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  1. I have a very dark sense of humour Henriksen. You are welcome to my paradise, it is no more than you deserve. She’s going to be a cracker. I have tried paying with the bowsprit as something a little different. It was difficult to get my fingers around the whipping but I have managed most of it. I am determined to get some additional photo’s onto my build log. I just never seem to have time to work it all out. Keep going and you and yours stay safe too.
  2. Wow, great stuff. I like the way you have resolved the issues on the stern. I have not done as much there. I have been fed up with cannon so started on the bowsprit which is looking quite good I think. However, last Thursday, disaster struck. I was feeding the cows when the barn door blew shut. The corrugated iron on the door sliced neatly through my middle finger of my right hand (I am right handed). The cut almost removed the tip right through the nail. I have had it stitched and the nail removed on both sides. I guess I’ll only be looking at the model for a while now as I cannot do anything fiddly. You will have caught up to me by then!
  3. Hi Henrik, I think that you will find they are referring to the gunports on the open portion of the upper gun deck beneath the ship’s boats. These are lined through to the internal bulkheads too. Those on the Poop will not of course be framed (I think). You are doing really well on her however. I have come to a slow patch with it being the end of summer, my wife wants firewood in and with the lockdown here in NZ I can’t wait to get out of the house where I have been working from home but there is so much to do! Roll on winter when I can get stuck in again and ruin my eyes in the dim light! Take care and stay safe.
  4. Henke, you have made the same mistake as me. The etched doors on the aft panel should face inwards. That way when the balcony is finished, it all looks correct. I’m going to have to get my skates on. Your build is coming on well. Great job on the planking.
  5. I see. It looks great but I don’t know if I’d have the patience for it! best regards
  6. Nice model by the looks of it Christian. I’m looking forward to watching it develop. Really interested in your first planking method.
  7. She looks great mate. The bottle being empty is no bad thing. It gives opportunity to invest in another and watch time pass. Your planking is way better than mine was Henrik, just a quick question. Did you too end up with a dip in the 4/5 rib area on the starb’d bow? I am starting to think that there is an issue with the kit in this respect as several other builders here have hit it too. It doesn’t appear to have anything that causes it to be out of line yet it happens. Anyway, good to see you enjoying her still. Are you intending on second planking with long planks or cutting down to scale planks at 120 mm thereabouts? I tried both on mine the longer ones below the waterline and under the copperwork to come. I found the shorter lengths made shaping and bending so much easier. Have a Scotch and think about it.
  8. Good choice. Not my favourite Scotch by a long chalk but shows a certain taste in the man! Hope all’s well and you haven’t been driven to drink over her?
  9. I used balsa on my build of HMS Agamemnon, it was as good as useless in my mind. In future I would use a soft wood but much firmer than balsa which would accept a pin and hold it without straining to push it in.
  10. Congratulations Michael on the birth of your child and your planking. Just found your build log and you are an inspiration. I am obviously far too impatient with my build. I shall continue to watch your build with great pleasure. You are an artist.
  11. My build too has been slow. I have had a period where my build stopped due to a medical issue causing numb hands. Now this is corrected, I hope to steam ahead. I hope you enjoy the summer. I found the second planking best with individually cut 124mm long planks. A, it gives a better finish under the paint, b, the shaping was much easier. Regards Eric
  12. Thanks Henke, are you at this stage yet? It is really boring even worse than planking her!
  13. Copper sheathed bottoms are not my favourite! Starb’d side finished to the waterline. Guys, I know you like photos but really, watching paint dry would be far more exciting! These were taken around the halfway stage. Nothing special, just repetition. I’m thinking of breaking and repainting the side before starting the Port side, then moving onto the keel.
  14. An updated photo of the coppering to date. First side and up to the waterline fore and aft.




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