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About Clive

  • Birthday 06/08/1961

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    Tavistock, Devon, UK

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  1. I am in the process of finishing off a large tug boat from Mountfleet Models. I have spray painted the hull with Tetrion red oxide and matt black, and have now applied a matt lacquer coat which has left milky patches when dried. I am in Devon, UK, where the temperature is around 18c at the moment with humidity of 72%. I understand that the milky patches are due to trapped moisture. How do I get rid of these ?
  2. Had the same issue when building mine ! And the rudder pintles and gudgeons were missing. Amati's QC can be a little disappointing !
  3. Yes, the postal workers are holding a series of one day strikes which I expect to continue into the autumn. That said, it doesn't seem to be delaying the mail here for more than a day or two.
  4. Claire - My Fifie is not motorised. If you want to motorise yours, I recommend you go to Cornwall Model Boats - they will have all the parts you need Mon Fifie n'est pas motorisé. Si vous souhaitez motoriser le vôtre, je vous recommande d'aller chez Cornwall Model Boats - ils auront toutes les pièces dont vous avez besoin
  5. Hope this is OK - thought I would post a couple of photos of the Fifie that I have just completed. I would endorse all of Jim's comments in his review - this is a very nice kit with top quality materials and plentiful plans and instructions. I have completed several model ships and would not consider this model to be overly challenging - but an interesting and very enjoyable build. Though I built mine out of the box, with a model of this size there's plenty of scope to add plenty of details if you wish - as ably demonstrated by a couple of the build logs in progress.
  6. I take your point but I have a sealed unit septic tank.
  7. I have used both tung and teak oil on various models over the years and like the way that it brings out the character of the wood - more so than varnish in my view. I use it on the hull, decks and masts - all over really. It is important that you apply liberally, allow to soak in for a half hour and then carefully wipe off any excess. If not, you are left with a waxy film when the oil is dry. And be careful with rags used to apply tung oil. Apparently they can spontaneously combust if discarded in a tight ball. Never happened to me but I use heavy tissues to apply the oil and then flush them. Good luck ! Clive
  8. Hinges seem to be a problem in this kit ! In mine, I have the three hinges that fit the rudder but not the three that fit the sternpost. I would normally expect better QC from Amati. You're build looks great ! Cheers Clive
  9. Subterfuge ?? Make a fire ship look like a fire ship and it could be spotted early giving the enemy fleet time to cut anchors / flee. Make the fireship look like a normal ship of the line and it can get in close to the enemy fleet before the fuses set off the fires / explosives.
  10. Hi Jerry, I am also just finishing the Sloup and had the same questions as you. I decided that the rings did not look right so I replaced them with a thick rope lashing the mainsail to the mast in a series of loops which is the way I have seen it done on similar models of French fishing boats. And I added a downhaul on the boon by looping a chain over the boom and attaching to a deadeye in the deck just aft of the mast. Odd thing with my kit was that the sails were both over a cm too small in each dimension compared to the plan so I made my own. Hope this helps C
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