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About gregkthompson

  • Birthday 02/11/1977

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    Elizabeth City, NC

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  1. So I’m kind of going off of you on these since it it is a great learning curve. The question on planking. Seems I’m at a stand still. Do we actually add planking to this or are we drawing lines to make it look like there is planking? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. So I’m kind of going off of you on these since it it is a great learning curve. The question on planking. Seems I’m at a stand still. Do we actually add planking to this or are we drawing lines to make it look like there is planking? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  3. So I’m kind of going off of you on these since it it is a great learning curve. The question on planking. Seems I’m at a stand still. Do we actually add planking to this or are we drawing lines to make it look like there is planking? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  4. Screwed one of the bulkhead up a little. If I wasn’t so pissed with myself I would fix it tonight. But gonna need a break and rethink the strategy and calm my nerves.
  5. Gorilla wood glue. I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the help
  6. So I was starting on adding my bulkheads on and went for the first one. Dry fitted it and it was perfect, took it back off and added the wood glue, stuck it on and it bound up and I couldn’t get it done or off without breaking something. Any thoughts on how I might fix this screw up?
  7. Good Day everyone. This is a build I start a few days ago. It’s a little slow going working with what I got, but not looking to completing it that soon. I have a lot to learn and believe me the questions will come. I have read a lot here on this forum over the last few years and can’t believe what gets turned out. These ships look beautiful, a work of art when you all complete them. Maybe in a few years I’ll have something to be proud of.
  8. I definitely know what your talking about! Seems like I had to spend a lot of time removing wood! I was installing the keel and when getting the foward done I had to stop and take a little more off! Actually had to use numerous piece to get the bow to look good! Will be applying some wood filler tonight! After that will be working on getting some of the inside decking done!
  9. Quick update. I have been making way on my pilot boat, but I am at a stopping point know. I had to order some more sand paper and some wood filler. I guess I have one question. I have the wood glue that is pretty watery and I need to glue down the deck planking. But it is in sheets. The question is, what is the best glue to use for it. Will the stuff I have work, or will I need to get something like regular wood glue you can get from a hardware store? Thanks for the help.
  10. So I received my Pilot Boat today and began working on the first couple of sections. I was kind of dissapointed when I opened the box. Truthfully, I thought it was going to be a little more that what was expected. But no reason to complain, at least of something to do now. The tool set was nice though. Once open and starting to inspect all the parts to make sure every thing was there I started to dig in. First I would cut out all the templates which took me a good amount of time. I did a little bit of carving and sanding on the bow and the stern to get in close to what the templates looked like. Next will be carving and sanding the sides to get the templates 1 - 9 to fit nice and snug. This one will take a little time. If anyone has good tips how and what to do to make it easier for carving and trimming these to fit, advise is extremely welcomed. Sorry for the poor picture quality. I need to charge the batter on my camera and my phone was all that was available.
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