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Everything posted by IgorSky

  1. First of all I have improved the lattice on the deck hauses and did the loops fastening steering. I have used some photoetched parts for it.
  2. Hi everyones! I decided to give this building the separate log. Some time ago I bought a new material for the making of the sea for one of my current projects. I've never used this silicon, so I decided to first try it with some simple project. Thus, about one and a half years ago, I made this hull for yacht, but at that time I was not satisfied with the result, so that the hull was lying in the drawer of my desk all the time. Now I have decided to slightly improve this hull and use it for this project.
  3. Hi Carl! Please, look at these photos - I can send these and other plans in the large sizes in e-mail. I think there is no need to tie knots on such a scale. You can just use glue. Which threads are you going to use? Best Regards! Igor. P.S.
  4. Hi Carl! My congratulations to you with the starting of this project! If you need I can send to you some plans of Bluenose. I'll be interested to watch this build and I look forward to updates! Good Luck! Igor.
  5. Hi friends! Many thanks for your feedback, support and all your LIKEs! In this project I'm going to use a new material for the making of the sea. So at first, I decided to try to use this material in a simpler project. Best Regards! Igor.
  6. Hi Piet! Let me share some information about the threads. Perhaps it will be useful to you. I often use these threads for rigging on small models. I buy this mounting thread at the store for the fishermen. This thread is thin enough and it can be a different color. I look forward to the next update in your build log. Best Regards! Igor.
  7. Yesterday I have received a two-component silicone and pigment for it. And one of my friends presented me a set of very quality threads.
  8. Many thanks for your advice Neal! Yes, at first I was going to use the two-component epoxy for the sculpting. But size of this figure is very small and very fragile plastic. So I just dealt a few times this glue and a little shape it during it dries.
  9. Thank you Arthur, Piet, Neal and all who are interesting of this small project! Neal, I have used for the sculping of the cloths Glue Titebond II Dark
  10. Many thanks for your commemts Nenad, Denis and Patrick! I hope to get new material for the aking of the sea soon. And this weekend I'm going to continue to work on the Old Man. Best Regards! Igor.
  11. Hi Patrick! What I can say ... Sooner or later we all face with so bad luck... But I'm sure you will soon show us new photos and we will not see any trace of this incident. Best Regards! Igor
  12. Bravo Piet! Have you decided what kind of thread you will use for the making of rigging? Best Regards! Igor.
  13. Many thanks Denis! Today is very little updating. I began to change shape old man - to add the clothes and the hat. Unfortunately in during of this process the old man's left arm was broken, and this part was lost. Now I will have to make the new hand for him.
  14. Hi Piet! Amazing work! And I look forward to the continuation of your log! Best Regards! Igor.
  15. Hi Piet! It seems to me that the wood of cherry is similar to the wood of pear. Perhaps the bamboo will be more suitable for the manufacture of masts, spars and bowsprit in this scale. I'm looking forward to see the photos in the process. Best Regards! Igor.
  16. Hi Piet! Be cautious when using the bulb from the lamp - this glass is very fragile and often break down at the most inopportune moment. What type of wood you are going to be used to make boats? I like to use the planks from hard wood such as pear and hornbeam. I really like to do a small size boats. Best Regards! Igor.
  17. Hi Piet! It is very great idea! Unfortunately, I can not see the attached photos to yor topic I look forward to the continuation. Best REgards! Igor.
  18. I need the liquid transparent material for the making of the base of the sea. And I wish he did not change its volume when dry. I'll use a transparent acrylic gel for making waves.
  19. Thank you Neal! Till the final is still far. Usually I am using the epoxy resin for the making of the sea. But this time I decided to try to use a different material. I have ordered the silicone and pigments for it, but I can not get it before the middle of June.
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