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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Надеюсь, Anja c пониманием отнесется к этому списку !
  2. The varnish can be used and many modellers use it, but a varnish matt or semi-matt. Shine of a glossy varnish can be reduced a little, having slightly ground a surface a fine-grained emery paper and to wipe then a surface fabric.
  3. For make those samson posts production I used a spherical mill with a diameter of 7 mm.
  4. Recipe simple: if you want to receive good coloring on model, don't apply glossy and semi-glossy paints and varnishes .
  5. 14.1.2 . Metal details Are made of a brass tube (are cut and soldered under diameter of a bowsprit in an installation site) and a brass wire with a diameter of 1 mm.
  6. Hi, Sjors! Too strongly paint it black shines/
  7. Preparations of small diameter for yards are made the heads are made with the help special made of round steel preparations in the diameter of 10; 12 and 15 mm, length are 30 mm with through apertures in the diameter of 3,2; 4,2 and 6,2 mm. Production of these heads is shown here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/434-manufacturing-of-round-preparations-for-a-booms-and-thin-yards/
  8. 14 . SPAR 14.1 . BOWSPRIT 14.1.1 . Wooden preparations Preparations of a square profile are cut off from a pear parquet hoard, planed by a plane and pierced on the machine with use of mobile backrest.
  9. Quote: "Note: if the brass is hard you can heat it until it is going red and leave to cool. This will soften it nicely but leave it discoloured, a touch of emery or steel wool will fix that easily." It is very correct for firm brass, differently when bending under a big corner the detail from a wire can burst.
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