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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Cannons look awesome. Metal black barrel finish superb. Detail of the wheels top. Rigging rope... fine. Very well made cannons... I think a master's work Tom! Christos
  2. Great! Congrats for completing this fine model by which as I can see you did well even with the smallest details What brought you back to the build after so much time.... 😀 ? Am guessing ... Great work again Christos
  3. @Tom E thank you Tom for your nice words. Am following you great work. Christos
  4. Psychotherapy, and the sails filling slowly with wind. Wish to all of you, all the best and an end to this catastrophe that came on us so suddenly.
  5. I thought it can help me take the corona virus prlm out of my mind, so am back on my build again. The two boats finished and loaded on board.
  6. @ccoyle Thank you, yes I am almost there, after over 500 working hours in a years time.
  7. So I wasnt very happy with the way the wind ws blowing the topsail, so I did some further adjustments
  8. It seems I have misplaced some photoetched parts of my Artesania Latina kit Hermione. (Its the new kit) I would much appreciate if some one has such a set to offer me. Any offer welcome. Christos
  9. Two jib sails (inner jib and fore mast staysail) in position. The wind blowing I think isnt bad, but the main or standing jib, is still not going to be used. Forecourse sail is also in place (not fully secured) but the yard is fastened through the parrel and its trucks on the mast.
  10. @SpyGlass Thank you for your nice words over my sails, but again and mostly thank you for your help which I appreciated very much.
  11. @SpyGlass Thank you again! Its actualy hard to come on all this you just explaind if someone hasnt the luck to sail such a sailship. So, posting a picture of what I have done. Thats the maximum I can succeed by keeping wind into the sails.
  12. @SpyGlass thank you for the very round answer. So I understand that having the inner and outer jib hauled without using the flying jib its not a wrong case to display on my full flying sails model? @AON thank you, so you do agree that inner and outer jib only, by almost full flying sails its something that happens?
  13. Thank you Mark, a quick response and an answer that looks to come from someone who knows! Ok yes, "the outer jib is hauled further", its an explanation... which I welcome indeed. Christos Ps the ship still has a flying jib on the bowsprit arrangement as in picture.
  14. Am planing to finish Hermione's sail plan using only two jib sails instead of three (ships full rig plan). Is it correct (in order to picture a correct sail set) to fly the inner and outer jib sail and spare the flying jib, which I assume was the third and last jib to fly. In other words is the flying jib the third and last jib to fly? I believe thats picture no 1, there is the inner and outer jib, the flying jib is missing. But what about picture no 2, is there the outer and the flying jib flying and there is the inner jib the one missing?
  15. It seems that the air has filled the jibsail. That was the GAC 400. Applied and dried having small rice bags on its surface forming by gravity the air blowing in it.
  16. Yards have been formed and then prepared with a pass of cellulose sealer and then had a fine sanding with a 240 and 320 sandpaper. After that two passes of black acrylic vallejo paint did the miracle. After drying the yards were equipped with their fine quality double and triple blocks from Syren Model ship Co.
  17. Standing rigging almost finished. Some shoe paint was used in order to clean the glue stains from the ropes. The ''binding thread'' (auxiliary thread used to bind standing rigging ropes in position) was waxed for better adhesion. All the standing rigging ropes (from Modellbau Tagelgarn), were excellent quality and I have not treated them in any way. Mizzen mast backstays still to go.
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