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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. Greetings, I have attached the block to the hull, then I attached a piece of aluminum angle to the block, this bolts to the Wilton Power Arm. The best thing about having a power arm is you can move your work into any position needed. (See photos below). My first step will be to cut the shear into the deck, after that is complete I will start shaping the hull. Cheers, Tim
  2. Greetings, I have added a piece of plywood to the aft side if the chart house and added the steering box. Still have to add plywood to the top if the instrument panel and the leading edge of the wind shield. Cheers, Tim
  3. Greeting! All the lifts have been glued, the hull is ready to receive a piece of wood the will allow me to attach the hull to my Wilton Power Arm. Using the power arm makes the job of carving the hull much easier than if it was attached to a normal vice. I have added the outline to the backside if the hull. One step I have given myself an option with is the rudder, I can carve it into the hull or add it later as an addition. Cheers, Tim
  4. druxey, They are, they are.... I wan't to get started in on the fun ASAP, but I have one more lift to gule...
  5. Greetings, I currently have the next to last lift in place and clamped for drying. Cheers, Tim
  6. According to the web page September 2010 http://www.sailkarma.com/2010/09/lets-race.html Cheers, Tim
  7. I stumbled across this on the net while searching for more information for the Schooner Atlantic. It sure would have been great to be there and see these two square off! 3 masted schooner Creole vs 3 masted schooner Atlantic, this took place at "Les Voiles de Saint Tropez". Cheers, Tim
  8. Next two photos show the African Mahogany lifts. I will be using Mahogany from the water line down to the bottom of the keel, this area wont be painted. I intend this area to be natural wood, above the waterline will be painted with the schooners original hull color. Cheers, Tim I hope everyone in the U.S. is having a good Labor Day Weekend!
  9. Richard, I believe I'll pull up a chair and watch your build. I did a half hull of her about a month ago. I must say she is a beautiful craft, I look forward to watching your build. Cheers, Tim
  10. Jay, I didn't want to forget about you! If you wan't a sneak preview with half hulls check out my build log from the BlueJacket Kit Endeavour. Tim
  11. That's a beautiful area, I took my wife up to Maine shortly after we were married. We went in September to avoid all the summer people from Mass and Conn. I should have remembered from my Navy Days that the state rolls up the sidewalks after Memorial Day weekend! Oh well we had a great time any way and I had a good time showing her my old stomping grounds! Tim
  12. Thanks Wayne, I don't want to put anyone to sleep! Where are you at in Maine? I was stationed at NAS Brunswick photo lab from 1983 to 1987.
  13. I figure it's time I put a little work in on the Elco, I guess I've been spending too much time on the Atlantic half hull. I managed to get the remainder of the spray shields cut and they are now ready to be sized and glued into place. Cheers, Tim
  14. The photos below show the first three lifts glued and the fourth lift with glue applied and finally clamped to the top three lifts. Rather time consuming, but well worth it in the end. Cheers, Tim
  15. Elia, I totaly agree! I have the BlueJacket solid hull hit of her on my "Wish Lost".... I have to get much better at sticks and strings before I atempt anything like that kit! A beautiful shil to say the least! Cheers, Tim
  16. Last night I was able to get the first two lifts glued together, I'm working from the deck downward. I use standard wood glue on the lifts, then clamp them for 24 hours. Cheers, Tim
  17. Jay, I love the DeWalt planer, it's worth every penny and does a great job! Cheers, Tim
  18. Greetings, We have had great weather the last few days which gave me a chance to get outside and plane my wood. After I did my basic planing and cutting to size I still needed to plane each lift to the correct thickness. This last photo is of all the lifts at their correct thickness with the profile drawing of the Atlantic placed on top for size. My next step will be to cut each lift to the basic hull shape at it's corresponding position in the hull. Cheers, Tim
  19. Jay, I had not heard that, I sure hope someone picks them up. They are really good to work with! Tim
  20. Thanks Bob, I agree the lines are beautiful, I envy Jay (above), for having the kit possibly one day I'll have to add to my build list! Cheers, Tim
  21. Adam, Great repair job on the keel. A couple months back after returning from a model club meeting, my Elco PT Boat did a nose dive out the truck door onto the driveway and ended up exactly in the middle underneath the truck (Murphy's Law). I was almost sick to my stomach. As it turned out it wasn't as bad as I first thought. The fix only set me back a couple of days. As always, keep those photos rolling in! Tim
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