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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Very nice work. It's coming along great.
  2. Welcome to MSW
  3. Welcome to MSW
  4. Hello and welcome to MSW
  5. I can't say that I've never started over with a new kit before.
  6. Welcome to MSW
  7. John. I noticed you have two logs going for what appears to be the same build. Let me know if the two logs are one and the same so they can be merged in to one. Thanks,
  8. Welcome to MSW 👋
  9. Thanks for checking in Bob. I've had this on hold for a bit. I've never rigged a ship model so I didn't want this one to be my first due to its complexity. I need to do a couple less complicated ones first I think.
  10. I also broke them. About 3 times. Left them off after the last time.
  11. Welcome to MSW
  12. Hi Free. Welcome to MSW
  13. Welcome to MSW
  14. Well, I decided yo go ahead and get a jump on the Sphinx since I'm waiting for the instructions and plans for the Granado. A picture is worth a thousand words so not much to say here that's not already been said so here you go: I have an extra set of hands to help out, thanks little dude A courtesy dry fit shot I wasn't sure how critical this was but wanted everything as squared as possible. Pre-sanding all done. I was a little nervous about doing this off model but I just went for it. On to the bow. Used the angle plate for this too to keep it all square. All sanded. I left a little at the top until after attaching to the hull. I was a little worried about squaring this area off too much. And here they are attached. All the bulkheads are glued on at this point. I glued the bulkheads on the old fashioned way...one at a time squaring each one along the way. The lower deck was glued on using the watered down glue method. I watered the glue down about 90/10. You may be able to see the pencil mark on the lower rear part of the stern section in the last picture. A little more will need to come off there when I do the final fairing. This is the sander I used for the off hull work on the bow and stern. It seemed to work the best for me. This is an ADC mini sander with 150 grit.
  15. Hi Mark. Welcome to MSW
  16. I think someone else had a similar issue which Chris looked into. Check the other build logs.
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