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Everything posted by Baker

  1. You have received some PDFs See if you can use them 👍
  2. Very nice model Well done
  3. If you read the entire text in the link in my previous post. Then you read that this is also a possibility. Only difficult to perform by the crew to stock it there. Let's say you have a great crew, that also is very handy 😉
  4. A compliment from someone with so much experience. Thank you very much I try to do this as best I can. It seemed so simple at first, find a plan and get started. Actually, I'm glad I didn't follow a plan, this is much more challenging.
  5. Most of the time during this era the "life boat" was in tow behind the ship. https://www.vasamuseet.se/en/collections/find-in-focus/espingen---vasas-longboat It has been discussed whether Vasa's esping was towed behind the ship or carried on deck, and where it was when the ship sank. We currently believe that the esping was normally towed, as it was too large and unwieldy to have been brought on board.
  6. Billings Vasa was my first wooden shipmodel. Sometimes difficult, But time and patience is what you need. Good luck
  7. Indeed, in some cases the first shroud was with serving. And yes, Vasa only has serving on 1 side of the mizzenmast (very confusing) Sometimes I am lazy 😳
  8. First, welcome to MSW. Nice work The occre Golden hind is a copy of the replica in London. Not historically correct, but actually no model of this ship is correct (neither is mine) Nobody knows what this ship ever looked like. If you like the occre GH model, then you build this one Personally, I like the Dusek GH model more. Good luck
  9. Update, All deadeyes are provided with chains. Found that the iron "ring" around a deadeye calls a deadeye strap. With a head, a neck and a foot. The blocks for the fore mast backstays are ready. And now working on the next batch of deadeyes. And, was there serving around the shrouds or not in the 16th century?? Thanks for following, likes and comments.
  10. Thanks, This is roughly the same explanation as on wikipedia and other websites. The Weasel : Designed to drive through the snow during operations in Norway. But ended up on all fronts except, in Norway
  11. Weekly update, I started with the chains and the shrouds from the main mast. All this actually started in June 2020, but then I realized I had to make the masts first. https://modelshipworld.com/topic/14188-pelican-later-renamed-as-golden-hind-by-backer-scale-145-galleon-late-16th-century/?do=findComment&comment=728985 Drilling the holes for the eyebolts and adjusting the channel a little bit Oops.. Miscalculated (forgot the cannon port). So, there will be 7 schrouds instead of 8 Chain and block production. All chains have different lengths. So there is a lot of fitting and measuring Chains in place Colored (mat black paint and pencil) eye bolts glued, and the 2 first schrouds ready. "Wip" The next row on the other side. Thanks for following, likes and comments
  12. Very well explained how all this should be done 👍
  13. impressive for a first build 👍
  14. Nice work Geert! Busy, busy, busy. Not even a coffee or tea with a cookie during working hours ??
  15. I see this too late It is best to turn the blocks 180 ° then it looks like the rope goes around the "disk" in the block
  16. CA gel (i used Pattex CA gel) Received this advice and I am very satisfied with it (starts at post 556 and further) The polyester Gutermann wire can be glued reasonably well with thick plastic glue, but CA gel is better.
  17. Well I'm just getting started on rigging, but this is how I'm planning to do it 1 Schrouds mizzen mast 2 forestay mizzen mast 3 Backstays main mast 4 schrouds main mast 5 forestay main mast 6 Backstays fore mast 7 schrouds fore mast 8 forestay fore mast This is on a 16th century ship, but I think the general order is about the same with your ship
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