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Everything posted by IgorSky

  1. Thank you Patrick! It is not too small - its length is more than 40 mm )) Again my best wishes! Igor.
  2. Many thanks Carl! Yes, I have to make a small pause for drying of sea )) I hope continue tomorrow. And now I am cutting the stand for of my other model ) Best Regards! Igor.
  3. Hi to all! Now I have a little vacation and I continue to build AMERICA ) Here is the process making of the next sail: Best Regards! Igor.
  4. Thank you Bob! So, one more evening - one more sail )) Best Regards! Igor.
  5. Hi everyone! Small update was made yesterday. In during one evening was made only one sail )) Best Regards! Igor. P.S. And of course, I again did the photo with my special match ))
  6. Hi Amy! The scalpel N3 with the blade N11 is my favorit tool during many years Best Regards! Igor.
  7. Hi Bob! I will find my special match and I will do the photo a little later )) Best Regards! Igor.
  8. Thank you Piet! I am sure that you easily can place your ship in a bottle. So, the next small update here: Best Regards! Igor.
  9. Hi Ian! In this case, I used the medical steel needle with a diameter of about 0.5 mm. In fact I could not find a brass tube diameter is less than 0.8 mm, but the needle may has a diameter of 0.3 mm. This is no rod )) I use a conventional needle to handle edge of the tube. So I rule out the sharp edges of the tube, which can cut the thread. I often use medical needles of different diameters for my models. I did portholes, davits, gears for winches, mast's elements, etc. Best REgards! Igor.
  10. Hi everyone! Many thanks for your interest to this project! Here is the little update per last weekend. Best Regards! Igor.
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