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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. Thanks for the likes, keeps me going😊 So what did I do this time? The dekk planks is now finished and I started to sand the dekk, I also aply one cote of oil yust so I can see where I need to sand more after this I have to make more copper plates 🙈 Svein.erik
  2. I want to get everything you offer😆 its exelent kit with a master on board 😊 but I am still building the syren and I have to diside if am doing this prodjekt or the cheerful first? Svein.erik
  3. Thanks for the liks I yust started making plates , 15 in one strip and I make 500 for the portside and I got to say its inspitational to make this when it going so good😀 I think I used about 30 min to make ca 100 plates I did also make a guillotine to cut the plates using a small hammer . Svein.erik
  4. I finaly got the stamp to work, a little rebuild did the work. so I made some sample to try on a boxvood sheet but it Seems to me that wen I take of the copper plates from the teip it kind of roll inn, so wen I put it on you can see its not Strait on the sheet, Maby this like this or it wil be better wen tones down? Svein. Erik
  5. Hi again and thanks for the likes 😊 I did start the dekk planks. But the nibbing I started after 3 plank (4) in the practicum its starts after 5 plank (same same but different 🙊 I use boxvood and its hard to nibb this if the margin plank is glue to the ship, So the margin plank on both side is loose so I can do this off ship. And I try also the ropewalk, making rope for the first time I havent nails it yet but its a good start 😊 Svein.erik
  6. Yes, I did that, but went a little to far of the braking point ...... So I try again but not so far this time and it works. I do have to work on the skils her so the rope Is more like a rope . I have some rope from chuck so I can look at and adjust mine as good I can get it, until am a master🙊haha ha, wl in time I hope my rope is exelent 😊 Svein.erik
  7. Making my first rope ever using the syren ropewalk, its esy to use when you practice the first one I brake 😲 The next one it was good. Its 0.25 and its about 2m long using DMC tread Svein.erik
  8. Hi everyone, I yust put together the ropewalk and servo-o-matic and I wil at some time make some rope for the syren . But its time for a little sanding of some parts and I need to glue it . I post some photo of the rope later Svein.erik
  9. Hi thanks for likes, I working my way forward so I taking the task to make the margin plank, I wil plank the dekk with castello boxvood Svein.erik
  10. Hi, look at chuck 's syrenscompany (rope) Its the best on the market (I do think so) Svein.erik
  11. Thanks for the liks everyone, Wat did I do today 😃 I did conekted the wirering for some lights (lamps) And it looks grait ( better then the photo showes) But I think its going to be long time before I do this again 😰 its dam small and time consuming , it works and its dunn😃 Svein.erik
  12. Thanks everyone, Jim, I was thinking about that, I wil giv it a try (again 😰) Harley, it's always cleen.......... haha but I thing I need to, it's a mess😁 I wil post some New photo when I rigg the 2 lamps in the ship😉 Svein.erik
  13. And now, the finish result of the lanterns made from boxvood is small but it works, 3 more to go😀 Svein.erik
  14. Am now sitting and trying to make lanterns for my syren, 2 in the bulwarks at start, this has to be dunn before planking the dekk, its wery small so I do my best here😊 Svein.erik
  15. Thanks for the comments and likes, I have painted the casting for the stern gallery, the paint looks ok but the casting looks like ****, so I do need New one or make it my self, but how do I do that😲 Svein.erik
  16. If I cant do the task of plating the hull I May have to paint the hull 😨 Svein.erik
  17. Thanks for kind Word and likes, but the stamp in not my thing😲 it work at first, Then ......... Its making a mess, so I looking around the site and get a hint 😆 Making nails patten using derma rollor, so I order one and something else to go😉 It need to be rebuild a bit.
  18. Thanks for the likes Am know making copper stamp , I used needel for that and its stronger, I make a sample yust sto see how it looks , I think is ok (its my first time to copper plates 😲) Its know time to take on the gloves and make make make (port side first ) Svein.erik
  19. The stern photo in not a good one or ....... I did se it wen the ship is turnd (not upside) The plank where the ship name is going on has to be ripped of , New and thinner plank has to go in. OMG😬 I diddent se it ......... Svein.erik
  20. A little update on the syren ship The main rails are know on board on, I also dunn the scroll at the stern but insted of the gap where the ship name is I install a 1/8 plank so the name is going in this (later) is something new. Svein.erik
  21. Thanks for the likes😊 but no comments on the nailing the wil, LOL I havent drill the hole yet so I have some time to deside, there are no syren like this yet. I do like to do experimenting, its only my Mother in law's ship🙊 Svein.erik
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