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Everything posted by robert22564

  1. Pillars are now complete, Belfrey roof copper leafed, I'll be doing a little "making good" just to tidy things to date.
  2. Hi David and thanks for your comments, I'll tackle this task next before I move on and as you all say it'll be a slow "one" at a time, making sure i'm happy before moving on to the next one. Thanks guys.
  3. Hi Paul and thanks for the comments. I think I can safely say my Vic will not be as historicly accurate as yours is surely going to be, "which i'm really looking forward to following and learning from". With regards to the pillars of the middle companionway, uhm yes, I'm not in my workshop right now but i have this horrible feeling i've forgotten all about them. Can't remember installing those. Beleive it or not I think I still might be able to sort that little oversight.
  4. A little more progress, I seem to be a little stumped doing these skid beam pillars.........not really knowing where to start. Maybe I should have taken care of those a little earlier in the build. I'll sort it now
  5. Sjors, Mike, Nick & Ken.....Thank you very much for such encourouging comments.
  6. Hi Guys......yes I didn't reveal the mistake did I. The companionway to the Admirals cabin way should be offset to port, I had planked the wrong side putting my companionway to starboard. Thanks for your comments Mike and very nice to here from you again David, always good to know your watching over this log.
  7. A slight delay on updates as this workshop of mine seems to be a little dark and dreary, I need a bright and happy workshop I'll brighten the place up a bit
  8. I've got to sort out some walnut wood stain before I can proceed with the pillars. In the meantime I've been looking ahead. I've now started the linnings
  9. I agree with Nick & Sjors looks fantastic, you must be enjoying it so much.......you do have a fine model there
  10. Quarterdeck planking now complete, next I'll be looking at the pillars under the skid beam, gunport linings and inner/outer planking.
  11. I had done some of the deck planking while the quarter deck was on the bench without foreseeing any issues as you can see. However a dry fit did reveal a mistake, an error on my part because I did read the instructions but bloody forgot. Can anyone spot the mistake? note that the deck is not fixed into place and I still have a few bits to cut out.
  12. Great work, your build log is very informative indeed, I'm just behind you with my build and need as much help as I can get, so i'll be keeping a close eye on this log.
  13. Hi Guys, OK...............So this is where we ended up, just to work out now where to continue Hmmm.
  14. Wow, doesn't time fly......has it really been as long as that ? Well everything seems to be exactly where i left it and the copper plating's weathered well. Looking forward to cracking on
  15. Still here guys, just been enjoying the summer so haven't had much time to get in the workshop, can see myself back very soon
  16. Well...............the chores did eventually catch up with me but I'm back in the workshop and the fun will continue. As you can see the cannons are all complete and I have six left to rig and fix to the ship.
  17. Incredible, I've been sat here with my jaw dropped, page after page and when you think it can't be any better.....it becomes unbelievably better. you are truly an artist, something for all to aspire to. Marvelous, absolutely marvelous.
  18. Hello David, I've decided to rig 12 Cannons, the ones shown are not yet complete and are just put there for the picture.
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