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Ryland Craze

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    Ryland Craze reacted to Chuck Seiler in 18th Century Longboat by Chuck Seiler - Model Shipways   
    Hello all! I am back. I jusat found out yesterday that the site went down completely, so I have spent some time getting back onboard and navigating the site. I will go thru my notes and attempt to re-create my build log. Comments welcome.
  2. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to davec in Echo by davec - FINISHED - cross-section   
    My old log was lost, as was the Hannah one.  After a lot of thought, I have decided to just restart both where I left off.  I didn’t save them, and given the choice between spending time on the computer and spending time in the workshop, it was an easy choice.

    I’m looking forward to the workshop in 2 weeks.  I redid my keel (pictures below are the fifth redo).  I had originally planned to use the previous one, but had made that with the dimensions from the contract, which are slightly different than the plans.  When I made the framing jig and it was loose on the keel, I realized I might have other problems down the road, so I made another keel using the wood Greg sent.  I have also made the dead flat and dead flat one frames.

    I’m going to hold for now and play with my new ropewalk. I don’t want to make any more frames until after the workshop as I think they will be a lot better after.

  3. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Dan Vadas in How To : Add Pictures in your Posts and PMs   
    How To Add Pictures in your Posts and PMs
    1. Open the Edit Box by clicking the "Edit" at the bottom of the Post :

    2. Click on the "Full Editor" button :

    3. Click on the "Choose Files" button :

    This will open a Dialog Box to your Computer Files. Select the picture file you want to add and click "Save" (or "Open") to upload the picture.
    4. Place the Cursor where you want the picture added. You can use the Icons (circled) to position it on the line :

    5. Click on the "Add to Post" text under the Thumbnail of the picture. This adds the Attachment Code into the message at the position you selected :

    6. You can add more Text after the picture if you want, or add more pictures (limit of 8 per Post).

    7. Click on the "Submit" button. You can use the "Preview" button to make sure your layout is OK before clicking Submit. If you need to Edit your Post again simply restart the process by clicking on "Edit" again. You MUST use the "Full Editor" to post extra Pictures.

    A view of the completed Post with Text and Picture Added :

  4. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to EdT in HMS Naiad 1797 by EdT - FINISHED - 1:60 - 38-gun frigate   
    Welcome back. We have a lot of work to do. Fortunately I have all the Naiad posts saved as Word files and all the associated images, so I will be putting up the entire 176 parts as soon as I can. The model is approaching completion, so I do not expect more perhaps 10-12 new posts, but there has been enough interest in the old posts to make the effort worthwhile. We will all need to be showing a lot of patience for awhile.
    I will also opening a topic in the book section for "The Naiad Frigate - Volume I. There are some content updates I want to share there.
    I will also be reposting the 1:96 Victory Build log, but that will be taking a back seat to Naiad for awahile.
  5. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to rafine in Civil War Picket Boat by rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    Work on the boiler is now complete, although it won't be mounted on the ship for a while yet until other work is done. The kit provides laser cut framing for the boiler and steam dome along with separate boiler ends and steam dome top. The parts all fit perfectly. The framing was then planked to reproduce the jacketing. The dome planking required extensive shaping by sanding on sandpaper wrapped around the boiler. I used boxwood for the boiler jacket and left it unpainted. It was finished with Wipe-on Poly. Bands were made from black painted paper for both the boiler and steam dome. Mounts for the boiler were made from stripwood.
    The smoke hood and funnel were made for one end. The hood used laser cut framing that was assembled and then filed and sanded to shape. The funnel is a piece of dowel with the top drilled out. The funnel bands are also paper.
    After assembly of the various parts, the detail items were made up and installed. Photoetched brass was used for the boiler door hardware.The steam pressure gauge was made from a slice of brass tubing, a disk of styrene, a paper face from the kit and a drop of Micro Kristal Klear for the glass. The various piping items were made using the kit supplied cast metal els and valves and aluminum tubing, as well as additional photoetched and wood parts and a piece of clear plastic rod for the sight glass. The piping work was painted using Polyscale flat aluminum ,with some red and black details.
    The boiler is one of those things that is just fun to make.

  6. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to aliluke in Armed Virginia Sloop by aliluke - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Hi all,
    Thought I'd reload my photo files of my AVS build. Hopefully useful for someone contemplating or making this great model. No words to go with the files but feel free to fire me a question if you wish.

  7. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to aliluke in Armed Virginia Sloop by aliluke - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    More photos.

  8. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to aliluke in Armed Virginia Sloop by aliluke - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    This will be the last lot.

  9. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to aliluke in Armed Virginia Sloop by aliluke - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Just a couple more...

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    Ryland Craze reacted to iaincwil in ships longboat by iaincwil - FINISHED   
    this is the first time that I have attempted plank on frame build, usualy I carve the hull shape from a block then fit keel and planking, then carve as much as I can from inside until I can see a light through, this project has taught me a lot,
    first I think I have the pics in the wrong order but here goes first I cut out each frame using a fret saw the where the slots were on the kit I drilled a small hole at each end and cut it with "ya guesed it a jigsaw" 
    I cut out the keel and false keel glued it up then started fitting the frames using the jig shown it makes the job much easier,
    then came the planking well I dont need to say much about that there are enough articles on planking out there, next the fitting out the inside some bits are quite fidjety for my sausages but I manage,
    I made the mast and other spars from beech bbq sticks run them in my dremmel to get the taper, I drilled a hole in a scrap of wood held it in the vice and run the dremmel then used a sharp knife to take of the thickest and finished with a few different grades of wet and dry paper,

  11. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Modeler12 in A small hand-held power sander   
    John the sander is very light and vibrations are minimal. I have never had a problem having parts vibrate loose. Keep in mind that this thing is not like you typical 'power sander'. It is designed for refubishing scroll sawn furniture pieces. It comes with different attachments that refine the type of contours you can sand. You might do a web search under Black & Decker, Mouse to see more.
    One of the pictures I showed above was when I decided to redo the deck of my Conny. I did not like the scratches and gouges I had and used the mouse to completely strip the deck. I did have to repaint the green bulwarks towards the bottom, but that was not too bad.
    I might add one more comment. One of the reviews on the web mentioned that the person burnt out the motor. I think that is because some people put too much force on the little guy thinking that more pressure does a faster job of sanding. That, of course, is false. You should let the sander do its job and just guide it along. It comes with different grades of paper, etc.. etc..
  12. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to bbrockel in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, what can I say. Your Syren is awsome. I need to get back to my build. I've neglected her for too long now. I know the site admins won't agree with this comment because of all the headaches, but this fresh start is great. Clean slate for everyone. We can all help make MSW better than ever.
  13. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to augie in Willie L Bennett by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 1:32   
    Welcome home Adam!
    She looks as good as always.
    Thanks for re-posting.
  14. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Modeler12 in USS Constitution by Modeler12 - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    This is just an introduction to the new build log for my Conny. I will shortly add details about my current status and highlights of my past log. Please, bear with me while I am getting used to the new format and revisit my memory banks.

  15. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Timothy Wood in 80' ELCO PT Boat by Timothy Wood - FINISHED - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - Scale 1/4" = 1'   
    This is a rebuild of my first build lost after the server crash, as luck would have it I only lost a few photos.  Over the next day or two I'll be adding the photos along with a short write up for each.  I welcome any comments, because this is my first major build and the first as an on-line build.
  16. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    Edit 03/25/2020
    I have been very humbled to hear of several new builders of this kit mention this build log as a reference. thank you, I hope it helps you out. That being said, at some point I threw the instructions away and began using Lees Masting and Rigging as well as Antscheral Fully Framed as inspiration and guidance. There are most likely many details that are incorrect for the ship. I used the building experience more to learn techniques to build a model I was satisfied with visually rather than an historically correct museum build.
    So, carry on and enjoy!!
    Well..... where to start?? Unfortunate about the hard drive crash. I guess Murphy lives around every corner. And to think I was going to save my build log before the change...... It could be worse, MSW could be gone forever or my actual build could be gone forever. 
    I am working ridiculous hours at work, sometime in the next week I will get a couple of pictures up and start posting again.
    One thing I see that I love already.... SPELL CHECK!!!!  Woo Hooo!
    Ok back with a real post soon.
  17. Like
    Ryland Craze got a reaction from Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    I really enjoyed your build log of your Kingfisher.  I have the LSS kit of the Kingfisher and hope to build it some day.  As the old saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words".  I look forward to seeing your pictures.

  18. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   

    There where many times since I started building my Kingfisher that I thought I should start a build log. And today is the day. I've started the kit last november and spend a lot of time since. Not that I have made much progress, but it is not a race and its tremendous fun building. I ran in to trouble when I was making the hawse timbers, I did not like how the shape came out. It was time to have a little diversion from frame building and find the courage to make new parts from scratch for the hawse timbers. So I left the path of the instruction and started building the stove, some gratings and the gun trucks. That was a lot of fun. The gun trucks are almost finished and wait for the arrival of replacement cannons from The Lumberyard. 


    So that's what was left from my old build log in Google cache. Unfortunately the rest was shot into cyberspace and is now a pleasant memory of 2 years and 7 months of logging the progress of my Kingfisher. And probably the longest story I ever wrote in my whole life as I don't like writing at all. So instead of trying to get everything back I'll put a selection of the pictures I did keep on my laptop up in this post and will go on from there.

    Maybe I'll add text along the way but don't want to be kept from modeling to much. Most of the pictures say more than words anyhow.
    So Dave (Midnight) saved my log previous to MSW’s move from 1.0 to 2.0.
    He was ever so kind to share these files with me to rebuild my buildlog. Unfortunately I’m not able to convert the PDF’s
    back to text to get them back into my buidlog. So instead of typing the lot over again I decided to put the PDF’s on a public share where every body who’s interested can download them from.
    To make live a little easier I compiled a small index so you now what to expect in each PDF.
    All the PDF's can be found here. I know it's a bit of a disappointment not to be able to put the information back into this log but the good news is nothing is lost. Any comments of how its working are welcome.
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