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Posts posted by gjdale

  1. H Robynn,


    Not sure about your particular ship, but generally, shrouds are attached in pairs, ie one piece of line that goes around the mast and is seized at the mast to make two shrouds (on the same side). They are installed in pairs, two starboard then two port. Attach the upper deadeye to the shroud, using a jig to ensure that your dead eyes align in a straight line at consistent height. I borrowed an idea from EdT on this and found it worked very well. Here is a link to a page of my log showing the jig in action (it's towards the bottom of the page). The same page shows how I did the ratlines too, if that is helpful for your next step.



  2. Hi Sjors,


    I really feel for you my friend. It's a big decision to pull apart something you've already made, but I can tell you from my own experience that the hardest part is actually making the decision to do so. After that, it's easy. When I decided to re-do the entire stern and quarter galleries on my Vic, it was for two reasons. Firstly, I just knew I was never going to be happy with the old version. The second, and perhaps more important reason that tipped me over the edge, was the support I knew I would have from people here, and in particular from Danny. I had no idea at all how to go about this daunting task, but Danny was able to guide me through it step by step, via long distance remote control (gotta love the Internet!). The end result may not be perfect, but it is a huge improvement over the previous version, and I am a better modeller for the experience. I am also much more confident about fixing other mistakes, or scratch building new parts.


    Something for you to think on during your vacation........


    I hope you both have a most enjoyable vacation and return refreshed and ready to make sawdust.

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