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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. Thanks for the liks, I did look at Alexey Domanoff (how to make small nails with round head) But I used a file for this , it works. So I make a sample, posted it on the wales Yust to see how it looks. erlier I did or maby wanted to install this to the wales but it diddent work at that time, so with this metod it can? it may not be historycal correkt but it make the wales come to life, the nails on the photo is a bit to large and if I do this I wil use brass wire, in this case I yust used wat I have, black wire Wat do you think? Svein.erik
  2. Grait idé, I was looking for this😲 I did try it out on a black wire but I used a needel file and it works 😊
  3. Wat a beauty, I hope I get mine like this😊 I do have some work left Svein.erik
  4. Am know back to my syren model, working with the for and aft gunports, making hinges using chuck's mini kit its dam small but its work. " Do use chuck's gide for making this" Svein.erik
  5. Nicly dunn job and a grait model I hope chuck has the starter packages ready Soon, 😆 Svein.erik
  6. Thanks dave, I do like the laser dott to simulate the nails patten 😊 I May have to order a kitt from you, haha😊 Svein.erik
  7. Huston I have a problem 😲 Looking at the cast metal for the stern gallery, it looks like $$$$#@(:............. so am thinking I have to make some New ones I have numbers of fitting items from artesania latina, and am going to use them I have to cut off the top an bottom , this is in scale and then make some Windows etc Aa, I am ost forgot, Chuck I need some New ankers 😲
  8. Thanks for the liks everyone am in to the build again so I started to do the fillers for the cap rails and ...... the pre made caprail did not fitt this time and I Wonder why 😲 I then started to do I it over but this time I use not boxvood but basswood I used 1/32 insed of 1/16 but in to layers to get the thickness and it works well, I did also make the pin rails (boxvood ) and I working know on the main rails cut out of boxvood sheet I did steel Dubs ide for the rails , cut them up in lenght using a hook scarf Svein.erik
  9. Thanks for the liks, am finish for know, got most of the tools in the box, under my work space I have 32 boxes and 16 holes with bigger box etc to use on my other work space. I have som close cabinet for bigger items to and I know can see my confederacy too😄 I do also have 2 long boats in the box and the starter kit cheerful from syren (chuck) Its time to get started on the syren😉 Svein.e
  10. Hello everyone, am know back from hollydays and ready to modeling😀 but I did have to rebuild the shipyard ( chuck making so grait kits😆) So I need more rom to build them😉 the nex thing to do is to organize all the tools All the heavy stuff is in a hobby rom nex to the garage so I have a dust fri space. Best Svein.erik
  11. Hi and good luck with the build,I also have all the plans but I have not build ship like this yet, so I May have to wait a bitt😲 I wil follow this build Svein.erik
  12. If this is the case, I want inn😊 Svein.erik
  13. I wil wait for the kit but i do like to have them both So og can stand side by side 😊
  14. A question about this build? Is this only for a group or is this build for all how wants to play for this kit? Am alone so no grop is availebul Svein.erilk
  15. Maby you have a photo to Svein.erik
  16. Hi, have you try to glue the pin ? Svein.erik
  17. Thanks for that Rich, and something else, the cabel thats coming out of the hull is to use To pickup the pico led cable later and wil be conekted to the cable under the dekk, so no cable wil bee seen. Svein.erik
  18. Thanks for the liks, I did also made a test for a lamp , using basswood I wil make this in boxvood later (need 5 pices) 2 inside the bulwarks , 2 in the mast , 1 for the capt.figure holding it and 1 down below cabin (do Not need a lamp here) Am using pico leds Svein.erik
  19. Yeee, wel I did nerly finish the bulwarks planking befor my flight😎 I do have to sand it and trim the gunports Svein.erik
  20. Hi and thanks for the likes Am know taking a hollyday and the trip goes to auer apartment in cypros But i wil be looking in the sites from there 😎 Best regards Svein.erik
  21. Hi so, am started the planking of the inner bulwarks Using some wood inside the gunports and sweep ports than plank around , it works well I finish the stern planks and started to paint it red using artist paint from winsor and newton (the cooler crimson) All the planks is castello boxvood Svein.erik
  22. How about a stern section with all the fixtures in the cabin Svein.erik
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