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Everything posted by RGL

  1. So that’ll do for the lower hull as it will be under water (clear resin)
  2. I’m going to suggest you buy an aftermarket deck, you will be a lot happier with the result. It’s also good practice for your next build as they need to be glued down
  3. As things going to be ‘floating’ in resin, I want to make the hull filthy and lots of alge, some Mr surfacer and cotton wool. At 1/35 it actually seems to work!!!!
  4. I was going to do a diorama then figured I’d need a lot of figures and the back hatches are not open which they would be for operation. So this should do
  5. So green base graduation of 4 shades of green then chipping then let the masking begin.
  6. Now this is NOT my model but my concept of clear resin for this build
  7. Ok back in the Shmel. The deck, three coats of red/Orange/dark grey then I’ll give it a good clear coat, chipping coat then lots of green coats and chip it back
  8. So the manufacturer has contacted me (from Italy) and will send me the missing part with a track to drag it; I’m paying for the truck but the shipping is free. Shipping to Oz from Europe is expensive but not nearly as bad as from the US which is horrendous and stupidly slow. It’s almost as if the don’t want the business . He offered to send me the stl file for the piece but why not I say!
  9. It’s a 3D print. Pretty much done now but awaiting the traversing equipment.
  10. Base coat down. Filters next
  11. I just use Sprue cutters. No dust to speak of unles sanding off the nubs
  12. It’s ok? The print is not the best and slightly unaligned in places, but is also missing a piece which I’ve asked the vendor to rectify
  13. Couple of hors snipping the pieces off the resin. A couple of fractures. I need to give it all a wash next then sanding. Construction should take about 20 minutes!
  14. Next! Nice little 3D printed kit that was half price. Soft sticky resin but should come up nicely.
  15. So I’m not sure if I’ll do it as a drip yet, I’ve got some figures in the mail
  16. Now some wear and tear. Clear coat, decals and more weathering next
  17. Weathering and decals done. Is I have to figure out the belts but overall it’s coming up OK
  18. Dr Google says the average European farming 17ha these days. I watched Clarksons farm in Netflix. They’re tiny !
  19. here in Oz, harvesters are usually contractors here now and they’ll do the harvest system as a header probably costs $1M unless you’re a really big operation. Were a bit like Ukraine for the pure size of our crops
  20. Base coat down, clear coat and decals next
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