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    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    to muse,  or not to muse..........awwww..heck with it.......let's muse     I mentioned in a few of my logs,  stuff that I had been play'in with.....put it down,  and now can't seem to find.   I had made a couple extra conveyors,  an engine block destined to become a Hemi engine,  a pair of wings {I still won't say what they are for}....and the roof to this blasted model!   I looked everywhere for them....I have a special plastic bag that I keep all these partially assembled parts in....nope!   the bottom compartment of my junk bin.....nada!   in any of the project boxes I may have opened  in the recent past, not a chance.   I decided to take Patrick'e suggestion he mentioned earlier......I haven't done a progress report on the Boulogne Etaples and her offspring in quite a while.......a year,  I suppose.  some have seen it already......thank you very much for look'in in.......other who haven't,  but wish to,  it's in the Boulogne build log.   I could have put it in the Holiday Harbor log,  but since I missed Mother's day,  I figured it fitting to post it with the Mother ship {if I'm not careful, the mother ship will come for me too}.   assembling all the ships for the shoot.......I found all my parts!......nestled on one of the decks of the covered hulls......which one eludes me {immaterial}....the fact remains that I am reunited with my trove!

    now that the mystery is solved....I can put them somewhere else....and create another mystery!       not pictured here though......is the roof I made for the Syborn..........that's because,  I broke it!         since I made the second one,  I used that one instead......I broke the original one while fitting the brow.    the brow was made with some flexible cast off wood from the junk bin.   the sides are merely short pieces of planking.

    I wasn't sure how low the brow should be.   I may lessen it......it's in the planing phase still  

    from here.......my musings took me elsewhere.   I decided to visit 'ole Thermie.
  2. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    I've made some more progress.   starting at the taffrail {which I added earlier},   the aft railings were added.   they have tabs that locate on the outside of the bulwarks,  so it works out rather well.

    for the pair on the bow though.....I smell trouble....the tabs want to locate on the inside of the bulwark.  there is to be some trimming at the cat heads as well,  so I guess fitting is in order.  the figurehead was painted at this time.   instead of being instructed to paint it in one color,  I gave it three.

    keeping with outfitting the bow,  the cat heads were added.

    adding the third step to the masts was going to be a trial.........and it's living up to my expectations.   the cross trees are used to trap the shrouds at the second step cap,  and then cemented in place at the tops.  one of the cross trees was deformed and broken.......I tried to fix it,  but it broke again as I tried to slip it over the top end of the mast.   abandoning the idea of including the shrouds in this endeavor,  it was repaired in place and the shrouds were located on the outside of the cross tree.

    the third step was added after the masts were dry,  and the shroud tabs were trimmed off.

    along the hull/bulwarks where the deck opening is,  there are two more railings that continue the bulwark railings to the bow.  they were added at this time.

    the flag staff was added......painted wood brown and accented with the flat black wash.  by this time I had to make more of it...very easy to make....just botch up some flat black paint    "hey knucklehead........make me a batch of spotted paint!"   "botch a batch of paint!"  

    I was beginning to get curious about a few things.....I had to see if they would work.   the bow rails were added to the beak....along with the figurehead.

    I don't mean to be,   but I do tend to get a bit flighty with my ideas.........sometimes taking me to other projects.   perhaps I should leave bread crumbs?   to see where I went to next,  you would need to look in the scratch build forum.   the trawler's beckon call   
  3. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Gahm in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    Your work and craftsmanship are just amazing!
  4. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Popeye, Thank you1
    I`m tryin hard, much more to come next days. Momentarily I`m working on some inner structures to fit the whole drivetrain. Pics will come soon!
  5. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  6. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    second here on the family.......your mak'in some good progress though  
  7. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from hexnut in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  8. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Canute in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  9. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Pat
    Thank you!
    The last days I was working on the engine stands, all made from 5 x 5 mm pinewood. The finished part is the starboard stand, the begun one goes to portside.

    Some fittings need to be made, this will be the next step.
    Regards, and many thanks for your comments, critics and likes!
  10. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi popeye
    Thank you!
    The hardest part is still to come, the long timber on the front must be set to the "wall". This is not too easy, every second timber must be cut in, to make good contact between the parts. Currently I`m working on filling tha gaps, and then comes the long diagonal piece.
  11. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from davyboy in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  12. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in Steam engine 1920   
    Hi ron
    Do you have a linc to that kit? Would be interested too!!
  13. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in Steam engine 1920   
    Hi Egon
    It is interesting, that the movie is danish, but the signs on the machine telegraph are in german! So this CAN give a clue what engine was used on the ship. There is some info in Wikipedia:https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_(1967)   maybe that can help you!
    Found just a bit more: http://www.faktaomfartyg.se/aslaug_1927.htm
    Regards Gerhard
  14. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to BANYAN in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Any update is a good update Gerhard - and family should always be first priority.  look forward to your next update.
  15. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    I thought about what Piet said........and what I said about this kit.   it's true that this kit can be modeled after another ship......but there is a limit.   the jolly rogers can be built to resemble the French vessel le Flore,  and likely others like her.  you've already seen the up to date box art for this kit....... here is the earlier production box art.

    to build a replica of the Wappen Von Hamberg,  you'll need to get the capt Kidd kit.   this is another Lindberg kit
    the third kit I saw at Hobby Lobby,  was another version of the Jolly Rogers.   it's based on the Henry Morgan.   I imagine other ships can be modeled with this one as well.

    it's quite interesting what's out there.......I just mentioned to the admiral......and showed it to her.......I want to get the Capt. Kidd  He.......He.....He!
  16. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    I make it a rule to try and cut off the parts,  rather than do any twisting and such.   the plastic is soft,  and won't tolerate it without damaging the part.   as mentioned,  I was in and out {mentally} on the site today.  I'd read.....then get carried away with painting.......snapping back to reality,  when the bubbles on my screen saver would show up  {bubbles.......crap...forgot to change that}.   most of the parts are painted now.....I also ended up retaking pictures I took of the gold decorations at the bow and stern......bad lighting and blur.   I'm using the small crane light that the admiral bought me a while ago.....Halogen and not too good.   but I'm at my desk......so I make do  
         the ladders were added to the grates that locate on the gun deck and painted wood brown.

    the belfry part is nearby.....still need to paint the bell.   the ship's boats were next...the exterior was painted.   this is how they will stack on the gun deck chocks.   I'm not too keen about the large boat since there are no other parts supplied for it.  I weighed out a couple thing I could do,  but it will upset the apple cart too much,  so I may just leave it as is.   the added railings I did does get in the way slightly......the boat sits a little off,  but not enough to bother with.   paint them up and they should look fine.

    all the yards have the base color........now to add the accent colors and dress them up.

    the grates were dry.........they got cemented in place

    the belfry is in place too.......

    the boats are painted and pretty much ready to go.....

    I save all the instruction sheets........in the event someone is looking for them.   so far,  I've posted the Revell Cutty and the United states on one of the blog sites.  to date,  the Cutty is the #1 set to be asked for........I just direct them to the site    these instructions are not faring too well.....I'm getting glue and paint all over them.   they will be useless before long.
    the ladders were added to the spar deck opening.

    I'm horrible with detail paint like this.....but I still need to touch the areas up.   these are the decorations at the bow and stern.......I made sure the pictures are better than the other ones I took.

    I will likely add the monkey chain on the rudder.   it's late.......I'm hoping to get a bit more done.   thanks for looking in and I hope to have another update real soon  
  17. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  18. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from johnhoward in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  19. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Cathead in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  20. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from GrantGoodale in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  21. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from BANYAN in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  22. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to vann in Indian Girl Canoe by vann - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Scale 1:12 - SMALL   
    Here is the next place I went awry.  I decided to stain the interior to try and match the dark wood look of the Old Town.  Unfortunately, the CA prevented the stain from taking over much of the area.  It is something of a disaster compared to what I intended, but I decided to move on.  The funny thing is that people who have seen it after completion think that it was a deliberate attempt to make it look old/authentic.  So, perhaps I got away with it.  

    Lessons learned - staining with CA is risky!  Use CA sparingly.  And, work with a substantial representative test piece before starting on your model.  I did a test, but it clearly wasn't indicative of the actual model.

  23. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to wefalck in A Lorch Micro-Mill that never was ...   
    Made a fly-cutter for the mill over the weekend:


    I could have turned the blank on my lathe, but I was able to source some 6 mm-lathe blanks in the USA at a reasonable price, which saved a lot of shop-time.
    Worked on some skylights for SMS WESPE that were milled from a solid piece of Plexiglas/Perspex and it works like a charm - if sharpened properly.
  24. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to thibaultron in Steam engine 1920   
    Its in the Micro-Mark catalog.
  25. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from thibaultron in Steam engine 1920   
    Hi ron
    Do you have a linc to that kit? Would be interested too!!
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