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Everything posted by aydingocer

  1. Next on the line is the dashboard decoration. Seems to be a lot of fun. Instructions: The current status of the dashboard: Gauge stickers (they don't actually stick, you'll have to use glue) and a few frames: Stickers being glued in the frames: Example of more components, here the keys and its slots: Installed them one by one on the dashboard. Quite annoying sometimes to run after small pieces which snap from the tweezer and run under the table:
  2. There is this round frame in front, at the back of the windshield ( I don't know what it is called or what the purpose is): In place: Windshield wipers also in place:
  3. Installed the windshield glass (made of acetate): Windshield installed in place. Note also the L shaped rubber profile around the lower frame:
  4. Windshield installation. Drilled 3 holes for inserting the windshield, 1 in front, 2 on the sides. Bare windshield frame in place (DRY FIT):
  5. Exhaust pipes. Here I made the mistake of installing the pipes first and the round frames afterwards, making it too hard to hammer nails to the holes on the frame. I leave them as they are for now, until I get a piece of iron rod to help hammer the nails without hitting the exhaust pipes.
  6. Build day 46. Decorations continued. Today I was able to spare some 6 hours with my build. Here is the progress: Front seat bases are finally glued to the place:
  7. End of Build day 45 3,5 hour today. 130 hours into build in total. Along with several other small metal parts, this is the status at the end of the day. Thanks for watching:
  8. Glued the turquoise cushions around the cockpit. I had to do this in order to be able to position the other components correctly easier. These cushions accommodate 2 pieces of metal stripes, which are supposed to be nailed. They had "simulated" nail holes which were not fully drilled. So I drilled the nail holes and nailed them on the cushions.
  9. Painted the brass sheet with spray metallic color (the rear view mirror, which is not supposed to be painted, is covered with masking tape, on the top right) : Before: After:
  10. Installed the borders on the floor: Earlier I had glued the sun bed on the rear deck to the plywood hatch which it sits on. Now I think it is not a good idea, since the sun bed will not fit in its place because of the white cushions around the frame. You will need to bend the sun bed a little to insert it, something impossible while it is glued on the hatch. So I detached it. Now in the photos you see the hatch without the sun bed:
  11. Next, the small 3-piece metal components as in the pictures. There are about 5-6 of them in several locations on the boat: Instructions: Parts: Drilled, hammered and glued in place:
  12. Build day 44. Decorations continued. Continued today with installing the metal ornaments and parts. First, the metal covers in the bow (whatever it is called in marine terminology). Nailed them all the way:
  13. This is the status at the end of the day (front seats and blue cushions around the cockpit dry fitted at the moment). Thanks for watching!
  14. Glued the lateral cushions on the cockpit and rear deck in place, as well as the cockpit floor pieces:
  15. Build day 44. Decorations 1,5 hour today. 126,5 hours into build in total. I had been away for a trip to Turkey to visit my parents and now finally back at home. I had already painted the watermark before I left. As you see in the photos below, I decided to paint it black instead of white. I think it looks better this way. Opinions may differ, of course. Note that the waterline will still be covered with a thin strip of blue sticker, therefore the small impurities are not a problem:
  16. I placed small pieces of making tape at certain intervals to make the waterline marks visible. It will be easier to locate the charcoal pencil marks which are hard to see. Then by following the lines, I merged the gaps between the tape marks by more masking tape: And finally cut off the initial tape pieces with x-acto knife: Waterline masking is ready now. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some time to waterline paint. That's all for today and thanks for watching. Aydin
  17. Question: What can a play-dough have anything to do with model boat building? Hint: Check the base (where the boat stays on) which come with the model: Yes, you guessed right. The boat does not sit on the base horizontally, but instead with an angle tilted towards one side (just like how its position would be on a speedy turn to left). Though this posture gives a nice artistic look to it during display, it makes the base unusable for marking the waterline. Hence, enter the play doughs. Making use of their soft but solid structure I have been able to position the boat precisely horizontal for marking the waterline correctly.
  18. Build day 43. Waterline painting... 1 hour today. 125 hours into build in total. Today I finished leather covering of the backseat and spent some time on marking the waterline. The seats and other cushion look like this now: The middle section of sunbed has been painted in white, like in the photos of the kit (though, depending of my mood and how much the color impurities on the blue-white borders annoy me, I can paint the whole thing to white) :
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