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Everything posted by Bummer!

  1. But your work is actually amazing....
  2. Remember that a 3d printer is not some magic machine that you press a button and out comes a figurehead or an ornamentation for whatever model you are building. If I want the figurehead of Pegasus I still have to model the figure in 3dStudio max or Cinema 4d or whatever software I use at the moment. Buying a synthesizer is not the same as knowing how to play or write music.
  3. A drop of glue on to the bottom of the masts will hold them in position until shrouds are tied. My belief is that it's always better to do it "on board". (if I understood you right, you want to do the shrouds after stepping the masts?)
  4. Beautiful work as always Ferit. A wise decision I believe...
  5. This is awesome. I feel the drool dribbling down my chin every time I see those construction pics! I only wish that I could afford this model when it's released. Do you know if Amati needs a "beta-tester"?
  6. great work Mobbsie! When you get going you're a god damned Duracell Bunny!
  7. Looking good Mobbsie. Looks like I had a gore line on my Pegasus as well. Just didn't know it at the time. I believe they appear naturally if you're lucky...
  8. Good to see you got through the planking with your sanity intact. (Or?) Also pleased to see you got help with the gore, then I did not have to tell you I have no idea what you are talking about. Now it's just the coppering before all the fun stuff starts... how many copper plates???
  9. No problem there Popeye. You see, They are so full of themselves that they believe that they have evolved past Nationalism. Politicians and journalists compete in who can trash the nation most. Even today, June 6th, Swedens national day, the papers write about how ugly it is celebrating one's nation. And the minister of culture want's to abolish the national anthem. You'll probably be a hero! And the inmates here even have their own union!
  10. What a bummer! If that had happened to me I believe my Pegasus would really fly (out of the window)
  11. Well Mobbsie, Saturday I cut my left middle finger. with a meat cleaver, and it didn't stop at the nail but went right through. Just couldn't leave you guys by yourself. Tip: don't try to slice a frozen strawberry with a meat cleaver...
  12. Here's a detail for the bow: One of my favorite parts was working up on the mast tops... Looks MUCH better with the new deadeyes!
  13. Hello mobbsie I started from the bottom and I believe this way is easier when you come up to the waterline... (but I'm not sure) Coppering is not more complex than ratlines, just booooring and takes forever to do... And you have lots and lots of both the plates and the ratlines
  14. Hi Enderwiggin I would recommend Caldercraft/Jotikas HMS Badger. It's a kit not too big (it's a brig) excellent manual but still you get to do all the stuff that one does on larger models, just a little less of it... She's got 12 cannons so you get a feel of rigging cannons without getting overwhelmed by having to repeat it 74 times. Two masts so you have some rigging to do but don't have to spend 24 weeks tying ratlines. All the goodies but in less quantity.
  15. Nice job on the capping rails there... About the blackening... Heating the liquid in a microwave may not be a good idea, you never know what the waves does to the chemistry. I used a plastic cup that was dishwasher safe and put it in a water bath. Kept the water hot but not boiling. keeps the blackening agent at more or less constant temperature.
  16. Full speed ahead Popeye... That's the spirit!!! Nice to see that others also has a loving and understanding wife...
  17. OK Andy, when you get the time could you PM me the instructions? It's a great little machine that I will need soon.
  18. I have to chime in with the others. Incredible clean and detailed. I couldn't even do it that good in full scale...
  19. Great Mobbsie!!! 63 meters! Wow, That's some serious area there... When you start rigging the monster I want to know how many meters of thread you'll use... (on Götheborg we have 20 tons of hemp. I guess HMS Agamemnon had double that)
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