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    amateur got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Flamborough Head Lighthouse by AJohnson - FINISHED - Paper Shipwright - 1:250   
    Although a lighthouse does not claasify as ‘non-shipping related’ 
    Papershipwrihgt does have nice kits with loads of tiny parts. I’m trying to do one of the free downloads. Advantage of downloads: everything eaten by the carpet-monster can be reprinted.
  2. Laugh
    amateur got a reaction from thibaultron in Flamborough Head Lighthouse by AJohnson - FINISHED - Paper Shipwright - 1:250   
    Although a lighthouse does not claasify as ‘non-shipping related’ 
    Papershipwrihgt does have nice kits with loads of tiny parts. I’m trying to do one of the free downloads. Advantage of downloads: everything eaten by the carpet-monster can be reprinted.
  3. Like
    amateur got a reaction from Keith Black in Schrouds Deadeye’s etc mystery   
    But that is my point: when you say ‘original’, some of us read ‘the situation as s functioning pond yacht’’, some us read ‘as a schooner of around 1900 would have been rigged’.
    These two are fundamentally different, and lead to different reading suggestions, and different choices.

    And given the rudder pin, and the lead keel this model has been a pond yacht at least once in its existence
    Personally I would go for a pond-yacht rigging (although seeing the set-up for the sailboom, that doesnt look to have been self-tending, so there is some ambiguity in the rigging remnants)
  4. Like
    amateur got a reaction from Keith Black in Schrouds Deadeye’s etc mystery   
    I'm not an expert on pond-yachts, but I'm pretty sure that a pond yacht is not rigged as per Petersson's diagrams.
    Pond yachts should be able to sail themselves, so they have a simplified rigging. I think that you need to have a serious look at the 1950's and earlier literature on rigging and sailing pond yachts. (as a pond yacht rigged like a  model schooner will look a bit "unbalanced".
  5. Like
    amateur got a reaction from mtaylor in Schrouds Deadeye’s etc mystery   
    But that is my point: when you say ‘original’, some of us read ‘the situation as s functioning pond yacht’’, some us read ‘as a schooner of around 1900 would have been rigged’.
    These two are fundamentally different, and lead to different reading suggestions, and different choices.

    And given the rudder pin, and the lead keel this model has been a pond yacht at least once in its existence
    Personally I would go for a pond-yacht rigging (although seeing the set-up for the sailboom, that doesnt look to have been self-tending, so there is some ambiguity in the rigging remnants)
  6. Like
    amateur got a reaction from mtaylor in Schrouds Deadeye’s etc mystery   
    I'm not an expert on pond-yachts, but I'm pretty sure that a pond yacht is not rigged as per Petersson's diagrams.
    Pond yachts should be able to sail themselves, so they have a simplified rigging. I think that you need to have a serious look at the 1950's and earlier literature on rigging and sailing pond yachts. (as a pond yacht rigged like a  model schooner will look a bit "unbalanced".
  7. Like
    amateur reacted to Nordlicht in Hello from Germany   
    Two 🙂
  8. Like
    amateur got a reaction from mtaylor in Hello from Germany   
    Is that a 1cent, or a 5cent coin?
  9. Like
    amateur reacted to ccoyle in Hello from Germany   
    We have a few enthusiastic Kartonmodellbauer around here.
  10. Like
    amateur reacted to ccoyle in Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat by ccoyle - FINISHED - GPM - 1/33 - CARD   
    Test fit of the instrument panel. Notice anything . . . odd? Yes, that's right -- there's a whole lot of bulkhead still showing. I have no idea why that should be so, and the diagrams give no hint either. I expect some minor surgery will be called for. BTW, the instruments are glazed.

    BTW, I saw an announcement just recently that Card Army will be publishing another Wundermodell -- and it's a Hellcat. For certain it will be a. amazing, b. expensive, and c. beyond my abilities.
  11. Like
    amateur reacted to Old Collingwood in Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat by ccoyle - FINISHED - GPM - 1/33 - CARD   
    A and B  yes  but certainly not C.
  12. Like
    amateur got a reaction from thibaultron in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    Dutch quality engine
    Don’t think SD14 ever had one of these (the info on the engine-model suggests it is early 1960-ies, the ship is eraly 70-ies.)
    However, it is rather basic card-model, so it should scale down nicely, and it sure looks like a ships Diesel.
  13. Like
    amateur got a reaction from thibaultron in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    Is the engine part of the kit, or is the kit "only" the steel hull and superstructures?
  14. Like
    amateur got a reaction from Canute in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    Dutch quality engine
    Don’t think SD14 ever had one of these (the info on the engine-model suggests it is early 1960-ies, the ship is eraly 70-ies.)
    However, it is rather basic card-model, so it should scale down nicely, and it sure looks like a ships Diesel.
  15. Like
    amateur reacted to Kevin in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    good evening everyone
    thank you for comments and likes
    no dog photo bombs tonight
    day 42 port side engine levels corrected, bulkhead 84 made up and fitted
    everything with a clip is just a temp hold, not glued

  16. Like
    amateur got a reaction from mtaylor in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    Dutch quality engine
    Don’t think SD14 ever had one of these (the info on the engine-model suggests it is early 1960-ies, the ship is eraly 70-ies.)
    However, it is rather basic card-model, so it should scale down nicely, and it sure looks like a ships Diesel.
  17. Like
    amateur got a reaction from Canute in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    Is the engine part of the kit, or is the kit "only" the steel hull and superstructures?
  18. Like
    amateur got a reaction from Old Collingwood in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    Is the engine part of the kit, or is the kit "only" the steel hull and superstructures?
  19. Like
    amateur got a reaction from mtaylor in SD 14 by Kevin - Marcle Models - 1/70 - CARD - Full build March 2022   
    Is the engine part of the kit, or is the kit "only" the steel hull and superstructures?
  20. Like
    amateur got a reaction from hollowneck in Collections of Ship Models: Help!   
    For those not knowing: Kaap Skil is located on the Isle of Texel, Netherlands
    It is a large diorama of the Dutch fleet supplying.
    The diorama is build by the well known firm Artitec.
    Worth visiting. 
  21. Like
    amateur got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS ENGLAND (DE-635) by ccoyle - FINISHED - HMV - 1/250 - CARD   
    Mid-level of detail. Yeah…..
    Labelling this as ‘mid-level’ reveals your true ambition level. 
    But although it is only midlevel detail, it is top-quality as far as I’m concerned.
  22. Like
    amateur got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in USS ENGLAND (DE-635) by ccoyle - FINISHED - HMV - 1/250 - CARD   
    Mid-level of detail. Yeah…..
    Labelling this as ‘mid-level’ reveals your true ambition level. 
    But although it is only midlevel detail, it is top-quality as far as I’m concerned.
  23. Like
    amateur got a reaction from Canute in Collections of Ship Models: Help!   
    For those not knowing: Kaap Skil is located on the Isle of Texel, Netherlands
    It is a large diorama of the Dutch fleet supplying.
    The diorama is build by the well known firm Artitec.
    Worth visiting. 
  24. Like
    amateur got a reaction from Dion Dunn in USS ENGLAND (DE-635) by ccoyle - FINISHED - HMV - 1/250 - CARD   
    Mid-level of detail. Yeah…..
    Labelling this as ‘mid-level’ reveals your true ambition level. 
    But although it is only midlevel detail, it is top-quality as far as I’m concerned.
  25. Like
    amateur got a reaction from mtaylor in USS ENGLAND (DE-635) by ccoyle - FINISHED - HMV - 1/250 - CARD   
    Mid-level of detail. Yeah…..
    Labelling this as ‘mid-level’ reveals your true ambition level. 
    But although it is only midlevel detail, it is top-quality as far as I’m concerned.
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