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Everything posted by fish

  1. No, I am too busy with work, night school, and hobbies. I LOVE to watch hockey, I would rather go to a hockey game any day than a football game, fans are classy and respectful. Plus its just a lot of fun to watch. -A
  2. I saw it in your profile. Hockey is sort of a big deal here. Not like the steelers though. -Aaron
  3. For all you San Fran builders out there check out this rendition: http://www.modelismonaval.com/magazine/galeonsantaisabel/galeonsantaisabel.html
  4. Hopefully he won't mind, but I think I am going to stain the rubbing strakes ebony like desert wolf did. I really like the way his turned out and I think my hull is light enough that it will provide a good contrast.
  5. Thanks Robbyn, sorry about your hand I'm glad there is no permanent damage. Aaron
  6. Randy, Here is the link, they only sell cherry veneers and shockingly I got a roll of about 365 for $20. http://www.leevalley.com/US/wood/page.aspx?p=40840&cat=1,250,43217 -Aaron
  7. Update: So I finally got around to staining the hull, I tested a few stains and decided to go with the cherry stain. It was not too dark, I wanted to be careful not to go to dark because over time the wood will darken naturally. I was also concerned because I used the kit supplied mahogany to line the bulkheads and I was worried that the stains would not go well together, but luckily they did. I don't think I need to put a second coat of stain on. I also was able to get matching wood filler and it matches the stain very well. I did some filling tonight but I will probably continue to do it as I see places that need it. -Aaron
  8. I've been really busy the past couple of weeks. I plan on staining next weekend. Aaron
  9. Randy, Is your balsa sanded down enough? Check it by holding up a plank right under the bulwark and one right above it on the bulwark, they should be flush. Also, if you haven't done this already, hold a plank up to the bulkheads and make sure the plank rests on each bulkhead. Do this a several locations. If it doesn't sit flush, bevel it so it does, this will make a huge difference once you start planking. Aaron
  10. Welcome to the San Fran club, I also have the rattlesnake waiting in the proverbial grass... -Aaron
  11. Looking good JP, thanks for the extreme detail. I haven't seen a log with this much detail yet. Aaron
  12. Yea I will give it a try. I'm more of a hockey fan, football is fun but it doesn't determine my outcome in life as it does some people around here. The Steelers haven't had much trouble from "little brothers" across the state lines lately, but big brother in baltimore has been a little rough to handle. -Aaron
  13. Randy, Sounds like a good idea, I will give it a try. I hope that you have seen my location and since you are technically a neighbor, you should know that we don't see the sun here much!
  14. I am with you. I have some pieces of cherry I am going to take to a hardware store and ask if I can test out some stains. I am living vicariously through shazmira who stained and then had to sand off...
  15. I plan on staining it, I just have to figure out what stain I will use. I am nervous about the gun ports too, after looking at your build, I have decided to install all of the rubbing strakes before cutting the ports out. That way I know they wil be centered in the rubbing strakes. -A
  16. Thanks for the explanation, I like what you did with the rubbing strakes, I was just looking at mine yesterday wondering what I am going to do with them. They are pretty ugly. If I had unlimited resources I would get a lighter color wood to contrast the hull. -Aaron
  17. Did you end up buying more mahogany to do your spiling? I don't see how you could spile the pre-cut wood that comes from the kit? Maybe I am missing something... -Aaron
  18. Randy, There is a new log up today of a VERY nice single planked SF 2. Check it out, it looks like the author is doing a superb job. -Aaron
  19. Randy, Is there a Michaels craft store or HobbyLobby near you? They usually sell balsa and basswood. -Aaron
  20. Wow, your planking looks great. You come at a good time, there is a herd of SF IIs being built right now. -Aaron
  21. I've read about this a few times and I wonder how well it works and will stain take to it?
  22. Ken, Do you have a build log for your AVS? Aaron
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