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  1. This built is, like the builts of EdT, a very good example of woodworking and a exquisite model at every time on its way to the launch. Very impressive work. Thank you for showing!
  2. Very nice proect! I see forward with greatest interest, because an grand-uncle of me use "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" in August/September 1913 on a passage from Bremen to New York. Can you send me a photo of the Body-Plan-Cross-section (length-cut)? I will illustrate the story of my family and search for pictures of interest. Sorry, but my english is only for the kitchen... Best regards! Revier.
  3. Amazing. This ist one of the smallest ship in a bottle, i ever seen.
  4. EdT, i will watching. I learn so much from your excellent work. I will say thank you for showing your builds here!
  5. Now, i made a little finish on the stern. I glued my FIMO (means sculpey)-work on the rigth place and coloured this with yellow. Seems like a new golden Stern... ;-) Small steps, but steps forward. Will be continued... Best regards!
  6. Thank you all for your interest! I made the roof for the small cabins beside the great cabin. I use metal-folie from a good bottle of wine, cutted into 4mm stripes. Glued with UHU-Glue and ready is the roof. Looks like a copper roof nearly new, not with greenspan. A view trough the great cabin into sunset will close the post. Best regards!
  7. Thank you Dida, i am still working... A couple of months later i can show you new results. Small steps, but steps... Inside the great cabin is now only darkness and the light comes only trough the windows. Poopdeck is glued, ladders to Upperdeck are in position and ready for use. And the reeling on the balcony is fixed. Now i am showing street ahead, new horizons to reach. Best regards!
  8. Absolute high quality base! I am very impressed. Thats the style, i prefer for my "JUPITER" as well. But only the problem with the dust. Wats your way to keep all clean? Best regards!
  9. Thank you, aykutansin. The seamen and infantry are: HaT No. 8098 and other figures are: HaT No. 8091. Regards!
  10. Mark, i think, the pump shaft is made from wood. The hourglass shape is used for fix a rope, going through a gat to upper deck, here fixed on beams for some hands to pump water. If you pull on he beam, you will pump water, if you let the beam go, the balls (iron) will punch he shaft into the pump. (Oh god, my terrible english...) I will show you a picture from a frigat ater CHAPMAN plans (XXXI and XXXII of the fabulous Architectura Navalis Mercatoria) a IMM Hamburg. You will see the principe. Two seamen pumping and you see the gat in deck for the pump-shaft. Also you can see those pumps here Best regards!
  11. Hello shipmates! Great cabin is ready to use. Ladder to poopdeck also. I must rebuilt some doors and walls of the small cabins, because i made a mistake. Doors under ladder- that doesnt work! I rebuilt the ladder with some stripes of veneer, glued first and last step together and fix on deck to become the rigth form. You will see the difference! The great cabin becomes more comfort (canapees are made from maple veneer (some stripes fixed together and use the DREMEL eraser) and some Officers and the Captain. The "Samt" is made from waste of plastic amd floor) And after glueing poopdeck, all is gone in the dark... Best regards!
  12. Thank you so much, Ed and Mark, i am happy to "entertain" you. I show you the other side of the decks-house. I do a little work on the wall of the great cabin. This will also work on a small vignette... Maple, walnut veneer and a steward, light modified on the left arm. Only furniture is missed, coming soon. Unfortunately, above is the poop-deck, you will only now see into the cabin. Later, you will see contour and shadows... Best regards!
  13. Pumps in action! I forgot to post this before my last post... Pumps, i search many times, because the plan was nearly poor on details. I found a way, i think, this is possible and will work: Only the beams for pumping must fix a deck higher on upper-deck. o fix the beams, i use rope in the same way you see here. Between the deckbeams above are gats for the rope. And i think abouth the lovely smelling water from deep inside the ship and found (thanks, schiffebastler) a way with very simple work. A hose will work fabulous! I glued the pumps before i fix the upper-deck. Regards!
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