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Steve 12345

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Everything posted by Steve 12345

  1. Quick question hof looking back over the log in the pictures you supplied in page 1 I notice you fitted the handrails before the inner bulwark uprights did you find that made the process easier than fitting the uprights then trying to cut flush at correct angle
  2. back to my bounty Derek should have been on it at minute but love this little ship and was surprised it took over but at the end of the day its a hobby work on what you enjoy most that's why its a hobby
  3. I found with the spray laquer im using harry on the wheel house when I had to glue small parts on the roof with ca cause id already applied finish it left a small sort of clouded affect I was almost gonna rebuild but then I tried spraying a small amount into the spray can plastic lid and appling with a brush the clouded effect disappeared I feel that will work for using ca on the fish boxes however I do like your idea of pinning
  4. haven't started the fish box thingies yet harry key to them will be consistency that will be a good point for me to show how to use the proxon safely and efficiently not to show granny how to suck eggs but one follower has already purchased the proxen on my advice and I want to teach even a small table saw deserves respect I can show a few simple tips trust me this is because ive made all the mistakes on the full size
  5. excellent doug I think you will find it very usefull I will try to post more pics of how to use safely and setup I fear I may be teaching granny to suck eggs but all table saws deserve respect even tiny ones
  6. needle threader is great little device ive always found with deadeyes and blocks the ca was best the needle threader normally only comes out when piercing thru shroud lines above deadeye with me anyhows
  7. Hi doug ive missed out on a good part of this log what excellent progress very impressed lovely start to the planking I must learn to hit the follow button in future steve
  8. Hi I didn't know the term for it either but what hof is suggesting is dip about 20mm of the line you want to thread in ca then if needs be you can slice the thread to a point to help thread it you will be cutting the stiffened line off afterwards ofcourse
  9. For the hatches in front of the wheel house the kit instructions where to glue up a rectangle from planks then scribe lines out to form the three different lids the following is how I decided to approach this instead. I made two one with all hardwood and one with contrasting woods keeping with my theme I think I like the mixed one better
  10. Be nice if you could raise and lower the blade on mine that way you could make ladder stringers I assume the bigger saw has the ability to raise and lower but is the blade still nice and thin
  11. Thanks Harry that's why these things take so long you might as well be building the real thing Edit I also need to add a lot of what I've been able to do is down to the little proxon saw once again I highly recommend one of these
  12. companionway cover I have gone with the softwood on the top and hardwood for door and runners I think this gives a bit more contrasting wood effect and lets the viewer see how the door operates
  13. Hi Brian thanks for the input think I will leave the doors closed or perhaps just a tiny bit ajar to show they are functional Just a reflection in the brass Steve
  14. think im gonna keep the campanion doors shut harry as this kit didn't provide the bunks ,im also not decided on the pale wood top of the companion entrance might plank it with the mahog whats your thoughts on that ? bearing in mind the doors and slide rails will be mahog thanks steve
  15. :piratebo5:hello all just a quick update this week I have scratch built the required handrails and started to plank the inner bulwarks I have also added some more detail to the wheelhouse and built the engine room cover regarding the engine room cover I tried several times to make the small ring that slides over the exaust pipe with no success that I was happy with I decided to go with the plywood kit provided piece and paint it black I haven't decided to use it or not yet ,it isn't hiding anything so is not required however I think a bit of colour added here and there adds a bit of flavour to the unpainted version and finely tried my hand at a bit of fine detail painting with the winch ,at the minute its a john deer winch but may change to a ford
  16. Sorry no bounty posts at the min what supposed to be a side build the mare nostrum has caught most of my attention at the minute I've tried to force myself to work on bounty however am enjoying the little ship so much you gotta ask yourself it's a hobby do what you makes you
  17. One example would be say you wanted to drill an 8mm hole into a 10 mm by 10 mm piece of wood almost impossible however dril that 8 mm hole into a 300mm *300mm piece then cut it down
  18. As I have mentioned in some of my other posts before .working with wood and scale modelling are worlds apart even with my experience of 18+ Years carpentry I find scale building challenging
  19. Figure I have aprox ten hrs work invested into that wheel house if I preseted that to an employer or customer after a days work figure they would tell me not to show up tomorrow. Thing is I could have built the real thing in that time
  20. Thank you harry never thought about the concept of Cornwall model boats not showing it online but there ability to source it is better than mine will give them a call Monday morning
  21. Regarding scratch building a painted version I have looked up al fittings on Cornwall model boats and al own website the box of fittings comes with many parts I could provide myself like the copper wire etc. But can't find where to purchase the winch or horn and lights etc any advice on where to find a fittings kit ?
  22. I really like the diorama idea harry ive seen couple of them in build logs and the engine idea sounds fantastic
  23. Hi Doug the kit only provided plywood for the cabin I added all the strips as for the finish its something ive used a lot on woodworking builds and wanted to try on a ship the mare nostrum seemed very fitting for the experiment. Its a bog standard trade clear laquer bought from a car autoparts store I can buy a 500ml spray can of the stuff for £2.20 its self levelling and has gap filling propertys also I can sand back to change or repair a piece and simply spray over again each new coat adheres to the previous its sprayed straight onto the bare wood with as many coats as required light sanding between. Also allow I haven't tried I suppose you could polish it with car wax
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