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Everything posted by Monarch

  1. Hi Tony I am also building the Portsmouth but struggling with the instructions after completing the first planking. Can you help me please as I am looking to start the second planking and it talks about starting below the first upper lath but only as far as the poop. The drawings are not any use or i am just reading them wrong. Also I note you cut out the gunports before second planking yet no mention yet in instructions. Any held and guidance will be greatly appreciated. Regards Glyn
  2. David what a great start, it must feel good to be building at last! Regards Glyn
  3. Hoorah have actually spent time this evening in the shipyard but only to the extent of stropping blocks to the mast which is a bit time consuming. Very annoyed that having visited a model shop to buy .25mm black rigging thread they gave me .5mm which I already have. In future I will buy my supplies on line as retailers seem to always fulfill orders. The seizing on blocks using .5mm thread is too chunky for my liking but cannot change it all now. Have been using diluted PVA to keep thread in place which is much neater than CA but sometimes CA is unavoidable where thread needs to be secured but with a smaller syringe needle I can control the flow better. Looking forward it finally finishing the masts. Regards Glyn
  4. Hi All I am enjoying a bottle of reserve Rioja reading this in my recliner chair but no popcorn though. Good luck David, I will be watching with great interest and envy. Regards Glyn
  5. I have not had a lot of time to spend in the shipyard for the last week or two because of work commitments which is frustrating But he who pay the piper! I did however get to experiment with silver soldering which was very successful unfortunately I oversized the seizing on the block so I have to do it all again which required fresh supplies of copper eyelets which I have now sourced. Hopefully will get some hours this week so I can finish the masts and move on. Regards Glyn
  6. Hi Bruce That's a very nice neat start to your build - bit like your shipyard. Best of luck with the build which I will follow with interest. I do not have a keel clamp and would be interested to hear your comments on how practical it is when planking starts. Regards Glyn
  7. Hi Darr Most of the tools used in model ship building are very easy to get hold of so I would not worry too much about waiting for weeks. It is better to start building with a very basic toolkit and buy or borrow as you go along or in some cases use the excellent tips that are available through this forum to use everyday objects as tools e.g. I use the Admiral's nail files (not the glass ones, not that stupid) to sand in small and difficult places as they can be cut down to virtually any shape. I agree with those recommending Cornwall Model Boats but I also use Ebay and Amazon and other online stockists and delivery is usually within a couple of days. Regards Glyn
  8. Hi Eamonn Congratulations on starting your build log which I will follow with great interest, the very best of luck. Regards Glyn
  9. Have finally attached the bowsprit which I had to paint in walnut because I could not source birch dowel and the hardwood I used ended up being a bit too grainy just to dye. I am pleased with the latter blocks and deadeyes I attached as I used diluted PVA and not CA like the earlier ones which are really too rigid for my liking. Horrifies to find I somehow dripped CA onto the side of the mortar housing so might have to partially close the roof to hide it as there is no way I can remove the drip without causing too much damage. Sorry about the quality of the photographs - must get better lighting. On with the masts now.
  10. Eamonn I like your thinking and look forward to your build logs, 1 or 3? Be careful not to mix the bits up though, you could end up with the wrong mast on of of the boats. Good luck Glyn
  11. Eamonn you're not going to build all three at the same time surely? If yes then you are one brave man. Regards Glyn
  12. Hi Eamonn Being my first build She is a very forgiving ship and the only issue I had with her was the false keel being warped so had to clamp it to a piece of straight oak to straighten it out. All the other issues I found we caused by me and my lack of knowledge and experience and perhaps not looking as closely at the drawings as I should have done. I put the wales too low which caused issues with the deadeyes and chain plates and too much reliance on CA. I would recommend you pin all the deck fittings but make sure that they are square to centre, a couple of mine are slightly off. If this is your first build, unless you are an experienced modeller or craftsman which I am not and have another kit in the locker get some spare dowels, gratings & belaying pins so that you can more easily recover from any mistakes rather than have to wait for spare bits to arrive. My biggest tip is to measure at least twice preferably three times before cutting once - hence my need for spare dowels which I borrowed from my Bounty which is waiting patiently for me. Doubtless like me you will be your biggest critic and all errors will be blown out of proportion but despite what I think, everyone who sees my Convulsion goes 'Wow, you did that'. I just enjoy building her and look to this site as your reference book because even though I think mine is the only Convulsion log, all other builds require the same work but with varying degrees of complexity and tasks -just imagine making 100 gun port lids and mounting them! the Convulsion is very kind in this regard but still attention to detail is still required. If I can ever be of any assistance please ask although you might be better talking to Normanh whose Convulsion shown in MSW1 was my inspiration. Regards Glyn
  13. Good Day Albert. I have just come across this build log and I have to say that the quality of your work is amazing and I will follow the log with much interest. Can I also compliment you on the quality of your photography - what camera do you use? Best wishes for the build Glyn
  14. Hi Jay I thought you'd like to know that I have just attached my first ever deadeyes to the bowsprit if my Convulsion using the method you demonstrated in the video and they look okay however I overdid the CA. Many thanks. Glyn
  15. Thanks for looking in Norman, your comments give me confidence to carry on. Regards Glyn
  16. Oh forgot to mention had a visit by the admiral who complimented me on the tidiness and cleanliness of the shipyard and commented that I looked a bit cramped to which I suggested she removed her racks of shoes to give me more space. The reply is unprintable as was mine when she noticed the David plane and suggested she could use it to sharpen her eye liners. What she doesn't know is I have taken the Dyson hand held from the caravanand am using that to clean up the mess I make!!!! I'm sure a flogging will be ordered when she finds out. Regards Glyn
  17. Hi Just finished tapering masts, spars and jib booms. used many methods including proxxon lathe but found using a David plane and hand sanding to round the easiest for me. disappointed with the quality of the birch dowel some of which tore badly and as a result have had to raid my Bounty kit for additional dowel which I will replace later. Now i have to start the hard part of attaching blocks and deadeyes after painting and assembling the masts but all enjoyable. Sorry about the quality of the pictures
  18. Hi Michael Thanks for the translation, I was struggling with my poor French to understand the meaning go the tables. Sensible precautions now to be applied when working with the woods that are classed A1 - A3. Regards Glyn
  19. I have now completed the deck fittings but as previously advised I will not fit the pumps until the rigging is finished. Have started on the bowsprit but got too carried away with tapering on the lathe, I have a Proxxon, so had to go and buy more dowel. I constructed the whole bow sprite but am stuck as the plans show some fixings but there is no reference to what they are so am having to research same. I have sent Normanh a PM and hoping he can assist me. Will now start on the masts. Regards Glyn
  20. Hi Augie Thanks I can source these sizes locally. Glyn
  21. Hi I hope everyone is having a great MSW Christmas. Having recently reviewed several build logs I would like to use balsa wood bow and stern infills but acknowledge that the size will vary but to avoid buying all sorts of sizes can anyone please recommend the ideal size to purchase. Thanks Glyn
  22. Hi Norman Thanks, your lost build log was my inspiration. Best wishes Glyn
  23. I have finally plucked up the courage to post pictures of my 'Convulsion' which I have been working on since early in the year but took a break in the summer due to work, gardening and DIY. I have virtually finished the hull and deck fittings with only the anchors, pumps (which will be fitted post rigging, and bowsprit to complete. I would like to thank all those contributors to MSW both 1 & 2 who provided the inspiration for the hobby and also the tips & techniques to enable me to get as far as I have. My first problem was that the false keel was twisted but this was overcome by wetting the wood and clamping it to a solid piece of flat oak for a week to straighten it out. It took a while to be brave enough to properly fair the bulkheads but once planking was started the need was readily understood. Overall I was pleased with the planking but too much filler led to the decision to paint the hull white and then the rest of the wood with walnut paint. For the deck caulking I used a permanent marker on one edge of each plank, I think the effect is okay. The trickiest issue were the deadeyes and chainplates because I had got the wales too low. I will make my own chainplates and deadeye strops in future. Started off trying to paint the brass fittings but now use brass black again not a bad result but find most of the blackening comes off on my hands. I was too reliant on CA but more latterly have got to grips with pining and using titebond which provides much wore strength. Some of my work particularly at the start has been clumsy but the more I do the more I understand the value of reading other modeller's build logs. I wish I had drilled the holes for the deck rings earlier and taken more time to drill the hawser holes which are a bit of a mess. The biggest problem is working out how to take decent and focussed pictures - not sure they are that good but hopefully show her off so far. Tried as advised not to use a flash so the pitctures are a bit dark - as I wiork all day I can only take them at night and lighting in the shipyard is not the best for photography and is surrounded by dark furniture and the Admiral's shoes (I think she must be related to Imelda Marcos) Best tools I purchased are the dremel multi tool, and a magnifying light - even used it to thread the Admiral's needles this evening so a tick in the box for me. Happy to receive any constructive feedback. Glyn
  24. Hi Patrick As a first build I suggest this is ideal as all the skills needed are the same as for more complicated builds but at a cost you can afford. I brought the HM Mortar Convulsion because on MSW1 before the crash there were two fantastic build logs now sadly gone and with them my reference material so I am doing the best I can. I do not know but I suspect this is also why you cannot find a build log but if you look at other small Nelson Navy ship build logs you will glean more than enough information to help with your build which is what I do. Create your own build log then it will be available for future newcomers to see. If I could use a camera and take shots in focus I would post pictures as there are none of the Convulsion. Best wishes Glyn
  25. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to put the video together, a master tutorial. I am just about to start rigging my Convulsion so this will be constantly played over and over until I get it right, hopefully unlike VHS tapes, you tube videos do not wear out. I could have just liked it but wanted to convey what us amateurs feel about those who do are prepared to help educate us - thanks to Bender too. Best wishes Glyn.
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