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Many years ago my first build was the AL Mississippi which was a fun build.

i have now started to build the Occre version which has several major differences.

I will take some photos of progress so far and post them.

The photo enclosed shows my attempt at the AL version.



Hi Xander.

Welcome to MSW.

Looking forward to your build.

Please show the contents of the box as this can be useful to others.

Good luck with your build.


Regards Antony.

Best advice ever given to me."If you don't know ..Just ask.

Completed Mayflower

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Completed Build Chinese Junk Chinese Pirate Junk

Completed scratch built Korean Turtle ship 1/32 Turtle ship

Completed Santa Lucia Sicilian Cargo Boat 1/30 scale Santa Lucia

On hold. Bounty Occre 1/45

Completed HMS Victory by DeAgostini modelspace. DeAgostini Victory Cross Section

Completed H.M.S. Victory X section by Coral. HMS Victory cross section

Completed The Black Pearl fun build Black Queen

Completed A large scale Victory cross section 1/36 Victory Cross Section



The build has already been started before I decided to take the plunge and do a build log.

The first photo shows a sample of the written instructions and plans, the second the colour instruction steps and the paper decorations and the third some of the metal and wooden accessories.

Will take some more photos of the build so far and post these later.








So as said in my last post I am enclosing photos of my build so far,

The first deck is finished and am starting the furniture for this deck.

The first photo shows the removable sections which allows one to see inside, This will include the casino and the theatre. You are also able to see the inside walls which have been wallpapered as supplied in the kit. All the metal tables and chairs which have yet to be built are also included. The chairs come in two pieces which have to be glued, primed and painted before fixing to the deck.

This is very fiddly and a lot of time will be spent on them.

The middle photo shows the roulette tables which have been primed but not yet painted.







Hi fellow builder

You are going to like the Oocre version - it is very high quality and lots and lots of detail. I put some mini led lights on the interior of mine, so you can see the detail on the inside of the cabins - wall paper, casino etc .

Have fun - i will be following your build


  • 4 weeks later...

At long last the first deck is now finished.

All the tables and chairs have to be assembled, then primed, painted and then fixed on to the deck. Very fiddly and time consuming.

The actual walls are removable so one can see all the furniture. However when the second deck is placed on the top of the first I think it will be very dark inside. Therefore it is possible that at a later date to place some lighting on the walls or ceiling. But that will be at the end of the build.

And so now work building the second deck will start.

Enclosing 2 photographs of the first deck with and without the removable walls.






Hi - I build this very same ship a couple of years ago - you mentioned lights - I got some mini LED lights and I installed them as I was building - It does add a nice touch to the model, being able to see all the interior decoration .

Keep up the great work



A bit more progress made.

The second deck has now been lined, strips placed around the edge and just placed loosely in position. The underside now has to be painted white and then the deck furniture made. Only when all this has been completed can the deck be glued into position.


  • 1 month later...

And so  after quite a bit of time the second deck has now been finished. The two photographs show the deck without the removable sides and the deck where the sides have been placed in situ.


The work that has been completed has been very fiddly.  Lots of small parts have had to be fitted together, primed, painted and assembled on the deck.


 Haven’t been able to spend a great deal of time on this build but will post again in the future when more progress has been made.



  • 4 months later...

 Sorry to taken so long to reply but I’ve had two eye operations recently and have not been able to carry on with my Mississippi.


In response to Bryans query I just prefer the Occre kit as I prefer the instructions and the plans. The kit has a lot of metal chairs,  tables etc which all have to be painted and assembled and the cabins are wallpapered. This is the main difference and though it is 

is a lot of extra work I like the look of this model better. 


I hope now that I am getting better I will be able to resume the build and then I can post some more pictures.









 Thanks Brian for your advice. I think that wearing protective goggles would be good advice for everybody.


I think that the kit definitely needs some form of lighting as it is very difficult to see everything that is going on without it. One thought I had was to use the little dolls house lights which are battery operated and just stick them onto the wall or the roof of the deck. Your idea however is certainly giving  me food for thought and I agree fitting the lights before 

fixing all the decks permanently makes things a lot easier.


Looking forward to seeing what sort of lighting you use and how you actually fix them into place.







Have now made the next deck and have placed it loosely on top of the second deck.Have to make the cabin now before fixing the deck in place.

After my eye ops can now see distance clearly but close work is a problem and especially so for this hobby.

Still thinking about the lighting and should do something at this stage as it will be more difficult after the decks  are glued in position.

Although led lights are probably the best solution I might opt out and choose small individual battery operated lights.

Anyway 2 photos enclosed of recent progress





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