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    vossy got a reaction from cog in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    so, here is some further progress. finally finished planking and sanding out the windows and door frames of the second deck structure. at the moment it has only 1 coat of paint and is just sitting there. not glued down yet, hence its not really level in these pics, plus I reckon it will be a lot easier to place the windows and doors before its stuck in place. I need to put some fine filler between some of the planks, but I may also leave a few as I think it adds to the rustic character of the boat. also, I am brushing all the paint work to achieve a more realistic look for the period. the only medium I am spraying on this is the final clear matt coat as I finish each section.
    when I get the windows and doors all in, complete with curtains, I want to see just how visible the interior of this structure will be from the outside when the third deck is also attached. if I can see fairly clearly inside this space I will install a floor and add carpet, dining tables, and a gambling area down aft. 

  2. Like
    vossy got a reaction from John Allen in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    so, here is some further progress. finally finished planking and sanding out the windows and door frames of the second deck structure. at the moment it has only 1 coat of paint and is just sitting there. not glued down yet, hence its not really level in these pics, plus I reckon it will be a lot easier to place the windows and doors before its stuck in place. I need to put some fine filler between some of the planks, but I may also leave a few as I think it adds to the rustic character of the boat. also, I am brushing all the paint work to achieve a more realistic look for the period. the only medium I am spraying on this is the final clear matt coat as I finish each section.
    when I get the windows and doors all in, complete with curtains, I want to see just how visible the interior of this structure will be from the outside when the third deck is also attached. if I can see fairly clearly inside this space I will install a floor and add carpet, dining tables, and a gambling area down aft. 

  3. Like
    vossy reacted to Cathead in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    If you want to be realistic, I believe that the aftermost part of the cabin was often reserved as the ladies' parlor. The mens' "gambling parlor" would probably have been further forward, to keep their cigar smoke etc. from bothering the ladies. Of course, any given boat could do it however they liked.
    I see you're watching Olympics too. They're slowing me down by distracting me, but helping by entertaining me while holding down fiddly glued bits. Glad to see you're making progress!
  4. Like
    vossy got a reaction from drobinson02199 in Heritage 46 Yacht by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:20 - SMALL   
    dave, this is currently my favorite build on here! love the lighting in the main cabin. it really shows up the fantastic detail. are you coming toward the end of the build now?
  5. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    so, here is some further progress. finally finished planking and sanding out the windows and door frames of the second deck structure. at the moment it has only 1 coat of paint and is just sitting there. not glued down yet, hence its not really level in these pics, plus I reckon it will be a lot easier to place the windows and doors before its stuck in place. I need to put some fine filler between some of the planks, but I may also leave a few as I think it adds to the rustic character of the boat. also, I am brushing all the paint work to achieve a more realistic look for the period. the only medium I am spraying on this is the final clear matt coat as I finish each section.
    when I get the windows and doors all in, complete with curtains, I want to see just how visible the interior of this structure will be from the outside when the third deck is also attached. if I can see fairly clearly inside this space I will install a floor and add carpet, dining tables, and a gambling area down aft. 

  6. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Altduck in Heritage 46 Yacht by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:20 - SMALL   
    dave, this is currently my favorite build on here! love the lighting in the main cabin. it really shows up the fantastic detail. are you coming toward the end of the build now?
  7. Like
    vossy reacted to drobinson02199 in Heritage 46 Yacht by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:20 - SMALL   
    I finished the flying bridge fixtures and details today.  Pictures below show the full flying bridge, the controls that duplicate the ones in the main cabin (as they would on the real boat), and the rear steps and railings.  The flying bridge is still fully removable to see the main cabin interior.
    There is a closeup of the corner couch.  The shorter seatback cushion was too long in the kit, so I had to undo the upholstery at one end, shorten it, and then re-cut and redo the upholstery.  I think it came out well, and now I have another possible vocation in case my day job doesn't work out.  

  8. Like
    vossy reacted to xander in Mississippi by xander - OcCre - paddle steamer   
    A bit more progress made.
    The second deck has now been lined, strips placed around the edge and just placed loosely in position. The underside now has to be painted white and then the deck furniture made. Only when all this has been completed can the deck be glued into position.

  9. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Nirvana in Heritage 46 Yacht by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:20 - SMALL   
    great idea to light it up dave. would be a crime not to be able to view the wonderful interior of this boat!
  10. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Nirvana in Heritage 46 Yacht by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:20 - SMALL   
    this is so cool dave! love the interior! what are the curved couches made of? you could maybe even add more scratch interior detail perhaps?
  11. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Nirvana in Heritage 46 Yacht by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:20 - SMALL   
    hey dave, this looks like a really nice, interesting kit. I will definitely follow along. also, I finally got around to doing a build log for my Mississippi riverboat!
  12. Like
    vossy got a reaction from prutser in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    so, here is some further progress. finally finished planking and sanding out the windows and door frames of the second deck structure. at the moment it has only 1 coat of paint and is just sitting there. not glued down yet, hence its not really level in these pics, plus I reckon it will be a lot easier to place the windows and doors before its stuck in place. I need to put some fine filler between some of the planks, but I may also leave a few as I think it adds to the rustic character of the boat. also, I am brushing all the paint work to achieve a more realistic look for the period. the only medium I am spraying on this is the final clear matt coat as I finish each section.
    when I get the windows and doors all in, complete with curtains, I want to see just how visible the interior of this structure will be from the outside when the third deck is also attached. if I can see fairly clearly inside this space I will install a floor and add carpet, dining tables, and a gambling area down aft. 

  13. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Cathead in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    so, here is some further progress. finally finished planking and sanding out the windows and door frames of the second deck structure. at the moment it has only 1 coat of paint and is just sitting there. not glued down yet, hence its not really level in these pics, plus I reckon it will be a lot easier to place the windows and doors before its stuck in place. I need to put some fine filler between some of the planks, but I may also leave a few as I think it adds to the rustic character of the boat. also, I am brushing all the paint work to achieve a more realistic look for the period. the only medium I am spraying on this is the final clear matt coat as I finish each section.
    when I get the windows and doors all in, complete with curtains, I want to see just how visible the interior of this structure will be from the outside when the third deck is also attached. if I can see fairly clearly inside this space I will install a floor and add carpet, dining tables, and a gambling area down aft. 

  14. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Cathead in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    really like the card dave! I must apologize to all who follow this build for the slow progress. unfortunately I have been having some health issues of late so the build has had to take a bit of a back seat. hopefully after the barrage of tests and scans I have had this past week or so, some bright doctor may finally be able to work out what the eff is wrong with me and get me back to the boatyard!
  15. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Baker in Hello! Long time admirer, first time ship owner!   
    Google The Mayflower. There will be tons of info on her. One of the most famous ships in history really. Name is on the stern.
  16. Like
    vossy reacted to drobinson02199 in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    Given your focus on riverboats, I thought you'd appreciate this anniversary card my wife gave me.

  17. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    hey eric, I see your point. the doors themselves, the single ones on the side of the engine compartment, are 40mm high, but as you can see they sit slightly above the deck, so from the deck to the top of the door is about 45mm. this kit states that it is 1:50 scale, but I wouldn't bet my life on that scale being true for the whole model itself. it is more of a showboat than a true life representation. having said that, I reckon the figures look fairly plausible to scale against the doors and other objects so far. my problem was/is that the horses are 60mm high, and I just thought that was about 10mm to high. I think it makes the horses about 10 foot tall, which is a damn big horse!
  18. Like
    vossy got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    hey dave, I really like the figures myself I must say. the problem with them though is that they are actually just a little bit smaller than 1:50 scale.
    the figures stand 38mm tall to be exact, but they do tend to look in scale with the doors of the boat so I went with them. now the horses in the link
    you sent me, and thanks for doing so, are 1:50 scale and thus stand about 60mm tall. I thought maybe they would be just a little too tall in relation
    to the humans and thus look too out of place. having said that, I probably will get some to really make sure. it will be easy enough to place one into 
    the stalls as the area is quite big and I can get my hand in there no problems, well at least until I put the side rails on, but this is still a fair way off.
    I am still looking around for something to put on/against the empty wall in the bay. thinking hay bales, buckets, maybe tools etc. again it all is a matter
    of finding stuff the right scale.
  19. Like
    vossy got a reaction from yvesvidal in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    finally got some crew onboard! the chief engineer checking up on the poor bloke who has to shovel you know what! sorry about the pic quality! really bad at this! level 2 structure planking continues at glacier movement pace!

  20. Like
    vossy got a reaction from yvesvidal in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    crawling along with all this planking of decks and cabin structures! finally have second deck glued down, but requires another coat of matt clear I reckon. second deck cabin structure is a slow process to plank. here it is just dry sitting on top of the deck itself. when completed and ready to mount, it will also be white, so any small gaps the camera shows up can be filled if necessary.
    none of my passengers and crew have been glued into position as yet, and I am still procrastinating over the horse bay area detail. anyway, sorry, not much of an update, but it is a way to bump my log up from page 5 I guess 

  21. Like
    vossy got a reaction from mtaylor in Hello! Long time admirer, first time ship owner!   
    Google The Mayflower. There will be tons of info on her. One of the most famous ships in history really. Name is on the stern.
  22. Like
    vossy got a reaction from cog in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    finally got some crew onboard! the chief engineer checking up on the poor bloke who has to shovel you know what! sorry about the pic quality! really bad at this! level 2 structure planking continues at glacier movement pace!

  23. Like
    vossy reacted to Cathead in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    Oh, I agree, they look fine with the model for the reasons you state. The difference isn't enough to matter, I was just curious.
    As for the horses, do you mean height at the withers (top of the front shoulder) or at the top of the head or ears? If the latter, it may not be that far off; I'm 6' and I've stood next to horses that dwarfed me. Wikipedia states that a big draft horse can easily exceed 6' at the withers and one record horse exceeded 7', so a big stallion with its head erect could at least approximate 10' in total. See this Clydesdale next to a 5' 3" human, not far off a reasonable human height for the 1800s. Just figure that your boat is carrying some valuable breeding stock.
  24. Like
    vossy reacted to drobinson02199 in Heritage 46 Yacht by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Amati - Scale 1:20 - SMALL   
    This will be my last progress report for two weeks as I'm going away with my wife from cold Boston to a sunny place.
    I have now planked the flying bridge deck.  In this picture I also dry-fitted the main railings, although they won't go on permanently until the flying bridge furniture and fixtures are done.  Note that the forward railing is missing a stanchion on the starboard side -- I broke it while fitting the railing and will need to glue it back on when the railing is permanently mounted.  (This despite a manual warning to be careful as the forward railing is delicate).
    When drilling the holes for the forward railing, when you hold the railing over the bridge, it looks like the positioning of the first two holes as specified in the manual is a mistake, but it turns out that the angle of the stanchions makes for deceptive positioning.  So followed the manual and it worked.
    Then I have also made and installed the windshield wipers, which I think are very realistic-looking.
    More building later in February when I return.

  25. Like
    vossy got a reaction from Roger Pellett in size of people   
    its not that hard! just look at your build and use common sense. relate figures etc. to doorways and other structures that are pretty standard in our world. always remember though, that all of us already are in possession of the best calculator/convertor in the world; our brain!
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