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    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 37

    the anchorchain-stoppers

    choke type, with spindle


    in combination with electric spills and Spill band-brake device


    forecastle deck now ready for operation

    Crew in Trial positions

    because of the Motor there must be an machine telegraph operator

    poopdeck railing nearly completed

    continous Progress....
    Build log part 38 to follow....
  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 36

    the forecastle stairs will not be permanently fixed until the frontmast rigging in that area is done, due to Access Problems otherwise


    view without the boats




    uncomplete forecastle deck, the portside only bears an nostalgic admiralty type anchor

    shortcut Access to boatstations also directly possible from welldeck

    portside welldeck Forward view

    the stairs to poopdeck shall be integrated into the railing
    Build log part 37 to follow....
  3. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 35

    starting the brass railings with 3 hole stachions and 0,4mm wire from the spool



    shaping a duct for the potside anchor

    ...and on towards the boatstations

    front mast goes through the deck here

    the two boats are hanging outwards but also can be swung inwards

    fit in the forcastle stairs (to be soldered with the railing, later on

    ropedrums attached

    railing continued around the boatstations and up to the liferaft containments
    Build log part 36 to follow....
  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 34

    Davits fitted on poopdeck



    walking Planks at boatstation

    again the wheelstand

    portside boat rigged


    all boats on...


    Build log part 35 to follow....

  5. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 33

    nav. light containments

    mushroom type vents on the deckhouse top

    slowly having all deck Fitting-out placed

    front of poopdeck with main wheelstand


    two additional raft containers

    still lots of space on the welldeck


    the White round item is not the cooking pot, its the mother gyro-compas containment

    White tipped Ends...
    Builg log part 34 to follow....
  6. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 32

    Walking Planks at the boat stations, and further vents

    funnel, vents, wheelstand, two compas stands, Skylight and rudderposition indicators, the boat is just for checking available space in length


    nav light Towers (here still without lanterns)

    Forward vents, radar-bar, fog horn and forecastle raft Containments mounted


    cradle device for strapping raft containers



    navlight containments
    Build log part 33 to follow....
  7. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 31

    aft deckhouse (command cabin and nav- and Chart-room) and spare aft anchor.
    the blue guy had always become too much Porridge as a Baby already and now has to leave the Crew for his size

    chest-cover to sit on, for the auilliary rudder mechanics, here still without wheel




    some brass pinrails to the deckhouse, and the main rudderstand saddle for the 3 steering wheels, this rudderstand (the wheels) is operated manualy if necessary by up to 6 men


    the Long boom outside starboard bulwark is swivible and required for fastening the boats in water (when rigged 90° square to the hull). The brass wire through the top spanner-eyelets is only preliminary and prevents the spanners from tilting down between bulwarks and inboard pinrails


    vents and Skylight added on top of the small well-deckhouse
    Build log part 32 to follow.....
  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 30

    check for cutter on the boats rack


    captain`s pinnace goes besides the cutter







    first deck Skylights....
    Build log part 31 to follow....
  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in Gorch Fock 2 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale1:95   
    Build log part 29

    decks ready for Fitting out

    Stern and bow of hull so far done


    checking backstays alignment with regular Cotton thread strings first





    set of masts and Yards painted

    Build log part 30 to follow....
  10. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from gjdale in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Not only am I struggling to keep up with your updates Doris,I am struggling to find something original to say. I have seen a lot of beautiful models in my time,but this would have to rank as one of the top ones.I think the combination of your massive talent and the fact that Royal Caroline is such a beautiful vessel make an unbeatable combination          
    Kind Regards 
  11. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Not only am I struggling to keep up with your updates Doris,I am struggling to find something original to say. I have seen a lot of beautiful models in my time,but this would have to rank as one of the top ones.I think the combination of your massive talent and the fact that Royal Caroline is such a beautiful vessel make an unbeatable combination          
    Kind Regards 
  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to newbuilder101 in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    I, like everyone else, am at a loss for words, but I still want to say ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.........again!!!
  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Sjors in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    I have to look at my dictionary to see if there are any words that is saying to you how wonderful this is.
    Sorry, I couldn't find anything......
    Maybe I have to wright such dictionary of my own.
    In the mean while....great job ?
    No, not a great job but an fantastic job !

  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to michael mott in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Doris, Nigel took the words right out of my mouth.
  15. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from newbuilder101 in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Not only am I struggling to keep up with your updates Doris,I am struggling to find something original to say. I have seen a lot of beautiful models in my time,but this would have to rank as one of the top ones.I think the combination of your massive talent and the fact that Royal Caroline is such a beautiful vessel make an unbeatable combination          
    Kind Regards 
  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    And here are some actual pics - today I have finished channels and deadeyes on the starboard.

    These two in a better resolution:

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Ferit in Frigate Berlin by Ferit KUTLU - Corel - 1/40 - 1674   
    Thank you my friends, for taking interest in, I am really touched.
    Even I don't make any update and comment so often I always keep following your beautiful handiworks...
  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Snake by Beef Wellington - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1: 64 - First wooden ship build   
    Hamilton - Cheers mate.  I don't have Lees, Lever indicates that when used, the cross catharpins would be installed in addition to the catharpins going athwartship, basically forming an 'X' so that the starboard foremost shroud is catharpined to the aftmost larboard shroud and vice versa.  If I ever build HMS Surprise, she will have to have cross-catharpins  .  I'm growing to love the Lever's Young Sea Officers sheet anchor and am following the order outlined there so far.  
    On your second question, I'm probably going to go with the wire and use epoxy again to secure them, but as usual will reserve final judgement until necessary.
    Quick additional update on progress...main mast catharpins are all on.  Pederson has a nice picture showing that these would have been lashed to the futtock stave with thinner line.  Its not really practical at this scale, so I sort of got thesame result by threading the eye with two pieces of thread to try and keep the catharpin in line with the shroud.  Pretty happy with the way things turned out (and not a pin or rubber band in sight).

  19. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    As I mentioned earlier,these next few stages are really slow.I have fitted the deck beam shelves and planked the inside of the hull on the starboard side,including lining the gunports.The framework of the entry port is in place,but this will have the carvings added at a later date,probably when I fit the channels as they sit on the middle channel.I had to reverse engineer the gunports to ascertain the deck levels which involved a great deal of headscratching,but it did 'prove' my gunports were correct.The internal planking has had several coats of poly applied in preparation for treenailing.I am using Dafi's(thank you Dafi) idea for drilling the holes inside.I have glued a drill into the end of a bamboo skewer so I can poke it through the gunports to drill the holes on the opposite internal face.I have given it a try and it works great,but it ain't no Dremel so I may be at it some time
    Kind Regards Nigel 

  20. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Beef Wellington in HMS Snake by Beef Wellington - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1: 64 - First wooden ship build   
    Very ,very nice neat work Jason I feel you maybe being overly harsh on yourself,as has been mentioned on here many times,we are all our own worst critics.I think your rigging work is fantastic,with incredible attention to detail.
    Kind regards
  21. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HMS Snake by Beef Wellington - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1: 64 - First wooden ship build   
    Very ,very nice neat work Jason I feel you maybe being overly harsh on yourself,as has been mentioned on here many times,we are all our own worst critics.I think your rigging work is fantastic,with incredible attention to detail.
    Kind regards
  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Stockholm tar in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Anyone thought of building a plank on bulkhead kebab shop? No?
    Drat! Eamonn saw through my scheme to pursuade him to go for scale planks!
    Btw, Dee Dee, I don't think I said anything about Poly – wipe on, wipe off, perch sitting, or any other sort – but if it works for you...
  23. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Jeronimo in Carving from Belgorod   
    Fabulous to see the work in progress pictures I was aware that you produce carvings to order for various master modelers,but it was not my place to say anything I can see a lot of sense in that specialist tasks are given to certain individuals.With following the shipmodels forum I realise that several modelers have certain specialties and offer their services to other modelers.
    Kind Regards
  24. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dee_Dee in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi all,kit buyers anonymous,I am in,all this talk of 'stashes' has made me have a role call   Current count at ten,with plans for probably another ten scratchbuilds       .There used to be a kebab shop in Leeds that was the stuff of legends in these parts,sadly now gone like many good things from days gone by          
    Kind Regards
  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Snake by Beef Wellington - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1: 64 - First wooden ship build   
    Mort - great tip, I didn't know that about the school glue just being diluted PVA - not sure what I thought it was    Will be great to meet you.
    Anyway...Catharpin'ing on....
    Catharpins have been something else I've been pondering.  The Snake plans just seem horribly inconsistent with other materials (Lever, Pederson etc) so decided to follow those.  Lever identifies a number of methods, desperately wanted to go the cross-catharpin route, but Lever seems to indicate that even when this was done, it was in addition to the regular catharpins, not in place of.  So, the bog standard approach it will be.  
    Mk1 Catharpin.  Of course, catharpins were eye-spliced at either end and served...(has anyone been diagnosed with compulsive 'serving' disorder?   )

    ...and lashed into place temporarily it seems to work just fine.  Although the detail of the eye splice is somewhat lost, it does give a cleaner look (IMHO) than lashing the catharpin around the futtock stave.  I was a little relieved to see that the second shroud can be catharpined in without rubbing against the mast as Lever suggest only the foremost shroud was not catharpined in.  I feel scale is a little bit of an issue, it would be nice to be doing the same on a larger ship so the imperfections are perhaps a little less noticeable.

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