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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. Beauty and you are rigging it😲 am just nerly finish with the forcastle galleri an just start to fitt some parts for the headrails and am not rigging it🙊 Svein.erik
  2. Hi erik this is wat I did on my syren I bockup the intire hull Svein.erik
  3. I agree with chuck, if you by a car you cant ask for bying half the car👀😜 Svein.erik
  4. I order wod for the syren castello boxvood from wood project source before the close the site and I hope I get it😲😆
  5. Hi doug Hehe, wel no , I yust tryd it a wile ago and it work This stuff loosen the fibre in the wood special hard wood so it can be bendt ether way, I May have to get a photo of it😊 Svein. Erik
  6. Hi doug Am using a cemacales call salmiakk its norwegian but maby there is something in the store thats works its used to get stains, grees etc of cloths etc and its wery good cleaning Windows. Take a strake of wood /hardwood an droppe it in the bottel, dont forgett to sealer the opening, it smells strong in the nose😷 5-10 minutts you kan use the Iron and form it with good resut Svein.erik
  7. So you are the one Who took all the blocks from syrenshipsmodellcompany 😜😜 am wathing for the blocks and still waiting😂 but I did get all the New wood then, all castello boxvood for my syren so I May have to do some planking Soon? Or not hummm, if my wife lets me then, haha😇
  8. Hi, Grait build So you got the rigging blocks etc and wat did you use? Best regards Svein.erik
  9. Hi its bin som time know, but am moving a long step by step to the finish line here are my update on the model Svein.e
  10. Hi chuck I do like the c.chebacco boat Lion, it do Not have guns, thats something new a boat like this with this shape and your plans and detaling its going to be a fantastic maby leaving a half hull open on one side using your new frame technikk Svein.e
  11. Hi and happy new year😊 Here are some photo of my progress at this time all the work is done on the quarter dekk with the fittings Svein.erik
  12. Hi thanks, well I realy do Not know at this time I thing I May have to make the lanterns my self to get this fit and I wil by some crew member and also try to fit some wire inside an out the hand and then make a lantern to hold in his hand befor I do that I have to try it out first😶 Svein.erik
  13. Hi and thanks for the liks Am been working on rigging some guns , the bloks is 1/8 , rigging line is 008 ang hooks is 4 mm all is From syrenshipsmodellcompany by Chuck I also making all the dekk fittings to mont on the dekk before I do the dekk beems Svein.e
  14. Hi everyone Right now the snow falling down have a grait cristmas time🎅 Svein.e
  15. Hi and thanks fore all the liks am now finished the cabels for the mast ,I got one left to go did some soldering and putt shrink tube on, tested the pico leds wrap it up with the remain ing ceek Svein erik
  16. Aahhh, it an European thing yes, but all the treenailsis an optional detail, on my confederacy I diddent do the treenails but I wil try dis om my brig syren looking farward to see your builds Svein.erik
  17. Hi Peter you can also try to get this rep set fore wood floor its also wax putty avd it Comes in number of colors there is a warmer and a scraper also provided and yoy can get it in the hardware store Svein erik
  18. Tanks john I did some more work on the hull and its good to go with the planking I paintet the gun ports and now am working on the battens Some new wood needed, so I wil order this Soon I wil go for the castello boxvood Svein.erik
  19. Am back and am nearly dunn with the stern fraim, some more sanding needs am working now on sanding the hull Svein.erik
  20. Am jumping know back to chapter four to do the stern framing and in 2-3 days I think its finished it wil be lined up propper and all the laser cut char wil be removed later wen the stern frame is strong Svein erik
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