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Posts posted by petervisser

  1. A busy week in the workshop. I have prepped, painted and installed all of the deck fittings. Not that there were that many...


    This is proving to be a fun build and relatively quick. A nice change from a square rigger, that's for sure.


    Here are some photos of the progress...











  2. After many months of idle tools and a neglected model, it's time again to get back to "work".


    I have begun by prepping a number of itens that make up the deck fittings. For the most part an easy task because all the items are laser cut and simply need to be popped out of the sheet and sanded. I had to modify a couple of parts as they did not fit as advertised. A little scratch building was therefore required to keep me honest.


    Here are the results so far. Tomorrow a few more parts to prep and then I can start painting!


    I have dry fitted the sliding hatch and skylight.




    A closeup of the sliding hatch and skylight.




    And here a shot of all the parts so far ready for a few coats of paint.




    Stay tuned...



  3. Hi Hamilton,


    If that is the North Star of Herschel Island I just want to point out that the rig is a dummy rig. Those sails are never set and the vessel motors everywhere.  


    The "ship" used to live in Victoria for a number of years and I had seen it many times. It's really a huge stretch give it credit for the rig it displays.


    Sorry to be such a downer but really, it's just a boat with lots of sticks.



  4. Hi ZyXuz,


    The start of your build log sure takes me back to the days when I was building this model. On the whole I was satisfied with the materials, but I did end up buying a number of extra bits and pieces to make a better model.


    As for the white metal parts, they do bend. Just do it carefully around a curved object of the correct diameter.


    All the best with your build, and I will follow along.





  5. Hi Don,


    I have some large scale rigging drawings of the Bounty I could lend you. They are John MacKay's which he sold to me some years ago. Otherwise, Petersson's rigging book would be a very good guide.


    I've been away on holiday this summer so I have taken a break from model building and MSW. We can hook up when I get back from my next trip in early October. A get together is long overdue!





  6. Hiya Mike,


    Yes, the lack of boats for the kit are a bit out of the norm and I considered adding some to my own model. I reconsidered because of the fact that they would hide the details of the gun deck. I spent a goodly amount of time rigging those guns down there and it would have been tragic to then cover them up with boats on the booms!


    As for the "documentation" that accompanies the kit regarding the build dates and designer, it is best to ignore it. Corel did not have access to the interwebby when they first produced the kit and put something together on the fly by the looks of it.


    As for my own build, I used John McKay's and Ron Coleman's Anatomy of the Ship Book "Pandora" to help me with the layout and design features concerning the deck fittings. Like you I was less interested in a totally accurate build of the Unicorn and more interested in creating a reasonably accurate frigate of the time. Pandora was similar in size and age.


    Hope this is a help.



  7. Hi Mike,


    I have built the Unicorn and finished it only last year. As for the guns, Corel have not really provided the hardare to make an accurate model. As far as I know those frigates were designed to carry 24 x 9 pdr. guns, but then added 4 x 3 pdr. guns to the quarter deck. This is how I built it. I bought some after market guns which were smaller than the guns provided to indicate the smaller calibre. I just eye-balled it and did not do any real calculations.


    As for the rest of the model, I improvised here and there to make the model appear more accurate to a frigate of the time. As posted earlier, Corel have cut some corners and taken some liberty in designing a kit that is less than authentic. However, the basic materials are of a good standard as you have discovered with your new kit. Now its up to each individual model builder to put the bits together to his or her personal satisfaction. I myself bought some better blocks here an there, used different rigging thread, changed out the ship's wheel and altered the deck layout a bit. All in all a very satisfying project and one I am proud to display.


    Good luck with your own Unicorn, and I will look for your build log when you get around to her. If I can help in any way, just let me know.




    p.s. Thanks Ian for all your kind words.

  8. Hi Ian,


    I struggled with the decoration around the quarter galleries as well. I could not figure out how to attach the lower mouldings to the model. I had them all painted and when it came time to attach them, I was left scratching my head.


    I took the easy way out and simply left them off the model. Not too creative, I must admit, but effective! It didn't seem to detract from the model overall.


    I'll be interested to see what your solution ends up being. Good luck!



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