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About Remcohe

  • Birthday 12/14/1968

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  1. Thanks all for the warm welcome back. Yes Greg the whale will be getting a touch up when I have the nerve to stain it on the model... And no Grant I don't think the rat survived the harsh conditions the model was stowed on for at least a year off-site. It was in an open storage facility suffering the seasons. I'm very surprised that there only some very minor cracks in the planking. The scuppers were drilled from two sides (don't tell not all the way through because they did not line up very well in all places. The hawse holes are lined with holy. I soaked a thin sheet of holy in water, rolled it up when it was soft and then let it dry in my food curing oven. This gave a nice curve to the planks. I tinted the seams with pencel lead to make them stand out a little more. Deck planking added Breast hooks and bucklers installed Remco
  2. After a long (way too long) interruption my Kingfisher is back on the bench. I have still been busy modelling but with other (plastic related) topics not fit to portray here, still it was al lot of fun. But it was time to return and make some wood dust again. So over the past few week I managed to get back into the build, did a lot of head scratching trying to remember where I left of and more important how things were done. Some of the procedures got lost in time and I have to figure out again. After taking the model out of storage ( it was stored in a dark place) I noticed a few things, the boxwood turned darker, the holy I used for the lower deck planking turned dark almost to the color of the boxwood. The wale that was stained with Fiebing ink turned much lighter. Overall a few cracks have appeared between the outside planing, but nothing too serious. Not bad after 5 years in storage and moving 3 times to different locations. So the upper deck spriketting and quick work was finally finished. I did not dare to drill holes for the scuppers as I'm afraid the inside and outside planking is not completely aligned the way it should be and the suppers might hit the wale. Upper deck planking installed and treenailed. I used thin black paper for caulking. The fixed blocks were remade as the previous ones had fitting issues. I decided to make them from one piece and carve the sheaves in situ. Unfortunately I discovered too late that the wood I used for the double block was much lighter. Now it looks like it was an off site repair job. Whilst working with plastic and specifically with Gundam models I picked up there plastic scribers. They also function as great mini chisels for wood. They come in many sizes and are super sharp. Due to the high angle of the blade they cut very aggressive in wood so care must be taken but a great addition to my woodworking toolset. Remco
  3. Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words. As per request I openend a post for the bike build: https://modelshipworld.com/topic/27075-ducati-1199-panigale-s-tricolore-by-remcohe-tamiya-112/ Remco
  4. Hi, While waiting to get back at my Kingfisher I got back into plastic modeling. I never was interested in motorcycles, but from a modeling perspective they are very interesting. The painting is challanging and putting the thing together is not easy. On top of the kit I used tamiya's Detail-up frontfork set set for this bike and Topstudio's Detail-up set to replace the brakediscs and add some nuts and bolts. Both additions are recommended especially the frontfork set. For painting I used Tamiya's laquer paint, excellent paint especially for the metal colors. Alle the body panels were polished using Infini sanding and polising sticks to remove the orange peel. I'm sorry that the pictures are not of the best quality, but this was the best I could do in my temporary shop with my phone. Remco
  5. So a little sign of life. In the past two years a lot has happened that has nothing to do with shipbuilding unfortunately. So in a nutshell this is what happened. A year and a half after I had moved to Sweden I got redundant and I have been searching for a new job since. Understandably not an easy task under the current economic circumstances. To cut costs I moved back to The Netherlands and moved in with my dad. All my stuff including the things from my workshop are in storage and I'm praying my Kingfisher will survive this mothball experience. To keep my hands busy between the times I'm job hunting I am building some off topic plastic kits as they don't require so much tools. I found out that Tamiya's 1/12 motor cycle kits are the best painting challenge I can find and they kept me busy. After I have found myself a new job and a new place to stay I can get my workshop up and hopefully have time to get some progress done on Kingfisher. For now I wish you all a safe and healthy holiday season and a good 2021 for the hobby. Remco
  6. Thank you Lawrence. Jan, my build is currently going at a crawling pace. There is so much else to do and going on in my life at the moment. But every once in a while I have the opportunity to make a few fixed blocks, so at least there is progress. But not something worthwhile to show here... Remco
  7. Thank you Lawrence, Montañes, The hinges on the shotlocker are not workable. Back then I didn't have the soldering skills to do that. Now I could make them workable if I wanted to, just like the hinges on the stove. But what you see in the picture is a combination of stock card painted black and brass rod. Remco
  8. Thanks Danny. I’ve taken Greg’s approach, but it iis pretty confusing if you try to do this with the book and the supplied drawings. I’ll make some extras and pick the ones that turned out best. Currently this is what I think I will need: 4” 7 single blocks 5” 11 single 6” 30 single 7” 11 single 8” 27 single 9” 10 single 10” 4 single 11” 4 double 12” 12 double 14” 11 single and 4 double 15” 1 single 20” 10 single 138 in total and that is not a lot I think so I might have forgotten some. And this is only the rigging of the masts so the gun tackles would need another 32 🧐 Remco
  9. I have a question for the group. Has anybody figured out the number of blocks and sizes that are needed to fully rig a Swan class? I thought it would be a good project to get into my build again to make them all in one go. Remco
  10. Sure Greg 😉 I was trying to avoid going down that road. I will take that as a last option if needed 😁. Remco
  11. I have a question for the group. Has anybody figured out the number of blocks and sizes that are needed to fully rig a Swan class? I thought it would be a good project to get into my build again to make them all in one go. Remco
  12. My plug already found a new owner, but you could make one from scratch as well. I did this for my Pinnace and it was fun to do. You don't have to make the cut outs for the frames as I found it easier to install them after the planking was finished. If you use a minimal amount of glue it won't stick to the mold and you can take the hull from the plug any time during the building process to check if the internal fitting is right to. It will be delicate though. I use Titebond regular (the red bottle) very sparingly in all parts of my build and wipe off any excess glue imediately. Remco
  13. Hi everybody, I realize I have been away from MSW for way to long. So here is a quick update. Well Kingfisher is somewhat in the mothball as I had trouble to keep motivated building the inner planking. I had some other projects going on in my workshop like building a semi full size router/tablesaw combination, some furniture and a side step into paper modeling. The biggest project started beginning of this year when I was approached for a new job. It involved relocation to Sweden so that kept me and my wife very busy. Meanwhile we have been living here in Sweden for a little over a month now. My workshop is back in business, allthough all current projects are related to the house. But it should not take too long before I could comence with some modeling. Wether it will be paper or wood I’m not sure yet. So I’m still alive and kicking. Remco
  14. Your shot locker turned out very nice Ben. Remco
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