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About 6ohiocav

  • Birthday 08/23/1960

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  • Location
    Zoar, Ohio
  • Interests
    Civil War Cavalry: Elected Brigade Commander, United States Volunteers (USV), the largest Federal Civil War Reenacting Organization in the Country http://www.usvolunteers.org/

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  1. Tom, I finally had a chance to catch up on your build log. Great Progress indeed. Your spaghetti masts bring back fond memories. Good luck on the rigging.
  2. Hey Steve, I had a chance to catch up on your build log. Great work! It brings back warm memories.
  3. Steve, Thanks for the kind words. It is a great kit. I hope that this log helps you with the many challenges you will face. Feel free to reach out to me anytime. Good luck in your build.
  4. Hi,


    I want to scratch build (first one) the USS Lawrence but, have not been able to locate any type of plans.  Did you build Her?  Also, interested in the HM Detroit.  I have an interest in the battles on Lake Erie 1812 - 1813.





  5. Tom, Fantastic progress since I last checked in. The hammock rails are a challenge. You are free to check out my build log to see how I handled mine. Not necessarily the best way, but it worked ok. You are very smart to do it now. I waited until after I rigged the ship and found that task incredibly difficult with all of the rigging in the way. ....and yes, the deck is about to get very busy. Just wait. But you are going to love the way it looks. It is going start to look like a real ship.
  6. Roger, Great story. We are all glad you decided to pick up that copy of the Marietta Times newspaper. For those that don't know, Marietta Ohio is a historic river boat town. Returning the NRG Conference there after a 45 year hiatus is an interesting idea. The city celebrates its Sternwheel Festival in September each year (cancelled this year...of course). It is a wonderful event. While the dates don't line up, a NRG Conference scheduled to coincide with the Sternwheel event would give spouses something exciting to experience. I am attaching a link. https://ohio-river-sternwheel-festival.myshopify.com/
  7. Ron, Glad to see you back at it. I worked on my yard as well until the summer drought cooked it. Good looking mast.
  8. You are correct Roger. Zoar was established by a group of German Seperatists that fled Europe in 1817 and Napoleon’s conscription practices. They landed in Pennsylvania and secured a large chunk of the Ohio frontier from the Shakers that they befriended. They formed a communal society in order to survive the harsh conditions in the Tuscarawas River Valley and caught a huge break when the Ohio-Erie Canal company hired the Zoarites to dig (by hand) 7 miles of the canal along the river. The money they earned and the riparian connection to the country they gained sustained this communal experiment for 80 years. 8 full blocks of the original village has been preserved. It is a wonderful community and if you are interested in canal boats a destination about 2 hours from Toledo.
  9. Looking great. There will be time in the not too distant future that you will really miss that uncluttered deck.
  10. Roger, Great suggestion for Toledo and good point about University of Michigan football. They are playing at home on Oct 15, 2022 and away on Oct 22, 2022. It is about 55 miles from Toledo to Ann Arbor. As a current Buckeye, and member of the Shipwrights of Central Ohio, I applaud consideration of Toledo as a potential site for the 2022 NRG Convention. Great town and fantastic Museum. Can't agree more that Sandusky and the Lake Erie Islands offer wonderful venues as well.
  11. Looking good Tom. If you ever get the North East Ohio Area in early spring, give me a hollar. The Steelhead fishery in the Lake Erie Tributaries is first rate. I know of a hole or two. The walleye fishing in the lake is good anytime, especially this year. You could also take in a visit to the Niagara in port in Erie Pa. Worth the trip.
  12. Mike, WOW! Tremendous progress since I last stopped in. Love the sail work.
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