alan, i have no idea. This was what was recommended, so this is what i am using.
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