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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. Hi I did some work on the mast, wel I ned to beginn from there yust to get the wirering clare and to make it work at this time I drill some holes in the mast and carved out some wood under the ceeks for the cabels and I wil conekt them the pico wil be conekted into a lantern later Svein.erik
  2. Thanks for the liks and the info el cid I diddent find anyting about lights on the syren so I made up my mind to make 5 one down below, one in a lantern monted in he hull were the ladder is ( port 4/5), 1 in ech mast monted in a lantern, and one if I can pull it off , a capt.figure holding a lantern in historie hand if is historic correkt ??? but ider way I think is going to look grat and it wil be seen from the sea😉 Svein.erik
  3. Am dunn the rest off blokking after the wirering shaping the hull is underway but need to get the stern fraim finish before the final shape Svein.erik
  4. Thanks for the liks and the info el cid I diddent find anyting about lights on the syren so I made up my mind to make 5 one down below, one in a lantern monted in he hull were the ladder is ( port 4/5), 1 in ech mast monted in a lantern, and one if I can pull it off , a capt.figure holding a lantern in historie hand if is historic correkt ??? but ider way I think is going to look grat and it wil be seen from the sea😉 Svein.erik
  5. So, here are the lighting istallation all the wire is on board and I have montet brass tube fore montig the model later on the board, the wire goes true one of the tube and wil go under the finish board this board will have a lager brass tube so the model will be sett down to. the lights work well and next is to blokk up the hole frame, sett away the pico leds for future monting Svein.erik
  6. Hi here to😄 a little update, have got my cabel wire and I wil Soon wrap this inn the syrens hull for the lights Im posting photo wen this is dunn
  7. Hi again dunn some progress on the interior and working now to get the 10 next guns on board am getting there step by step, but its know slowing down 😱
  8. Hi John and welcome on board the syren Journey , I have started on mine but still working on confederesy build Soon I get back to the syren build Svein.e
  9. Hi Chris am working also on confederesy but the kit, your's look like a Da-vinci painting, grait Job Svein.e
  10. Is look fantastic and am wait ing for the kit to Come on sale. wile I was looking on some photo I have I did take som of the royal barge of Dutsh kingdom. (Amsterdam museum) it has been restord and it have some grait ditales Svein.erik
  11. Hi well I did have the same problem but I did by guns and carriages from syren and ........ it diddent work, the New gun carriages was a bit to large for the gun ports wat I did was using the kit provideo carriages and syrens guns it works well for me Svein.erik
  12. Hi and welcome to the syrens club i also got the bad plywood so I contacted M.E and got a replacements frame I think its Because of saving product cost that M.E at newer time provide the kit with bad plywood its not a good ting to do with a grait kit designed by Chuck Svein erik
  13. Hi , am doing the guns and its a good start at my skill level but am learning as fast as I can 😲 here is mulig latest update Svein.erik
  14. If you want to replace the corronades you can get them from cadlecraft, but do use the 18 punds corronades they are match to the plaNS Svein.erik
  15. Good luck on your syren build am started on my syren to😊 Svein.erik
  16. Am back on building the confederesy Dunn the rudder and need to finish the preventer chains and some other stuff to😱 test fitting a gun , damm this work is small😨 but I get ther sometime getting started to make the guns Take care Svein erik
  17. You can use the search on the right top corner there are some builds, us brig niagara Svein.e
  18. Hello am about to planing the lights for syren and am going for 5 pico I wil also try to make oil lamp for a figur to hold 😓 well if I can?? Am not using the cabel on the photo, it to big so am ordering some New for that. with some other stuff😆if my wife let me🙊
  19. Hi Harley nice build on your syren😊 When I deside to go for modelships building I was thinking about wat kit to start on this was not simple, so after a wile I deside to go for the usf confederesy as large as se is I think it may be the dummes best ting I did I learn many things by building this and some demolition 🙈 but thats ok, learning the hard way ore learning by doing😲 but am going to take this experience in wen building the brig syren, but the hardest ting for me wil be the rigging on the syren, but thats Comes later😱 Svein.e
  20. Thanks for the likes and comments I finish the frame for gun ports and sweep ports , I need to fair the hull more outside and inside next on the list is to do the stern fraim,
  21. Hi, thanks I wil use small pico led for the lights whid remote control Am making some oil lamps that the pico goes in to. the cabels I wil putt inside the hull and will go true the keel. Then it remain to get this dunn 😲
  22. Making some progress, finish the sill and lintels and am know ready to get it sand. Svein.erik
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