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    Krelis reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone, especially those that left comments and Likes.
    All are greatly appreciated!
    Progress has been a bit slow this week, however I've started to paint the mast and boom (more painting still to be done later).  I've also added two more handrails to the deck just forward of the mast, as well as the spinnaker pole on the foredeck.
    A lot of time has also been spent doing the eyebolts in the deck and masts, in readiness for the rigging and sails, but these are too small for me to photograph.
    Still more heaps more work to go, though.
    I hope you enjoy the photos.

  2. Like
    Krelis reacted to Chuck in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Chuck - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - kit prototype   
    Funny you should mention those.  I didnt want to start treenailing the other side today.  I wanted to wait until after  Tuesday which is when I will get a chance to finish that planking.  So I added some of the fancy molding.  Those thin 1/16" wide strips were the first layer of what would become the fancy molding.  It was important to add them below the ports in a special order before the other planking above the wales could be done.  This would ensure a proper run of the planks and what would become the second layer of fancy molding.
    I actually added that today.  They were made as you usually see them,  with a scraper.   I was very careful to make sure they were very thin.  One thing I notice is that folks tend to place molding on their models that is too thick.   The molding on the Cheerful is 1/16" wide but less than 1/32" thick.   I started with strips that were 1/32" thick and after scraping,  I thinned them down even more.  It makes for a more delicate look.   In hindsight,  I could have gone even thinner.
    At the bow,   the lower molding will carry over onto the stem.  But it wont be as I show it in the fourth photo.  It should be thicker in the corner between the two so the transition is smooth.  But I have only lightly tacked it in this area to show you how it may actually look.   I will try and finish that up tomorrow and I will take more pictures.   My transition onto the stem with the molding was only a test to check the run of the molding and see how it looks.  I will do it for real maybe tomorrow.
    Take a look at the contemporary model (last photo) and you will see a standard at the bow (not a molding strip)  that will look similar to how I will eventually do it.  That is the kind of transition onto the stem I am looking for.






  3. Like
    Krelis got a reaction from cog in Bare feet on deck???   
    We waren met een goed aantal Nederlandsche schepen, maar geen van de schippers durfde van wal steken,
    want binnenkort krioelde het letterlijk van Duinkerkers. Net een zwerm wespen! Maar onze ouwe krabde zich eens achter het oor, en zei: “jongens, 't najaar is op handen en dan wou ik liefst eens thuis bij moeder de vrouw zijn; in November slachten ze 't varken en dat vetprijzen maak ik graag mee. En jelui?” - “Nou schipper”, zeiden we, “als ze 't bij ons niet doen, doen ze 't bij de buren, en we houden ook van beuling en een plak versch-gekookte lever op ons brood.” Ja, Paddeltje, we smakten met onze lippen, net als jij nou doet. En toen zei de schipper: “vooruit, daar gaat ie.” En we gingen er van door, dat al de andere schippers d'r kersepit er over schudden. Maar d'n ouwe van ons zei toen, dat we de vaten met oude bedorven Iersche boter eens voor den dag moesten halen. “Steekt er je knuisten maar eens in, maats”, zei hij. We dachten al, dat is een raar geval; maar wat doe-je als je matroos bent, hè. Opzitten en pootjes geven. Nu dan, we moesten 't dek en 't want en vooral de railings goed insmeren, en we kregen er schik in, want we begrepen wat er gebeuren moest. Daar zwermde al zoo'n kaper op ons aan. Wij hadden onze schoenen uitgetrokken; als 't ons niet bevolen was, hadden we 't uit ons eigen gedaan, want je kon op dek niet anders dan op je kousen vooruit komen. En kun-je nu begrijpen, wat er toen gebeurd is, Paddeltje?’
    Paddeltje grijnsde.
    ‘De Duinkerkers enterden, en gleden toen zeker uit?’
    ‘Precies, m'n jongen; of ze glijbaantje speelden! En wij voor den dag, dat begrijp-je, en we tikten ze met de enterbijl op den neus, dat ze nog gauwer terugsprongen, dan ze aan boord gewipt waren.’
    Paddeltje schudde van den lach.
    Fragment from the Book "Paddeltje" describing skipper Michiel A. De Ruyters action against the Dunkerk Pirates, where he had his decks and outside of the hull plastered with old Irish butter, to keep the Dunkirkians from boarding. Lange Meeuwis (colleague of Paddeltje) states (orange) :"we had taken of our shoes, If we had not been ordered to do so, we would have done so ourselves, on deck you could only move forward on socks".
  4. Like
    Krelis reacted to NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    After a couple of days pause it is time to go on

    Today goal

    First, to finish construction under plates.

    Little putty to fill some accidental hes I made, thinning of "pillars", fine trimming surface and pilars with 400 sandpaper, and color repair of whole area.

    Next is upper panel mounting. I hope it is strong enough

    Don't forget eye bolts under, Nenad and some ropes attached to. Ropes are hand made by me

    Latter it would be just impossible to put eyes without damage

    Next is wooden rounded molding between. Making it was quite a horror ( less than 1mm thick). Cracked several times, hard to curve without break ...

    I think it really looks like, and I am pretty happy I mainly succed to mask LHL consequences with minimal deviation from original proportions and posotion of panels. One day when cats and another content comes in this area, this will be less important in comparing with visual dominating full rigged bowsprit with 4 sails under

    Final color corecting of area left, but first go to another side to make same
  5. Like
    Krelis reacted to kees de mol in Antje (KW49) 1959 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch side trawler   
    some more








  6. Like
    Krelis reacted to captainbob in Pilot Cutter by Michael Mott - 1:500 scale   
    .0014" !   You should hire a spider it would have been easier.  Pluse he could tie the knots.
  7. Like
    Krelis reacted to michael mott in Pilot Cutter by Michael Mott - 1:500 scale   
    Well John putting the bulwark on was tough enough for me. it is amazing what the camera sees that I don't. this is all for now.



  8. Like
    Krelis reacted to michael mott in Pilot Cutter by Michael Mott - 1:500 scale   
    Bob Thanks for looking in on the tiny build. I have a whole new appreciation for Donald McNarry let me tell you. It took me an hour to make a new mast that is a scale 12 inches in diameter at the base. .024" it is bamboo I used a draw plate and a sanding stick but did most of the final sizing by scraping with a knife blade. It looks like the mast now needs a bit of tapering, it is definitely tricky working with these big splinters.
    The photo shows the mast to be smaller at the middle than the top I did not see that while working on it I will try some other woods for this small stuff.
    Here is mini sitting on the stem of the 1:8

    and a shot in daylight with the thinner mast. I took out the 12 inch thick tiller handle.

  9. Like
    Krelis reacted to michael mott in Bristol Pilot Cutter by michael mott - 1/8 scale - POF   
    John, Druxey, Lextin, Grant, Omega, Mark, Sherry. Thank you all for your encouragement with all you positive comments. thanks to all those who added likes.
    Well I needed to get this next part out of my system, so Jude and I went down to the lake with a bucket of used wheel balance weights and the cutter. to get an idea of what I am dealing with, so this was a test not an official launch.

    it took a while to add them all 60lbs a few at a time, the folk on the beach must have thought we were nuts.

    We ran out of weights so I will need to get another bucket or two.
    Took a few pics of it floating.


    and this is my favorite shot of the day.

    A number of lessons learned
    1. It will be very heavy because I need a lot more weight to get it another 2 1/2 inches lower in the water
    2. the weights will need to be set up so that they can be easily added and removed.
    3. I will need a launching vehicle with small bicycle wheels to launch after the weights are added.
    4 it was not pleasant lifting the boat out of the water with all the weight in it.
    5. the weight was more forward than I expected it to be.
    6. total weight was 66lbs with the stand
    Tomorrow I will empty the weights out of the hold.
  10. Like
    Krelis reacted to kees de mol in Antje (KW49) 1959 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch side trawler   
    Hello fellow shipbuilders!
    I have done some work on the ship. Nice to work on those detaills but it takes a lot of hours to make and also to find out how everything was build in 1959. I made use of different photo's of different ships to make everything. Now on with the hull and other things.

  11. Like
    Krelis reacted to kees de mol in Antje (KW49) 1959 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch side trawler   
    Hello fellow shipbuilders. First I like to tell you I started a blog. Not to replace my activity on this marvelous forum but just to bundle all my building-photo's etc on one place. the blog can be found on http://www.modelfishingships.blogspot.com Please bookmark and share!
    Now on with the build.
    I needed new primer and so I went to my local diy-shop where they sell my favourite brand but when I got there... not my primer on the shelf! Bummer... but there was another brand wich promissed to be a very good primer for plastics. When I tested it on a piece of plastic it was ok but when I primed my model this was what came out of it.

    I was so mad!!!! The wheelhouse was a total mess and ready for the garbagecan. All those hours of work....

    After crying a bit I managed to remove the ****** paint and now she is nice and shiny in a new coat of primer again. Tomorrow I am going to destroy the faulty can of primer. Dont know how yet but I will find a way.
  12. Like
    Krelis got a reaction from trippwj in Bare feet on deck???   
    We waren met een goed aantal Nederlandsche schepen, maar geen van de schippers durfde van wal steken,
    want binnenkort krioelde het letterlijk van Duinkerkers. Net een zwerm wespen! Maar onze ouwe krabde zich eens achter het oor, en zei: “jongens, 't najaar is op handen en dan wou ik liefst eens thuis bij moeder de vrouw zijn; in November slachten ze 't varken en dat vetprijzen maak ik graag mee. En jelui?” - “Nou schipper”, zeiden we, “als ze 't bij ons niet doen, doen ze 't bij de buren, en we houden ook van beuling en een plak versch-gekookte lever op ons brood.” Ja, Paddeltje, we smakten met onze lippen, net als jij nou doet. En toen zei de schipper: “vooruit, daar gaat ie.” En we gingen er van door, dat al de andere schippers d'r kersepit er over schudden. Maar d'n ouwe van ons zei toen, dat we de vaten met oude bedorven Iersche boter eens voor den dag moesten halen. “Steekt er je knuisten maar eens in, maats”, zei hij. We dachten al, dat is een raar geval; maar wat doe-je als je matroos bent, hè. Opzitten en pootjes geven. Nu dan, we moesten 't dek en 't want en vooral de railings goed insmeren, en we kregen er schik in, want we begrepen wat er gebeuren moest. Daar zwermde al zoo'n kaper op ons aan. Wij hadden onze schoenen uitgetrokken; als 't ons niet bevolen was, hadden we 't uit ons eigen gedaan, want je kon op dek niet anders dan op je kousen vooruit komen. En kun-je nu begrijpen, wat er toen gebeurd is, Paddeltje?’
    Paddeltje grijnsde.
    ‘De Duinkerkers enterden, en gleden toen zeker uit?’
    ‘Precies, m'n jongen; of ze glijbaantje speelden! En wij voor den dag, dat begrijp-je, en we tikten ze met de enterbijl op den neus, dat ze nog gauwer terugsprongen, dan ze aan boord gewipt waren.’
    Paddeltje schudde van den lach.
    Fragment from the Book "Paddeltje" describing skipper Michiel A. De Ruyters action against the Dunkerk Pirates, where he had his decks and outside of the hull plastered with old Irish butter, to keep the Dunkirkians from boarding. Lange Meeuwis (colleague of Paddeltje) states (orange) :"we had taken of our shoes, If we had not been ordered to do so, we would have done so ourselves, on deck you could only move forward on socks".
  13. Like
    Krelis got a reaction from robin b in Bare feet on deck???   
    We waren met een goed aantal Nederlandsche schepen, maar geen van de schippers durfde van wal steken,
    want binnenkort krioelde het letterlijk van Duinkerkers. Net een zwerm wespen! Maar onze ouwe krabde zich eens achter het oor, en zei: “jongens, 't najaar is op handen en dan wou ik liefst eens thuis bij moeder de vrouw zijn; in November slachten ze 't varken en dat vetprijzen maak ik graag mee. En jelui?” - “Nou schipper”, zeiden we, “als ze 't bij ons niet doen, doen ze 't bij de buren, en we houden ook van beuling en een plak versch-gekookte lever op ons brood.” Ja, Paddeltje, we smakten met onze lippen, net als jij nou doet. En toen zei de schipper: “vooruit, daar gaat ie.” En we gingen er van door, dat al de andere schippers d'r kersepit er over schudden. Maar d'n ouwe van ons zei toen, dat we de vaten met oude bedorven Iersche boter eens voor den dag moesten halen. “Steekt er je knuisten maar eens in, maats”, zei hij. We dachten al, dat is een raar geval; maar wat doe-je als je matroos bent, hè. Opzitten en pootjes geven. Nu dan, we moesten 't dek en 't want en vooral de railings goed insmeren, en we kregen er schik in, want we begrepen wat er gebeuren moest. Daar zwermde al zoo'n kaper op ons aan. Wij hadden onze schoenen uitgetrokken; als 't ons niet bevolen was, hadden we 't uit ons eigen gedaan, want je kon op dek niet anders dan op je kousen vooruit komen. En kun-je nu begrijpen, wat er toen gebeurd is, Paddeltje?’
    Paddeltje grijnsde.
    ‘De Duinkerkers enterden, en gleden toen zeker uit?’
    ‘Precies, m'n jongen; of ze glijbaantje speelden! En wij voor den dag, dat begrijp-je, en we tikten ze met de enterbijl op den neus, dat ze nog gauwer terugsprongen, dan ze aan boord gewipt waren.’
    Paddeltje schudde van den lach.
    Fragment from the Book "Paddeltje" describing skipper Michiel A. De Ruyters action against the Dunkerk Pirates, where he had his decks and outside of the hull plastered with old Irish butter, to keep the Dunkirkians from boarding. Lange Meeuwis (colleague of Paddeltje) states (orange) :"we had taken of our shoes, If we had not been ordered to do so, we would have done so ourselves, on deck you could only move forward on socks".
  14. Like
    Krelis reacted to Tallshiptragic in Bare feet on deck???   
    Just my 50cents worth, but climbing on rat lines and foot ropes on a yard is quicker barefoot. On both Endeavour and Duyfken there were those who wore shoes and those of us who preferred to be barefoot in the rigging. I assume it was the same for sailors then. You'd probably find that idlers - those that didn't stand watches and didn't go aloft - would wear shoes and top men more likely would be barefoot.
  15. Like
    Krelis reacted to fifthace in HMS Victory by Dominic - Constructo - 1/96   
    Good Afternoon.
    I've been busy the last few days, remaking the cabin walls and have finally finished them
    I wont go into detail on the process, although have taken step by step photos so you can see the general process I took. They aren't perfect by any stretch but they are a damn sight better than the standard kit.
    The last photo shows them installed on deck with my own scratch made knees for that bit of extra detail.

  16. Like
    Krelis reacted to Chuck in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Chuck - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - kit prototype   
    Working on the port lid hinges.
    Same material for the straps.  The hinge part is made using a micro brass tube that is .7 mm O.D. and .5 mm I.D.  To cut these you must take care.  You just cant use a nippers because it will crush the tubing.
    So as shown below,  you insert a piece of 28 gauge wire in the tube.  Then take a sharp #11 blade and just roll it over the tube and it cuts a nice crisp piece perfectly.  Be sure to bend the wire on the end and it will actually catch these little suckers.  They are cut as long as the hinge straps are wide.  Thats microscopic.

    Then you use CA to glue these tube sections onto the ends of the laser cut laserboard hinge straps.  Its easiest to do this with the straps hanging over the edge of a block of wood.   You can hold the strap with your finger while just the end hangs over the block.

    Dont be shy with the CA.  Use a light drop on the end to secure it.  Then add two more drops as successive coats after each dries.
    Turn it upside down with just the tube hanging over the block and you can sand the hinge strap into the tube so it wont be seen after painting.  Holding the strap under your finger prevents the strap from bending.  Its not as strong as brass.  Once its glued to the port lid it wont matter.  It will be plenty strong as only the tiniest portion will stick out above the top edge of the port lid.  To small to bend.
    To paint them.  place them on the wire so you can paint without having to hold them.

    Then ....small "L" brackets are made from 28 gauge wire which will create the hinge pin and secure the lid into the hull.   Thats it!!!

    These will be used for the stern port lids.

  17. Like
    Krelis got a reaction from rfolsom in Cutty Sark by rfolsom - Billing Boats   
    "The U.S. Government designated Lincoln in the 1970s as a refugee-friendly city due to its stable economy, educational institutions, and size. Since then, refugees from Vietnam settled in Lincoln, and further waves came from other countries. More recently, Lincoln was named one of the "Top Ten most Welcoming Cities in America" by Welcoming America" (Wiki).
  18. Like
    Krelis got a reaction from Omega1234 in Utrecht 1746 by flying_dutchman2 - FINISHED - Scale 1:48 - Dutch Statenjacht   
    For my next build I was considering the 17th Century Statenjacht according to Willem van Beuge's instructions. I have had his book on my shelf for a decade, went through it many times. What I like about his instructions are his classic modelling techniques. What they lack is clarity. Have been looking on the internet for a set of his original drawings, still looking.. 

  19. Like
    Krelis reacted to Omega1234 in Spray by IgorSky - FINISHED - 1/350 - BOTTLE - Captain Joshua Slocum   
    Hi Igor 
    That pump and its handle is just phenomenal! I'm constantly amazed at what you're doing.
    You'd better be careful, though....don't breathe in or breathe out too close to it. It's so tiny that you never know where it might disappear to!
    All the best
  20. Like
    Krelis reacted to IgorSky in Spray by IgorSky - FINISHED - 1/350 - BOTTLE - Captain Joshua Slocum   
    I of course wanted to make the pump, but it turned out just a little similar to it.
    Best Regards!

  21. Like
    Krelis reacted to IgorSky in Skipjack by michael mott - 1/8th scale - SMALL - 19 foot open launch   
    Hi Michael,
    I saw this video and at once have remembered your engine which you build here.
    Best Regards!
  22. Like
    Krelis reacted to Tallshiptragic in Utrecht 1746 by flying_dutchman2 - FINISHED - Scale 1:48 - Dutch Statenjacht   
    Hi Jan, it's the same ship but my father replaced all the carving work, made his own blocks and added small details using the book Jan B mentions above De 17eeuws Statenjacht. I still have this book also.
  23. Like
    Krelis reacted to flying_dutchman2 in Utrecht 1746 by flying_dutchman2 - FINISHED - Scale 1:48 - Dutch Statenjacht   
    None of this is glued but it is to give me a general picture of what it is going to look like.
    In the foreground is a keel made from scrap wood. The key here for me is the space between each frame, which is 26mm. I need to visualize everything to understand the building process. So I experiment a lot and make lots of demo’s. Probably also because this is my first scratch.

    Behind the scrap keel are the frames with the spacers and each side has a long thin plank to visualize the shape of the ship.

    Same as before but closer. The 3 – ½” glued pieces of basswood is going to be the bow. Easier to shape.

  24. Like
    Krelis reacted to flying_dutchman2 in Utrecht 1746 by flying_dutchman2 - FINISHED - Scale 1:48 - Dutch Statenjacht   
    What follows are pictures of my colossal mistake.

  25. Like
    Krelis reacted to flying_dutchman2 in Utrecht 1746 by flying_dutchman2 - FINISHED - Scale 1:48 - Dutch Statenjacht   
    All the frames and chokes in the long clamp. Nothing has been glued yet.

    These are the frames from the book from Ab Hoving. The original plans. This will be for my POB and it will be a only a hull.

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