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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Well I got a wooden base made for her, a make plate from Sweden of all places about was cheaper than here (the site had a .au suffix so who knew, then a mate tells me it needed another figure
  2. The base coat on the bridge structure done. A clear coat and weathering next
  3. The fly bridge and search light. The kit one is very very plain. I’ve also added some old speakers which a probably a little too big but when finished this kit is so massive it won’t matter
  4. The bridge is a big open area you can look into and see nothing. There is plastic glass which is still clear and it needs some details . Using spare parts I did a window ledge and some details and eventually there will be two sailors inside also some water bottles and Voka bottles of course
  5. Sorry, completely missed this. I got it from a mate who imports directly from Asia. I’d have a look at Hobbyeasy perhaps or the eBay’s hobbylink Japan have them in stock
  6. So I’m going to go with the Ukrainian colours, so the upper works are white. Once it’s all painted I’ll then weather it heavily with grunge
  7. Some of the deck features. I have them a red primer coat, then a clear coat. Next a layer of chipping fluid then a green coat. Rubbed it back now I with repeat with lighter shaders of green to make it look like it’s been repainted lots of times by some poor conscript.
  8. Done. Teh SMS super clear gloss melted the base coat a bit but that will do and a good learning exercise
  9. It’s an easy build which I’ve added some details to the cockpit which is very bland.
  10. I’ve seen these kits around and I love steampunk but not north of $250 Australian Pesos, so when one came up at $50 on FB marketplace I jumped. I’m trying to get the Tv series too.
  11. As I loved this kit so much I also built a CocaCola delivery van from Berlin in the late 1930’s. The decal work was not my best but a learning experience
  12. Bought a little plaster base and some dio stuff
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