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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. Thank you for the input I will definitely think about sprucing her up Starting back to college so may be slow to finish
  2. Thank you I guess my setback is where do you find the lights the resistor things and all for lighting don't they have to have special voltage vs ohms stuff
  3. Way to go tom I am eager to see your build Glad you decided to scratch
  4. She is awesome love what you've done Just hope mine looks a third as good Mine won't be lit up unfortunately
  5. Just as a side project Made a castle out of paper The wife and I put our best into this contraption I don't may I repeat I don't like paper Lol
  6. Thank you so much that was very insightful
  7. Hey mark I've been looking in on you and your beautiful lady just haven't commented since I don't know what your doing It's so far above my skill level However I do want to say she is a pleasure to look upon and watching her grow has been a wonderful and educational experience
  8. Hey guys i was curious if the standing rigging on the constellation was served or if it is just the darker rope i know the tan lines are for pretty much any line that moves but what of the other rigging the plans do not say and i cant tell from the picture on the box thanks
  9. Thanks guys I've thought about just leaving it off and keep the bow pointed what do y'all think
  10. Ok guys they hull is planked sanded and varnished now it wants me to install the keel and bow peice However I'm not sure how they want me to put it on it sits at a very strange angle and means I would have to sand down the bow quiet a bit If anyone has a idea please let me know
  11. Well it's taken a few days but the bottom is planked now to work on the sides Between work family and two boats I'm finding myself a little preoccupied please bear with me
  12. Thank you Charlene After seeing your bounty and the details and colors mine seems bland but she'll look a lot better when the rigging is done
  13. Oh that's my big one The constellation Thank you she's been a lot of fun The rigging is the killer Slow going Hopefully she'll be done in a couple months
  14. Charlene She turned out great you and Jerry should celebrate Glad you got the bug can't wait to see your next build
  15. Matt she is coming along wonderfully Patience is a wonderful thing No one on here expects anything less or more than what you put into her Ive been working on my constellation for well over a year It is my first ship Still working on the rigging You have the right to be scared of it I've been looking at the rigging plans seriously for a couple months and still not sure what to do with 900 tiny peices of rope but I'll get her done just like you will Your hull is looking great
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