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Frank, I’m building Syren, my third build, and would like to furl sails. Syren instructions configure the clews, bunts, sheets, etc. without sails. I can attach most of the lines to a sail and furl it to a yard before mounting the yard on the mast; but what do I do with the lines after mounting the yards. Any help or references would be greatly appreciated. EdatWycliffe
If the diagrams included in the instructions are valid they’ll show lead blocks on the yard and under the top or near the mastheads on the upper masts. There will be a lead block for each of the lines you mention. These lead blocks are what the lines all reave through and then lead down to the deck. If the Syren documentation doesn’t show these things -it’s a great kit so I’d be surprised if there’s no rigging diagram- then I’d suggest getting a copy of Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War by Lees. The layout and lead of all running rigging from numerous eras is exhaustively laid out in that book. Alternatively you could use almost any contemporary frigate rigging diagram since the lead of these standard lines wouldn’t vary greatly from ship to ship.
Hi, Ken. Long time since we built Fair American at the same time. I’m now working on Syren and I’d like to ask your help with furling sails. Never tried it before and I’ve read lots of articles on making the sails. But, I can’t figure out what lines need to be attached to the sails when furled, and when they are attached (before or after mounting the yards). Can you recommend articles or sites that focus on rigging furled sails?
Thanks, Ed (ejg711@yahoo.com)
Ed: I’ve been away and haven’t had access to WiFi. I’ll prepare an answer as best as I can. My problem is that I’m still not home and my spelling is horrible and my memory isn’t much better. A good source is Dave An... book AFFM volume 4. He discusses each sail from the British Admirality perspective, which is a good place to start. Also the book by Peterson and I can’t remember its title.
Hope this helps. I’ll try to clean up the references when I get home and have the books in my hands.
Hi Ken: it’s been awhile since we we building Fair American. Hope all is well in Brooklyn. I’m now building Syren and want to furl sails. I read a post that you referenced a 30-page article on furling in your Rattlesnake build. I just read Landlubber Mike’s excellent post on furling and thought I could get a reference from you for the 30-page furling article. Thanks much. EdatWycliffe.
Ed: Sorry about the delay, but I don't normally read my profile. The best way to get me is by using the Notifications feature. When I rigged my Fair American and Rattlesnake I did a lot of research. I didn't just go along with the models plans; although I kept the plans in mind. If you want I can give you a list of the books in my library that I rely on. My personal email is jeffjonjames@mindspring.com . You may get a reject reply, but I will see your email and get back to you.