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Everything posted by Script

  1. Joachim, Thanks for stopping by. I looked at your build...excellent! Mine is not going to be nearly as good. I don't intend to mount the flags or anchors and I am not installing the aft lifeboat. The anchors just seemd out of place on the boat and when I researched riverboats in general, I could not find a picture of a single one with anchors. They evidently spent most of their not-moving time either up against the riverbank or tied to something.... No excuse for not putting on the aft lifeboat other than I was too far along when I noticed...... John, Yes, I was familiar with the Stephenson Rocket from my Model RR days. Steam was such a great powering method in that era....perhaps a bit dangerous but there would have been no industrial revolution without it. I saw your other note about putting my stagecoach build here....have you got any suggestions as to a site where it might be acceptable? By the way, I do not speak a second language...... Cheers, Jim
  2. Hi John, Thanks for stopping by. I am glad to see the link you have to the Stephenson Rocket.... Interesting build. My wife decided to get me a gift of a Stagecoach by Amati/Victory Models so that will be one of my next projects, once the R E Lee is complete. It could be argued that a stagecoach or a train is a ship of sorts so I'll be starting a build log under the kit built section. We'll see if that is okay with the site bosses............. Cheers, Jim
  3. Sjors, I am also sorry if I stepped out of line commenting on the absense of pictures.... It is always fun to read your posts and I do respect that you are working! Knowing how you respond to things, I'm sure you didn't take offense. You are a true gentleman! Cheers, Jim
  4. Hi Jared, Found your post.......but not a build log? Anyway, it appears that your riverboat is about the same scale as mine...1/160...? I'm somewhat amazed it didn't come with precast windows and doors. Those things are awful tiny. Don't know how you feel about mixing but maybe you could find an unfinished or incomplete version of the Amati R E Lee on e-bay and just use those parts? Best of building! Cheers, Jim
  5. Mobbsie, Very well done! And since a picture is worth at least a thousand words, your posting volume now probably exceeds Sjors! Cheers, Jim
  6. Hi Sjors, By the time I got to the end of the thread, I forgot what my question was...... ..... Oh yeah! Avoiding rigging......not sure you answered it but that's okay, I'll just wait for the pictures! Cheers, Jim By the way, we are about to apply for the permits so we can start the remodeling. Remember when you said you could build a house in the time our remodel will take? I bet you could build one in the time it is taking to just get the permits! :rolleyes:
  7. Anja, Congratulations and best wishes! Jim
  8. Sjors, Nice work! Good to see some pics....thought you might just describe what you were doing and not post any more photos.... .... Anyway....I guess it's anything to avoid rigging?..... Cheers, Jim
  9. Sjors, Nice to have some time to view things. In a few weeks we will be moving out so the remodelers can start....my wife wants some major changes. We will find another place to stay as pretty soon all the winter residents will be heading back north. I do hope to start or I should say finish, the R E Lee in our next residence...wherever it is. In the meantime, I'll just be watching everyone else's fun! Cheers, Jim
  10. Fine looking cannon, mobbsie. Although the one does look like it's pointing into an outhouse, or as I think you might say... a portable loo.... Anyway...Great work! Cheers, Jim
  11. Frank, Very well done! And your pictures provide many good looks. Cheers, Jim
  12. Sjors, Spectacular build! I'm just trying to catch up on things....we had been in a rental for March and are now camping in our new home unil the remodel starts...may take longer than the 3 months originally envisioned...we don't even have permits yet....... Even with everything going on, i'll still be available as mediator if there is any hint of conflict.....but your armament probably will discourage it. Cheers, Jim
  13. Sjors, The ship looks great as well!!!! Jim
  14. This set shows the installation of top rails and the first few posts. I forgot how many but each post had to be custom trimmed to fit as my decks were not quite level over the length of the boat.
  15. Things are a bit out of order but still represent much of the build process. These pics show the addition of railing after the decks have all been placed and set, including the pilot house.
  16. Sjors, Looking real good.....I'm not sure with my old eyes I can see an HD effect in the pics. Could you post side by side HD and non HD of the same thing for comparison? Thanks, Jim
  17. Since I got a breather from dealing with contractors, etc., I thought I thought I post some shots of my stack brace device....made out of nails and a sanding block. I first tried to make the braces with the supplied wire but it kinked so easily it was impossible to have it look like it was under tension...just looked like kinked wire. Instead I substitued the same bead stringing cable that was used for al the other bracing. Jim
  18. Andy.. Great progress...looking fine! Is it my imagination or, since the new site went up, does there seem to be more dialogue and less build pictures? I'm not necessarily referring to your log, Andy, but logs in general. Not that there is anything wrong with the chat, and I am as guilty as any. I do intend to stat out of any looming conflicts tho.... Jim
  19. Thanks for looking in Frank, Tylmo and Tom.. Frank, I'm going to try and repost some of my build while we are in the rental apartment we have for the next few months. No building but maybe some interesting parts, like the stack braces and such. I hope your help does not refer to my mortar as I've retired from combat for the role of arbitrator.... Tom, Thanks for the birthday wishes! My wife and I plan to celebrate at a later date as we spent the entire day packing and moving stuff here and there. The movers are coming Monday and we need to be ready. As for the move taking a year....could be...my wife thinks we'll be in our home in June and my best guess is about August or September.... Cheers, Jim
  20. John, Excellent work! I enjoy the old riverboats....a sure picture of early American river commerce. Cheers, Jim
  21. Hi Anja, I'm trying to catch up on builds while using an IPAD. As you said earlier, it is not fun. Cheers, jim
  22. Mobbsie, Good to see you back on line. no more combat for me, I'll participate in arbitration as a neutral party if things start to deteriorate again! Cheers, Jim
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