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    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in YA-1 Yamaha Motorcycle by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - CARD   
    Stunning to think you made this from card Dan! Well done. Looks super.
  2. Like
    vossy got a reaction from mtaylor in YA-1 Yamaha Motorcycle by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - CARD   
    Stunning to think you made this from card Dan! Well done. Looks super.
  3. Like
    vossy got a reaction from druxey in YA-1 Yamaha Motorcycle by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - CARD   
    Stunning to think you made this from card Dan! Well done. Looks super.
  4. Like
    vossy reacted to Louie da fly in Henry Grace a Dieu (Great Harry) by Louie da fly - FINISHED - Scale 1:200 - Repaired after over 50 yrs of neglect   
    Back to the Great Harry after a delay of over two and a half years.
    All this time I've been working on a folding table in my wife's sewing room/ironing room, which also doubles as a bedroom for the incontinent old dog (which means we have to mop the floor every morning and can't leave a chair on the floor).

    Just this week we finished converting the sitting room/library/spare bedroom, so I've finally got a dedicated space to work on models which has storage space, a nice big desk with drawers in it, a chest of shallow drawers, and overhead shelves for reference books and tools and two more shelves each with enough vertical room for a ship model, masts and all. Not as much light here as in the other room, so I'm going to have to work on that. I hate working with insufficient light.

    So now I can work on the Great Harry when I'm stuck/bored with the dromon. I've put together a little stand to hold her upright while I'm working on her.

    My first project will be to re-do the frames I made two and a half years ago as I've realised the flat stern extends well below water level, which would stop water flowing past the rudder.
    Looking forward to it. The ship's been sitting there sneering at me far too long . . .
  5. Like
    vossy reacted to Dan Vadas in YA-1 Yamaha Motorcycle by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - CARD   
    The model is now finished. I coated it with clear gloss from a rattle can. I'll build a stand for it, as it's rather difficult to pick up without damaging anything. The actual stand on the model is rather fragile - I've broken it several times already, but I managed to glue it back together each time.

    Next model will be another Yamaha - the MT-01 (2005 - 2012) model. I've already made a start on it, and I'll post some pics shortly.
  6. Like
    vossy got a reaction from mtaylor in Pleased to be a new member   
    Hi Dave, please do a log mate. It is incredibly useful to others down the track.
  7. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Old Collingwood in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    How's the problematic staircase going Pop? Nice work on the decks to mate!
  8. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    How's the problematic staircase going Pop? Nice work on the decks to mate!
  9. Like
    vossy reacted to drobinson02199 in RMS Titanic 1912 by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:250   
    Another cabin structure built and decorated.
    I did this one differently.  The manual says to build the structure, then cut out the pieces, and then glue them on.  That leads to mis-fitted decoration pieces.
    So I used the cabin wall sections as templates to cut out the decoration pieces with a knife, then mounted the decorations to the loose wall pieces, and THEN built the walls.  In the pic below you can still see imperfections, but to the naked eye it looks better than the one below it.  Just takes a lot more forward planning.

  10. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in RMS Titanic 1912 by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:250   
    They certainly follow them on Facebook. I agree David that there probably isn't a kit on the market that doesn't have some sort of issue, but this is a bit over the top I reckon and given the stage of the build it comes in could well end up being a critical error further down the track. Would be great if we could somehow get this rectified. I have a good relationship with the people at CMB. I will email them and see if they are aware of it? Maybe they can convince Amati to at least have a look at the issue?
  11. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in RMS Titanic 1912 by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:250   
    Really good start David. I cant believe how terribly wrong those bulkheads supplied with the kit are and why a large, reputable company like Amati hasn't addressed the situation yet. As you suggest it wouldn't be too hard to provide half a dozen new pieces of the correct shape as an aside to the kit. After all, these kits aren't cheap and many who purchase this one may not have extra wooden at their disposal to produce what you have. 
    I would love to build this kit, but I wouldn't buy it until this issue is fixed by the manufacturer. Perhaps I should try to contact them or the shop I buy my models from to try to get them to act upon it? The kit is well over $1000 AUD to purchase here and a glaring, easy to fix (for Amati), error is not very equitable in my opinion.
  12. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in RMS Titanic 1912 by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:250   
    What's with the paper on the bulkheads in the second picture David? It is used as some sort of a guide as to where the doorways are?
    Nice planking too. Are you going to stain it or just clear coat?
  13. Like
    vossy got a reaction from aviaamator in New to Modeling, still prepping for my second build   
    Hi, is it just me, or can no-one else view your pics?
  14. Like
    vossy got a reaction from drobinson02199 in RMS Titanic 1912 by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:250   
    What's with the paper on the bulkheads in the second picture David? It is used as some sort of a guide as to where the doorways are?
    Nice planking too. Are you going to stain it or just clear coat?
  15. Like
    vossy got a reaction from geoff in New to Modeling, still prepping for my second build   
    Hi, is it just me, or can no-one else view your pics?
  16. Like
    vossy reacted to drobinson02199 in RMS Titanic 1912 by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:250   
    First two decks planked and installed, and cabin structures built on the stern deck.
    Other decks also planked, awaiting installation.

  17. Like
    vossy reacted to popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    see.....now wasn't that quick     with the system I use,  I can import the pictures,  size them down by 30%,  and set them up in a folder.   after I'm finished posting them,  they go in the main folder for the project,  to be stored on a memory stick.  the ones I use are 32GB,  so there is plenty of room.
    anyway.........I got half of the deck done.  I trimmed it and cut out the stair wells...I still need to do all the slots and holes.

    then I started on the other end,  in a reverse pattern.

    I had to stain a couple small bunches of plank strips to get the job done.  all the edge trimming is done,  the single stairwell is done,  and I went over the deck with another application of stain to get rid of the nicks.   I do around the stair wells and holes later,  when they are all punched out.

    I still need to do the edge banding too........all in good time though      I'm getting warmed back up to 'er.   more soon.....thanks for the good word all and thanks for the likes!  
  18. Like
    vossy reacted to popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    thanks Chris..........I know,  I've been neglectful.  even though I have a couple of projects that I absolutely need to get done,  I will try to at least keep the process going......even if it's a little       the admiral's happy too.........hasn't yelled at me lately   
    I did a bit more.......update soon   
  19. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    Hooray!!!  Glad to see you back on this at long last!
  20. Like
    vossy got a reaction from mtaylor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    Hooray!!!  Glad to see you back on this at long last!
  21. Like
    vossy reacted to ESF in Zebulon B Vance by ESF - FINISHED - Dean's Marine - 1:96 - PLASTIC - RADIO   
    To those who gave likes, thank you and thanks for stopping by.
    Hal, thanks for checking in and thank you for your compliment.

    After gluing the wood shim for the rudder support I globbed some plastic filler around it, but while waiting for it to dry I had second thoughts.  Although it will be primed and painted the rudder support area will be underwater during sailing, so I sanded off the filler and replaced it with a two part cold weld reinforced epoxy.  The second pic is just after placement and a full day prior to curing and sanding - I needed a bit more hardener.
    Given the size of the ship (54 inches) versus my Bowdoin build (23 inches) it seems like every step involves either endless repetition or long distances, rolling back and forth from one end to the other.  I thought I’d give the bulwark interior a shot of primer.  I want to paint it prior to placing the main deck to keep the joint clean between the two.  After three laps of the ship, yards of masking and a wipe down with tacky cloth it was ready.

    The slight blotchiness is the bulwark filler showing through the light primer coat.  I’ll prime again after filling a few defects.  Hopefully it's not bleed-through.  If it is I'll go back to Kilz or BIN.  The paper towels are just to keep paint off the electronics/battery deck which was just sealed, and the prop tube/motor mount/rudder area.

    A question is what should be the finish color of the inside of the bulwark?  In the National Archives photo above the promenade openings are white on the outside, probably leftover from the Vance’s hospital duty, but the hull and exterior of the bulwark forward and aft are darker, which I am assuming is a gray tone (Battleship Gray in Krylon speak) added to cover up the large crosses and green horizontal stripe that signified hospital use.  If the forward and aft bulwark interior was white during hospital work is it reasonable to assume it would have been painted over when the exterior bulwark and hull were refinished?  Or should I assume only the hull exterior would have received the new paint since the refit only lasted a month?   
  22. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Canute in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    Hooray!!!  Glad to see you back on this at long last!
  23. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Old Collingwood in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    Hooray!!!  Glad to see you back on this at long last!
  24. Like
    vossy reacted to popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    BOOO!!!      hope I didn't scare you.......thought I'd visit an old haunt {after all.....it is October}  .    great month for beer too.  as I mentioned in another log.........{I must be on fire}........I haven't been doing much of late.   fingers crossed to change all that.   I had cut pieces of planking on the table,  gathering dust,  while I played with other projects.   in pick'in stuff up,  I picked up some of the planking and.....and I dunno,  adding glue into the mix came to mind.   I was in the process of planking the outside of the upper level structure and began continuing with it.  I need to stain some smaller planking to do the end fascia.   what I did was later trimmed,  but needs a little stain touch up.

    while this was drying,  I marked off and started to plank the third level deck.

    the lighter colored ones are no real concern........I'm going to go over this deck with stain,  as I did with the other decks.  I'm using the archive pen for the simulated calking.  I'm going to plank this deck the same way as I did the second level deck.   the midway point is visible in this picture........I will add the center strip along the line as I get closer to it and border it off.  the other end will go in the opposite direction, and then I can open up all the holes and stuff.........

    I got further along,  before I got called away.  I will get back to it tomorrow     staining more planking is definitely in my future  
  25. Like
    vossy got a reaction from mtaylor in Caldercraft 1:72 Victory?   
    Hey Mark, any more info on that? Size etc? Links?
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