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Everything posted by markjay

  1. Beautiful craftsmanship, top of the line!
  2. Thanks for all the likes...this should be fun.
  3. What's in the box...All instructions are in Japanese so a good translator app is necessary. However, with the multiple pictures, instruction in most cases will be self explanatory. Laser and strip materials are all packed in well marked sleeves as to, part number, name, dimensions and quantity of each. In my experience with the Hacchoro model, there is very little extra strip material, I would imagine the same is true here. Measure twice cut once, for sure. As far as I can tell it looks like the outer hull is done on a skeleton frame, it is removed, and then the inside framing is done. From what I have read the ancient Egyptians built in that fashion. Sorry the files did not load in order. And there was a surprise gift enclosed as well, nice touch.
  4. I know where you can order one
  5. Clare I have Google translate and planned on using it. I also understand there is a person in a shop here who can help with the translation if I have a problem.
  6. Thanks Clare, for some strange reason I knew I would here from you (can't imagine why). I got Morikawa-san's email about the new site and sale a few days back. Well I could not resist the temptation and ordered one. Looks simple but...? I just needed a change from heavily detailed models and the simple elegant lines just fit the bill. I don't like posting builds but I'll keep you up to date when the build starts. By the way your long boat is very fine looking and the research very informative. Regards
  7. Hi all, I'm thinking about doing this project. I was very pleased with a prior Woody Joe kit and was wondering if anyone has done this kit. I need a change from from rigging 18th century ships. https://zootoyz.jp/contents/en-us/p1657_Woody_JOE_Khufu_ship__The_first_Solar_Boat_Wooden_Ship_Model.html Thanks for the input.
  8. Hi Clare, thanks for the compliment. At present I have two builds in various stages of rigging/completion and four on the shelf in the box, one in the box is Chuck's Royal Barge. Rigging is starting to become a bit problematic as I'm not as steady as I was, so moving to less complicated rigged ships opens a new door for me. I'd love to do another Woody Joe, really enjoyed the simplicity of the build both in design of the kit and the quality of materials. Have you translated any more of the Woody Joe instructions? Regards, Mark
  9. Hi, this was a fast build so there are no building notes. Fun build, great picture plans in Japanese and notes English translation from Clare Hess's blog on Japanese models. I owe him a very big thank you. The kit itself has wonder Japanese cypress and magnolia. Laser cut pieces and laser indication lines for matching and sanding. Warning there is only enough wood stock for completing the kit, so measure 2x before cutting .
  10. Beautiful work... you might try this linl https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/7527-making-sails-for-hms-victory/ Good luck
  11. Deaz, there are 2 clubs in the Phoenix metro area. I'm in Northeastern Phoenix, there is one South in Sun Lakes (smaller group) with good solid experience and the other is in Surprise/Peoria also solid experience. Both groups share and mentor and welcome new folks of all capabilities. It may be worth your while to drop by. Drop me a PM for details.
  12. Welcome, glad to see another Arizonan on the Forum. If you would like to meet other desert mariners drop me a PM and I'll fill you in.
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