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Steve 12345

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Everything posted by Steve 12345

  1. Hello and welcome to my build of HMS Bounty by billings boats 1:50 scale This is my second build the first being HMS Victory by Mantua Panart
  2. few pictures of completion I did not carry out a build log but intend to start one with my second build the HMS bounty by billings boats
  3. Hi there very nice build I have been searching the bounty logs for paint schemes and finally stumbled across your log . I like the paint scheme very much may I ask where you referenced from ? Also how you would describe the colours? I assume the yellow is ocree Black is black as with white Is the blue a royal blue? Is the red a bright lipstick red or slightly duller?
  4. Should have read right to bottom sorry
  5. Have you considered using an air brush masking off the areas you don't want to paint and painting what you can before fitting. The compresser and whole kit can be picked up online at reasonable price and Vallejo does a very nice range of paints
  6. Note to anyone viewing this due to the content of panart hms victory 1/78 I hit a massive breakthrough today by talking with mantua uk they where very helpful with my problem of where to belay the sails and after they themselves spending a few hrs figuring out and speaking to the Italians discovered there is a additional plan not supplied with kit available to purchase plan sheet 8a showing the belaying points of the sails and a side view with the stay sails . I thought I would share this for anyone building this particular kit as this is the first hurdle I have came across I could not solve and this may be very usefull to anyone building the same kit
  7. Hi ca.shipwright I to am having trouble obtaining info on this kit how does one go about getting the practicum
  8. Thanks for all the support guys and the kind welcome . I don't think I'll start a build log on this one but will post completed pics . My next build will be my own HMS bounty from billing boats and I will start a log with that I have a utube vid on my display case seen in photos build from salvaged material of old door frames from my day job if interested I could post a link
  9. Thanks for the welcome messages managed to post a few pics today would be happy to receive any feedback good or bad this is my first ship and has never been viewed by anyone with any experience including me lol. I have my own list of things im not happy with but I'm not to late to change as follows 1.stern gallery should be ochre I've painted gold 2.the gun port drip rails or wriggles I've heard them called i left brass when they should be painted 3. Allow you can't see the ships wheel frame does not go from floor to roof allow this is not seen in photo 4.the choice of blue paint at bow is clearly to dark I'm sure there is many more mistakes and any advice is welcome
  10. hello all this is my first time posting, back in November 2015 I begun my first ship the hms victory panart 1/78 before October of last year I had no interest in models or historic ships. as a joiner by trade of 17yrs a friend of the family asked me could I build a display cabinet to hold his hms bounty I agreed and on arriving at his home to get the sizes required I instantly feel in love with the ship and the sheer work that had went into the model. after building the display cabinet I started researching these ships and only then discovered there was kits out there for building these. I have read some of the threads and see a lot of posts advising not to jump in at the deep end with a kit like the victory (now you tell me lol) however with my joinery backround and access to specialized machinery I have successfully built the ship up to completion of the standing rigging studying hard and overcoming challenges such as the planking and copper plating and am currently beginning the running rigging. I have learnt so much so far and built a complete different skill set and had lots of fun along the way there is no turning back and have already purchased my second build but promise only to look inside the box for now lol. I would like to add sails so I have purchased a sail kit from mantua and am studying the plans very carefully before fitting yardarms with sails attached. I live in northern Ireland and can not find any local model shops that sell fittings etc for these ships I don't know anyone in my circle of friends interested in model ships and no examples to look at other than the bounty . I would greatly apprieciate chatting with anyone who has built the panart 1/78 victory especially with sails I will attempt to attach below some pics of my progress so far. I must admit I am a little bit stuck at the moment as to where the sails are made fast but 99%of the fun so far has been overcoming these challenges
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