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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. Thanks all I did replase the pin stripe tape with trhead and lineing out the hull It looks ok to me at this time Svein.erik
  2. Thanks 😊there are 3 planks inkl the garboard planks (5/32 and 2 planks 1/8) and you ar spott on , my baw looks something from hear to there😲 I have post some photo erlier of the hull before I plank the upper dekk (upgrade wood castello boxvood ) but am not sure about planking the garboard befor I line of the hull I my have to take it off and line off the hull make new garboard using the tic marks? Svein.erik
  3. Thanks for all the likes am at stage where am lineing off the hull, but an not convince am there so if you have a feedback please let me know Svein.erik
  4. And something else I forgot to say😲 the upper plank (black) is in the photo 1/32×5/32 I diddent have 1/8 I yust sand it down to match 1/32×1/8 Svein.erik
  5. Thanks for the liks I yust finish all the treenail and the wales I have also painted the wales and stern with 10 cotes ,but more needed for later I need to get the plank under the wales on board and the garboard plank before I line off the rest of the hull Svein.erik
  6. Hei yes it was that I was thinking about doing nails with heads painted black but it wil be so many nails about 450 yust on the wales it wil look a bit strange so I deside to skip it and leve it yust like it is Svein.erik
  7. Hi thanks for the likes wat did I recive today? Chuck's english navy cutter cheerful , my fingers want to start but I do need to wait Svein.erik
  8. This is wat am thinking about doing to the wales brass nails scale down to fit but am ?????😲 I can do this 3 ways so it dosent get to be over killing on this wat do you thing?? Svein.erik
  9. Thanks for the kind works and likes This is my last photo for know , I have to start all over again (the other side )😊 I have painted in chucks spirit😉 there are 10 layers of thin paint ( mars black akryl from winsor ) After all planking job is dunn I wil paint the rest and many more layers so I gess I will start nailing again😨 Svein.erik
  10. Hi did some more work (the wales) I pre painted the first upper wails board using chuck metod thin layers of paint, for now there is 10 layers and it looks real good , there will be more When I paint the intire wales Svein.erik
  11. Thanks fore the likes I yust finish of the treenails on baboard side using walnut wood filler an yust rubb it on part by part sand it and t works well ,but not on bad wood !!! the nex task is the wales Svein.erik
  12. Thanks you all Som treenails are made and I used walnut filler aply som water to se how it works it looks ok ore? Svein.erik
  13. Hi again Finish the transom and put 2 more 5/32 planks for the wales but not the 2 ones , it will be dunn later I also define the lines for the treenails (74 lines) + There will be 2 nails in ech plank yust for the fun of it😲 (prototype has one) 1480 + nails on 1 side I also took a photo of a test using round headed metal nais and reduce it to fitt the scale (about) this is fore the wales Svein.erik
  14. Hi and tanks for the likes, dunn some more work planking of the baboard side is also dunn and am at the start of the stern, The sanding in not dunn yet but its coming nicly together I will Soon begin the treenails, for this I will use walnuts color with light oak finish Fore the Wales I maby using round headed metal nais ( I maby the first to do this on the syren) Svein.erik
  15. Tanks for the likes the planking job is going well and after upgrade the wood to castello boxvood am not using basswood again 😊 the portside is dunn and am turning over to starboard side Svein.erik
  16. Hi the planking job is know on its way, and as always the fun part is first or not😨 Svein.erik
  17. Yes, Know I have recive my castello boxvood from wood project source and Soon am starting the syren project maby today 😲? Svein.erik
  18. Hallo ja enda en viking jeg er fra sola så får vi snakkes mer etter hvert😆 Svein.erik
  19. Hi am nerly back on the syren build thanks for the liks now back to wat am doing, am still waiting for the castello boxvood planks, butt I started to get the sheet line in order and am happy with the outcome I did also mesure the wale planks 3 stk.5/32 and 1 plank 1/8 on the botten wale. Then I started to line off the hull am going to plank the syren hull with the spiling teknick, and yes the hull is getting copper plates butt am going to do this as a practice so I can do this on a hull without copper plates later. I think this is going to be fun😇 Svein.erik
  20. Hi yes, I just get the rigging blocks from syrenshipsmodellcompany today and as always its a beauty 😄 so am still waiting for the castello boxvood from wood project source 😳😡 so I can start the planking Svein.erik
  21. Hi its time to get som new photo on my progress am working on the forcastle dekk and test fitting scroll on the headrails it has been fun so far , but before I going all inn on the headrails I need to get all details finish on the dekks 😊 Svein.erik
  22. You getting there, Nice progress am still waiting for the castello boxvood from wood project source I orderd before it close its been over a month😲 and I orderd also all the rigging blocks from chuck about 5 days ago and its now in Oslo ready to be shipt to Stavanger , thats wat I call service😊 Svein.erik
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