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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Photo time, there is a Russian language modelling site which I have gotten the images off. It appears that the boats were a brown water navy during the soviet era.
  2. This thing is certainly going to take a LOT of paint. Not a hard build and being Soviet it’s pretty industrial
  3. Time to get back to ships (well boats), I bought this monster and after doing some weathered 1/35 military stuff I’m ready for this. As it’s So yet era I can weather the absolute hell out of it and add some decent size figures.
  4. Completely agree. The youth and treasure of Europe had been squandered by that stage. But wait! Here comes influenza !
  5. So today I received the collection of Punch magazine from July to December 1918 (it’s the original prints). If you weren’t aware it was a satirical magazine. I’ve included a few photos. My plan is to have this as part of my display for the dio
  6. Pretty much spot on but December 1918; this will be on the name plate. Also I’ve ordered a set of punch magazine from 1918 armistice to go with it and a French victory medal. There are heaps and heaps of photos of artillery parks post war where the barrels are written on in chalk by the claiming battalions. Here in Australia a there are artillery pieces in front of nearly all RSL’s.
  7. Nearly done, I want to add some more ice. Then it’s off to a mates place to get a base for it.
  8. So as part of the trophy hunter theme, lots of spares on the blade of the howitzer. I will run a rope from the rear of the winch at the back of the tractor running down to the little mortar
  9. Getting there. More barbed wire required, I won’t use the bigger mortar dirty mud and sludge to go too .
  10. Next is to fill the gutter with poured resin which will Katherine’s in and I can make it look like it’s quite the river
  11. Next is to seal it in; I’ve cutout a shell hole which will be filled with water and the little mortar half submerged. I’ve also added a wash along the side of the road which I can add running water to
  12. So this is the plan, to sculpt the road on the side of a hill, the lower end being a shell hole full of water with a little mortar in it with a rope attached to the steam winch; then a hill behind with a refugee family around a fire
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