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Everything posted by lionfish

  1. i would add dont ever try to grab any sharp object thats falling, its a recipe for an ER visit.
  2. i usually dont wear PPE, gloves that can protect against cuts and punctures are very bulky, and can lead to a decresed sense of where your hands, fingers, or the tool is. ive poked and cut myself many times, just part of the learning curve. that being said you can wear as much or as little as you feel necessary.
  3. are your masts perpendicular to the water line or the deck?
  4. my dowel pins and drill bits have arrived, so the next step is to secure the deck to the hull, luckily my step father has a drill press,
  5. thanks, some forums i know have an area specifically for reviews and have a forum to keep everything uniform and understandable.
  6. ive had that happen before, but ive found that soft tweezers, i.e, ones that dont take a lot of force to close, work a bit better. plus i tune my tweezers to grip at the tip, i just bend them. just my 2cents. tools that are a waste or useless are any you dont use. i will say power tools bought from home depot are a waste, they basically tell companies how much they are going to pay for tools, as part of the deal they get so many free tools, and they tell the company to put through QC and pass any failed tool. i work for an industrial supplier and one of my customers was looking at a cordless drill, got a quote from me and one from home cheapo. they are charging less than what it takes my company to buy direct from the manufacturer. my customer was making a big about it so i made him a deal, he will buy the home cheapo tool, ill get direct from manufacturer. we will take both tools apart and look at the construction, if my tool isnt made better then i will pay to have both tools fixed, and give him mine for free. needless to say, when we took the tools apart he was shocked to see the difference, a lot more plastic is used in their tools, in mine was a lot of metal and well made parts. so he gets all of his brand name tools from us now. dont get me wrong buying a tool for cheap because you arent going to use it a lot or do anything demanding is fine. another customer bought identical tools one from me and the other from HD, after two years my tool is still going strong and the HD tool died after a year. granted both of these customers work in construction, but i think its the principal that sucks. companies making things cheaper and cheaper to stretch profit margins. anyway rant over, do we have an area just for tool and equipment reviews? or is it just the tools section?
  7. thats a really cool idea, my step father has a table saw and a bunch of raw apple wood, gives me some ideas
  8. even the wood they make foams up? i know the normal stuff does, but if their wood glue isnt good ill just go grab something else
  9. thanks for stopping by, yea 1-110 scale can be hard, a lot of this ship is out of scale or looks odd, but ive decided to do it out of the box for the most part just to practice on. im vary interested in your build as well.
  10. im still waiting for some dowel pins to come in so i can glue the deck down, so my building has stopped for the most part. im also wondering if i should wax the threads for my rigging or not.
  11. so ive been doing a lot of research on ropewalks and such. i even brain stormed my own design but then i watched some videos on domanoff rope walks and holy crap do i really like those machines. guess one might be in my budget in the near future. just wish it was in a kit form so i could have the pleasure of building it.
  12. great, ill have to add this to my list, your building is very clean on this. do you plan on doing any upgrading for the kit fittings you mentioned?
  13. had to take a pause in building, but im always looking for improvements for my model. so soon i will be ordering a few things for her, such as belay pins, new anchors, cannons and the like. i also went to home cheapo the other day and picked my first set of clamps; 10 spring and 2 small trigger clamps. plus some gorilla wood glue. my issue right now is how to attach the false deck to the hull. i came up with two ideas. the first me use some sewing needles pushed through the deck into the hull at the mast points, then glue and clamp. or i can drill out the holes for the masts in the hull and the deck, then use dowel pics to align the two parts, glue and then clamp. ive also been doing a lot of reading on rigging and such to get ahead of myself. so im probably going to build it as is in the rigging to get my feet wet, any suggestions or tips for rigging are always welcome. all i need now is a few hours to sit down, play a movie, and build my model. after my model is done im going to have a fun time building a display case for it. i really gotta remember to take some more pics along the way.
  14. i keep thin, standard and gel type super glues around, i use standard and gel for my reef keeping and such. i love the gel, it doesnt move around and smear as easy. i stopped at home cheapo yesterday and picked up some clamps and wood glue, i hope to get the false deck glued but i am hesitant because of alignment
  15. i know you can get super glue in different viscosity, i feel like ive see that exact bottle under a different name though, hhmm, oh well glad its working for you
  16. looks awesome, gives me hope for when i get to build this beauty of a ship
  17. looking good, but like like gunther said, double check the rear most bulkhead, looks like it might need some more work. how did you do your bending?
  18. my fathers calipers work wonders for taking measurements and transferring them.
  19. just dont down too many glasses of said grapes, knives are sharp wouldnt want an MUI. but id say just get rid of the ply wood, i read its only good for the bulkheads and such, plus now you dont have to finish the edges of the plywood.
  20. ive been using airbrushes for years, and ive honestly never had an issue with "pulsating". i can imagine that if your shading or doing some really delicate work it would be a factor, but in the years ive been build plastic scale models ive never had an issue. here is the kit i recived as a gift: http://www.tcpglobal.com/ECOKIT-17.html#.Vii1udKrReh the airbrush is OK, not like a badger or iwata, but the compressor is great. i recommend it.
  21. i was doing some reading about bending planks. one site says not to use heat or liquid on plywood as it will split and splinter. they say to score the back side to achieve the curve. worth a try to avoid the trouble you had before.
  22. thats what i figured, the online stores that have anchors say its a Spanish design, though who says they are accurate with that. thanks, i know which anchor to get now
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