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Everything posted by Tossedman

  1. As do I. Great tools.
  2. Nicely done! Good to see that I'm not the only one to park a project for a bit. You're ahead of me though, mine's still in the box.
  3. That's cool! We'll have to look out for that movie when it comes out. Have fun with it. Cheers, Todd
  4. Very clear instructions! Thank you sir!
  5. It's fascinating to watch the evolution of this ship model. Looking forward to seeing what's next.
  6. It's lovely to see this ship take shape and learn a bit about the thought that goes into the design. Great work Chuck. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Todd
  7. I stumbled across this video on YouTube this evening. Quite interesting.
  8. Cool! I love how modern technology seamlessly compliments such an old way of building things. Looks great. Looking forward to seeing the resin cast. Is the reason for the resin cast to use a different colour resin? Is the quality any different from the 3D resin print? Cheers, Todd
  9. Inspiring work Ian. So well done! It's been a pleasure to watch this come to fruition. Todd
  10. It's interesting to see this starting to come to fruition. As a rookie I've got lots to learn and it's great to see so many different methods of ship building on the forums. One day, something like this will hopefully be on my plate. Cheers, Todd
  11. Great work Rick. I've enjoyed following along. When McRibs come back on the menu and Chuck produces a few more of these I'd like to build one of my own. Cheers, Todd
  12. Check out your local model railroad shop and see if they have this O scale ruler. https://www.walthers.com/scale-ruler-1-48-o-scale
  13. Wow! Just spent a few relaxed weeks reading through this thread. I echo all of the kudos and other good things that people have already said. Fantastic work Chuck! Haven't built a ship as of yet, lot of planes, trains and automobiles though. Once I get a build or two under my belt this cutter is definitely going on to the to do list. Cheers, Todd
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