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Everything posted by CaptCraig

  1. Augie...This is turning out to be an amazing ship! I feel privileged to be able to witness your builds. Thank you for sharing your progress!
  2. Sjors...Good on you to not let these folks distract your focus from the San Ildefonso! You can almost see the finish line!
  3. Augie...It is good to see your Connie under way again! It looks great and I suspected you would not post pictures until it did. I look forward to the progress and thank you for chatting a bit about CA. That is a whole other ballpark that I have questions about!
  4. Sjors...I remember when you started this log...I was amazed about the story of how the model was procured. It looks great and That Aggy will be a pleasure to see as well!
  5. Modeler12...Your videos are priceless. I appreciate you taking the time to put these together. They provide many tips and they help the beginners like myself.
  6. Sjors...Good to see some more progress. Your rigging looks spectacular!
  7. Augie...Sorry to hear about your unintentional paint job. I look forward to the build resuming. Good to know even the best have their off days. It makes everyone look human! I'm sure the Confed will still be a prize ship when she is completed!
  8. Modeler12- Thank you for another great video. I watched on you did on tying the blocks for rigging. The quality of your videos is excellent! JimL- I like your plan solution. It has all kinds of options that could improve the storage and provides good functionality.
  9. This database is very nice and provides great information to help those decide which ships they would like to work on. Nice job, and thank you for taking the time to create this for the community!
  10. Love the explanation of the Gun Port sills. This is a lesson I will remember when I start modeling. Just got to figure out where I get that tiny chisel...lol
  11. I really hope people continue with rigging...It is an art that really completes the work...Wish the confederacy came with it, then I would get one...
  12. Be careful with those paper cannons. You can get expelled from school for having one of those! The lintels look great, but I see a discrepancy in the photo as well where John pointed to. Sometimes it's just the camera angle...
  13. This is looking immaculate Augie! I am amazed at how fast this is coming together. I like the treenail idea as well. It looks easier then using brass wire or a treenail puller to get the right diameter...
  14. Good luck on your new adventure Augie! I will be watch with intensity!
  15. Well, I have no experience with either ship, but my question is if you have already built the HMS Bounty Jolly Boat, why would you not want to take it a bit further and build the actual HMS Bounty. I only ask because I assume (one of my downfalls) you may have done a little research on the Jolly and that would give you a bit of a head start on the Bounty. I know the scales won't match, but it would be good to dive deeper beyond what you have learned doing the Jolly. Just something to consider.
  16. I see you may have run into a few little hiccups in the build, but keep smiling. The work is beautiful and continues to impress!
  17. 42Rocker...Thanks for the input. I never get to the flea market as I travel to Tampa to work every day. Only when there is a holiday on Monday. Memorial Day may be the next time I can go. I am new to both hobbies. I am building this workshop to house both of them. I am going to insulate and climate control the building as I do not want any humidity in there both for the wooden ships and the reloading equipment and components. I am going to install a portable AC unit and a space heater. I have yet to find a cheaper solution. This weekend I have finished putting up the T1-11 exterior. It will likely be another month or two before I am close to completion. I still have to trim the exterionr, hang the doors and windows, run the electrical, and insulate. Then, I can deal with the workbench which I am sort of engineering now. It will be the length of my portion of the workshop on both sides. This should serve me well. I will have nice vinyl tile flooring so I can have the workshop chair to roll around on. I'm hoping to be in full swing with both hobbies by June. This is a very optimistic gaol given my budget. When I am ready to head out to the range, I will keep you in mind.
  18. Hi Nirvana...I am building mine on cement blocks so I can move it if I need to...at 12'x20' you will have me beet by 20sq. ft.
  19. Banyan...Thanks for the great tips on the gameplan. I am a bit overwhelmed with the interior planning, but your pointers will help. I did think about the electrical aspect already. The lighting will vary. I will have shop lights, but also nice clean/clear light over the benches. Florecent lighting (in my opinion) is not very good for detail work. It makes my eyes tired and causes me to strain. Then I get a headache. Not sure I will go deep into dust collection. I will setup a shopvac for the sander and the saws, but that's probably about it. Now I'm trying to decide on what to use for my bench surface. Not sure if I want to go with finished lumber or something else covered with lexan or formica.
  20. Thanks Floyd and Jay. I plan to have a belt/disc sander much like the one in Jay's photo, a mini table saw, and maybe a scroll saw on one bench and reloading equipment on another. My main concern is the bench itself as I want something very functional well lit. I like the ideas I have seen so far between this thread and the other one that is being rebuilt quickly. Glad to know I was not the only one who enjoyed looking at other people's work spaces!
  21. Thank you all. It is 10'x22'...Don't get too excited. My admiral raises rabbits and chickens, so 1/3 of it will belong to her for her nursery. I live out in the middle of no where, so I don't really require a permit. If I did, I would have to cut off the back 2 feet of it as it is 220sq. ft. The largest you can build without a permit here is 200sq. ft. As you can see, it is not perfect, but I have put a lot of time into it already and I did the majority of the work myself. On Good Friday, I will put the exterior on and the following week, I will hang the doors and insert the windows. After that, my father-in-law will wire the electrical to the utility pole. So I probably have another month before I can build the interior. My purpose for this workshop is only to build model ships and do some gunsmithing/reloading. I no longer have room in the house with 3 children and all of our pets. They love to break Daddy's stuff. I'll post updates. Now I'm off to look at the lost thread posted above. Thanks Pete38! Here's a pic from 2-3 weeks ago:
  22. Ok everyone. I am just completing the structure for my workshop. There used to be a post on here that everyone was showing their workbenches. Some were TV tables while others were elaborate hobby lover's dreams. I would like to restart this thread so I can get some ideas for my new ship modeler's workshop. I will start by posting my workshop in it's present form. I still have to do the exterior, insulation and electrical, but It's moving right along and I am already thinking about my workspace. So if you have a moment, let's see where you do your best work!
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